由于某种原因,我用 LaTeX 创建的简历的第一页不可见。我只能看到从“课外活动”开始的文本。有人能告诉我代码有什么问题吗?我很高兴知道!这是代码(我删除了关于我自己的个人信息并将其更改为 0):
%A Few Useful Packages
\usepackage{fontspec} %for loading fonts
\usepackage{xunicode,xltxtra,url,parskip} %other packages for formatting
\usepackage[big]{layaureo} %better formatting of the A4 page
% an alternative to Layaureo can be ** \usepackage{fullpage} **
\usepackage{supertabular} %for Grades
\usepackage{titlesec} %custom \section
%Setup hyperref package, and colours for links
\hypersetup{colorlinks,breaklinks,urlcolor=linkcolour, linkcolor=linkcolour}
%\setmainfont[SmallCapsFont = Fontin SmallCaps]{Fontin}
%%% modified for Karol Kozioł for ShareLaTeX use
SmallCapsFont = Fontin-SmallCaps.otf,
BoldFont = Fontin-Bold.otf,
ItalicFont = Fontin-Italic.otf
%CV Sections inspired by:
%Tweak a bit the top margin
%Italian hyphenation for the word: ''corporations''
%-------------WATERMARK TEST [**not part of a CV**]---------------
%no pagebreak
%artikel citen
\addbibresource{sample.bib} %Imports bibliography file
%start firstpage
\usepackage{atbegshi}% http://ctan.org/pkg/atbegshi
%--------------------BEGIN DOCUMENT----------------------
\pagestyle{empty} % non-numbered pages
%WATERMARK TEST [**not part of a CV**]---------------
%\font\wm=''Baskerville:color=787878'' at 8pt
%\font\wmweb=''Baskerville:color=FF1493'' at 8pt
% \begin{textblock}{1}(0,0)
% \rotatebox{-90}{\parbox{500mm}{
% Typeset by Alessandro Plasmati with \XeTeX\ \today\ for
% {\wmweb \href{http://www.aleplasmati.comuv.com}{aleplasmati.comuv.com}}
% }
% }
% \end{textblock}
\font\fb=''[cmr10]'' %for use with \LaTeX command
{\Huge 0 \textsc{0
%Section: Personal Data
\section{Personal Data}
\textsc{Place and Date of Birth:} & 0 | 0 \\
\textsc{Address:} & 0 \\
\textsc{Phone:} & 0\\
\textsc{email:} & \href{0}{0}
%Section: Education
\textsc{Sep 2020} & 0 (0) \\ & \emph{0} \\&\footnotesize{0.}\\\multicolumn{2}{c}{} \\
\textsc{Sep 2019 - Sep 2020} & 0 (0}\\\multicolumn{2}{c}{} \\
\textsc{Sep 2016 - Sep 2019} & 0 (0) \\&\emph{0}\\&\footnotesize{0} \\\multicolumn{2}{c}{}\\
\textsc{Sep 2009 - Jun 2015} & 0
\textsc{0} \\&\emph{0}\\\multicolumn{2}{c}{}\\\end{tabular}
%Section: Work Experience at the top
\section{Work Experience}
\textsc{Mar 2019 - Jul 2019} & 0
\\\textsc{ }&\emph{0} \\&\footnotesize{0.}\\\multicolumn{2}{c}{}
\\\textsc{Jan 2016 - Apr 2016} & 0\\&\footnotesize{0.}\\\multicolumn{2}{c}{} \\
\textsc{Nov 2015 - Apr 2019} & 0\\&\footnotesize{0}\\\end{tabular}\thispagestyle{empty}\end{absolutelynopagebreak}
%Section: Extracurricular activities
\section{Extracurricular Activities}
\textsc{Nov 2020} & 0\\&\emph{0}\\&\footnotesize{0}\\\multicolumn{2}{c}{} \\
\textsc{Jan 2014 - Nov 2020} & 0\\&\emph{0}\\&\footnotesize{0.}\\\multicolumn{2}{c}{} \\
\textsc{Sep 2018 - Sep 2019} & 0 \\&\emph{0}\\&\footnotesize{0}\\\multicolumn{2}{c}{} \\
\textsc{Sep 2018 - Sep 2019} & 0 \\&\emph{0}\\&\footnotesize{0.}
\\\multicolumn{2}{c}{} \\
\textsc{Dec 2017 - Mar 2018} & 0\\&\emph{0}\\&\footnotesize{0}\\
\multicolumn{2}{c}{} \\
\textsc{Oct 2015 - Jan 2016} & 0\\&\emph{0}\\&\footnotesize{0.}
\\\multicolumn{2}{c}{} \\
\textsc{Sep 2011 - Jul 2012} & 0\textsc{0}, \\&\emph{0}\\&\footnotesize{0.}
\\\multicolumn{2}{c}{} \\
%Section: Languages
\section{Interests and Activities}