\caption{My table}
\textbf{Reason} & \multicolumn{1}{l}{\textbf{Explanation}} \\
\textbf{Advancement} & Individual seeks academic progress and wants to secure the best possible education for oneself \\
\textbf{Bandwagon Thinking} & Individual participates in private tutoring as a result of influence of parents, peers, societal trends and mass media \\
\textbf{Cookie-cutter} & Individual seeks one-shot solutions (ready-made answers, shortcuts, notes, question banks) to academic concerns \\
\textbf{Cutting edge} & \multicolumn{1}{l}{Individual seeks superiority over classmates/peers} \\
\textbf{Deficit-Oriented} & Individual recognizes academic inadequacies and lack of academic support at school/home, and seeks said support from tutoring providers \\
\textbf{Forward looking } & Individual seeks tangible and intangible benefits in the future (high academic ranks, good job, favourable social status) \\
,您可以自动将表格调整为当前文本宽度。在下面的 MWE 中,我还包含了第二个设计略有不同的表格:
\usepackage{calc} % for second example only
\usepackage{booktabs} % for second example only
\caption{My table}
\textbf{Reason} & \textbf{Explanation} \\
\textbf{Advancement} & Individual seeks academic progress and wants to secure the best possible education for oneself \\
\textbf{Bandwagon Thinking} & Individual participates in private tutoring as a result of influence of parents, peers, societal trends and mass media \\
\textbf{Cookie-cutter} & Individual seeks one-shot solutions (ready-made answers, shortcuts, notes, question banks) to academic concerns \\
\textbf{Cutting edge} & Individual seeks superiority over classmates/peers \\
\textbf{Deficit-Oriented} & Individual recognizes academic inadequacies and lack of academic support at school/home, and seeks said support from tutoring providers \\
\textbf{Forward looking } & Individual seeks tangible and intangible benefits in the future (high academic ranks, good job, favourable social status) \\
\caption{My table}
Reason & Explanation \\
Advancement & Individual seeks academic progress and wants to secure the best possible education for oneself \\
Bandwagon Thinking & Individual participates in private tutoring as a result of influence of parents, peers, societal trends and mass media \\
Cookie-cutter & Individual seeks one-shot solutions (ready-made answers, shortcuts, notes, question banks) to academic concerns \\
Cutting edge & Individual seeks superiority over classmates/peers \\
Deficit-Oriented & Individual recognizes academic inadequacies and lack of academic support at school/home, and seeks said support from tutoring providers \\
Forward looking & Individual seeks tangible and intangible benefits in the future (high academic ranks, good job, favourable social status) \\
\textbf{Reason} & \multicolumn{1}{l}{\textbf{Explanation}} \\
\textbf{Advancement} & Individual seeks academic progress and wants to secure the best possible education for oneself \\
\textbf{Bandwagon Thinking} & Individual participates in private tutoring as a result of influence of parents, peers, societal trends and mass media \\
\textbf{Cookie-cutter} & Individual seeks one-shot solutions (ready-made answers, shortcuts, notes, question banks) to academic concerns \\
\textbf{Cutting edge} & \multicolumn{1}{l}{Individual seeks superiority over classmates/peers} \\
\textbf{Deficit-Oriented} & Individual recognizes academic inadequacies and lack of academic support at school/home, and seeks said support from tutoring providers \\
\textbf{Forward looking } & Individual seeks tangible and intangible benefits in the future (high academic ranks, good job, favourable social status) \\