每组包含不同的 1 个和 2 个条形的条形图

每组包含不同的 1 个和 2 个条形的条形图

我正在尝试创建一个包含 2 个条形图组和单个条形图的条形图。当我运行下面的代码时,单个条形图的 x 轴行情不显示。这是bar group size={0}{1}不允许的,还是我做错了什么?


    % #1: index in the group(0,1,2,...)
    % #2: number of plots of that group
    bar group size/.style 2 args={
        /pgf/bar shift={%
                % total width = n*w + (n-1)*skip
                % -> subtract half for centering
                -0.5*(#2*\pgfplotbarwidth + (#2-1)*\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/bar group skip})  + 
                % the '0.5*w' is for centering
                (.5+#1)*\pgfplotbarwidth + #1*\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/bar group skip}},%
    bar group skip/.initial=2pt,
    plot 0/.style={blue,fill=blue!30!white,mark=none},%
    plot 1/.style={red,fill=red!30!white,mark=none},%


        x tick label style={/pgf/number format/1000 sep=},
        x axis line style={opacity=0},
        legend style={at={(0.5,-0.15)},
        anchor=north,legend columns=0},
        bar width=15pt,
        nodes near coords,
        symbolic x coords={20 Q2,20 Q3,20 Q4,21 Q1,21 Q2,21 Q3,21 Q4,22 Q1},
        xtick=data ]
        \addplot[plot 0,bar group size={0}{2}]
        coordinates { (20 Q2,0.5) (20 Q3,1.2) (20 Q4, 2.4) (21 Q1,4.8) (21 Q2,9) (21 Q3,12) (21 Q4,30) (22 Q1,60)};

        \addplot[plot 0,bar group size={0}{1}] 
        coordinates { (21 Q1,6.2) (21 Q2,11.6) (21 Q3,22) (21 Q4,41.5) (22 Q1,78.3)};    


