



\renewenvironment{abstract} {\vspace*{-1pc}\trivlist\item[]\leftskip\oupIndent\hrulefill\par\vskip4pt\noindent\textbf{\abstractname}\mbox{\null}\\}{\par\noindent\hrulefill\endtrivlist} 
\linespread{1.13} \date{}

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% Tables

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\caption{Replication of Table 2 in Tabellini (2010) \label{tabellini}}
\toprule \toprule
                                            &\mc{(1)}                   &\mc{(2)}                       &\mc{(3)}                   &\mc{(4)}                   &\mc{(5)}                   &\mc{(6)}                   &\mc{(7)}\\
school                              &0.491\sym{***} &0.785\sym{***}     &0.374\sym{*}       &0.769\sym{***} &0.510\sym{***} &0.376\sym{*}       &0.523\sym{**} \\
                                        &(0.146)                    &(0.172)                        &(0.200)                    &(0.233)                    &(0.170)                    &(0.198)                    &0.244         \\
urb\_rate1850               &0.616\sym{***} &0.712\sym{***}     &0.615\sym{***} &0.708\sym{***} &0.805\sym{***} &0.616\sym{***} &0.741\sym{***}\\
                                        &(0.174)                    &(0.168)                        &(0.160)                    &(0.198)                    &(0.206)                    &(0.205)                    &0.151         \\
pc\_culture                     &0.578\sym{***} &                               &                           &                           &                           &                           &                     \\
                                        &(0.119)                    &                               &                           &                           &                           &                           &                     \\
pc\_culture\_pos                &                           &0.707\sym{***}     &                           &                           &                           &                           &                     \\
                                        &                           &(0.150)                        &                           &                           &                           &                           &                     \\
pc\_children                    &                               &                               &0.572\sym{***} &                           &                           &                           &                     \\
                                        &                           &                               &(0.186)                    &                           &                           &                           &                     \\
control                             &                           &                               &                           &1.359                  &                           &                           &                     \\
                                        &                           &                               &                           &(0.828)                    &                           &                           &                     \\
trust                                   &                           &                               &                           &                           &0.925\sym{**}      &                           &                     \\
                                        &                           &                               &                           &                           &(0.384)                    &                            &                     \\
obedience                       &                           &                               &                           &                           &                           &-0.929\sym{**}     &                     \\
                                        &                           &                               &                           &                           &                           &(0.456)                    &                     \\
respect                             &                           &                               &                           &                           &                           &                           &1.643\sym{***}\\
                                        &                               &                               &                           &                           &                           &                           &(0.512)         \\
\(N\)                               &\mc{69}                &\mc{69}                    &\mc{69}                &\mc{69}                &\mc{69}                &\mc{69}                &\mc{69}         \\[1ex]
Moran p--value              &\mc{[0.001]}           &\mc{[0.000]}               &\mc{[0.004]}           &\mc{[0.015]}           &\mc{[0.001]}           &\mc{[0.028]}           &\mc{[0.001]} \\
\bottomrule \bottomrule
      \item[]{{\it{Notes}:} The table replicates the estimation contained in Table 2 of Tabellini (2010). Robust standard errors are in the brackets. At the bottom of the table the p--values associtated to the Moran's I tests are reported in []. The null hypothesis of the test is the absence of a spatial dependence in the residuals. The tests are based on the on the usage of a spatial matrix, $\mathbf{W}$, which elements are the inverse of the distance between region $i$ and $j$, $\frac{1}{w_{ij}}$.\\
      *** $p<0.01$\\
      **{\phantom{*}} $p<0.05$ \\
      *{\phantom{**}} $p<0.10$ }\\


\caption{Estimation of the SARAR (1,1) model \label{sarardW}}
\toprule \toprule
                                        &\mc{(1)}                   &\mc{(2)}                   &\mc{(3)}                   &\mc{(4)}                   &\mc{(5)}                           &\mc{(6)}                   &\mc{(7)}\\
school                          &0.424\sym{**}      &0.680\sym{***} &0.306\sym{*}       &0.617\sym{**}      &0.361                              &0.322                  &0.405\sym{**}\\
                                    &(0.185)                    &(0.210)                    &(0.182)                    &(0.245)                    &(0.242)                            &(0.212)                    &(0.180)              \\
urb\_rate1850           &0.563\sym{***} &0.650\sym{***} &0.524\sym{***} &0.582\sym{***} &0.700\sym{***}         &0.565\sym{***} &0.619\sym{***}\\
                                    &(0.141)                    &(0.126)                    &(0.139)                    &(0.161)                    &(0.171)                            &(0.184)                    &(0.123)                 \\
pc\_culture                 &0.497\sym{***} &                           &                           &                           &                                   &                           &                     \\
                                    &(0.108)                    &                           &                           &                           &                                   &                           &                     \\
pc\_culture\_pos        &                           &0.658\sym{***} &                           &                           &                                   &                           &                     \\
                                    &                           &(0.118)                    &                           &                           &                                   &                           &                     \\
pc\_children                &                           &                           &0.494\sym{***} &                           &                                   &                           &                     \\
                                    &                           &                           &(0.171)                    &                           &                                   &                           &                     \\
control                         &                           &                           &                           &1.381\sym{**}      &                                   &                           &                     \\
                                    &                           &                           &                           &(0.688)                    &                                   &                           &                     \\
trust                               &                           &                           &                           &                           &0.969\sym{***}         &                           &                     \\
                                    &                           &                           &                           &                           &(0.313)                            &                           &                     \\
obedience                   &                           &                           &                           &                           &                                   &-0.505                     &                     \\
                                &                           &                           &                           &                           &                                   &(0.448)                    &                     \\
respect                         &                           &                           &                           &                           &                                   &                           &1.663\sym{***}\\
                                    &                           &                           &                           &                           &                                   &                           &(0.390)         \\
\(N\)                           &\mc{69}                &\mc{69}                &\mc{69}                &\mc{69}                &\mc{69}                        &\mc{69}                &\mc{69}     \\
$\zeta$                         &\mc{0.314}             &\mc{0.323}             &\mc{0.396}             &\mc{0.516}             &\mc{0.430}                     &\mc{0.469}             &   \mc{0.431}  \\
                                        &\mc{[0.040]}           &\mc{[0.021]}           &\mc{[0.010]}           &\mc{[0.001]}           &\mc{[0.006]}                   &\mc{[0.006]}           &\mc{[0.002]}\\
$\rho$                          &\mc{-1.924}            &\mc{-2.158}            &\mc{-1.865}            &\mc{-1.655}            &\mc{-1.820}                    &\mc{-1.506}            &\mc{-2.209}\\
                                        &\mc{[0.001]}           &\mc{[0.000]}           &\mc{[0.000]}           &\mc{[0.003]}           &\mc{[0.000]}                   &\mc{[0.009]}           &\mc{[0.000]}   \\
Wald test                       &\mc{[0.000]}           &\mc{[0.000]}           &\mc{[0.001]}           &\mc{[0.000]}           &\mc{[0.001]}                &\mc{[0.003]}          &\mc{ [0.000]}      \\
\bottomrule \bottomrule
      \item[]{{\it{Notes}:} The Table reports the estimations of the SARAR model in Eqs. (2) and (3). Analysis is performed using the spatial matrix, $\mathbf{W}$, which elements are the inverse of the distance between region $i$ and $j$, $\frac{1}{w_{ij}}$. Standard errors, reported in ( ), are robust to heteroskedasticity. P--values of the significance of the tests on $\zeta$ and $\rho$ and their joint significance are in [ ].   \\
      *** $p<0.01$\\
      **{\phantom{*}} $p<0.05$ \\
      *{\phantom{**}} $p<0.10$ }\\


\caption{Direct, indirect and total impact of culture on economic development  \label{DIT}}
\toprule \toprule
                                                        \Quad[6] &\mc{pc\_culture}  &\mc{pc\_culture\_pos}  &\mc{pc\_children}  &\mc{control}       &\mc{trust}             &\mc{obedience}     &\mc{respect}\\
Direct                                                                  &0.498\sym{***} &0.661\sym{***}             &0.497\sym{***}     &1.397\sym{**}  &0.976\sym{***} &-0.509                         &1.676\sym{***}             \\
                                                                            &(0.107)                        &(0.118)                                    &(0.171)                            &(0.693)                    &(0.315)                        &(0.450)                            &(0.388)                                    \\
Indirect                                                                &   0.198                           &0.274\sym{*}                       &0.282\sym{**}          &1.265                      &0.633                          &-0.385                         &1.090\sym{**}                  \\
                                                                            &(0.125)                        &(0.161)                                    &(0.161)                            &(0.889)                    &(0.439)                        &(0.354)                            &(0.518)                                    \\      
Total                                                                   &0.697\sym{***} &0.934\sym{***}             &0.779\sym{***}     &2.662\sym{*}       &1.609\sym{**}      &-0.895                         &2.765\sym{***}             \\
                                                                            &(0.154)                        &0.193                                      &(0.250)                            &(1.381)                    &(0.642)                        &(0.750)                            &(0.613)                                    \\                                                                      
\bottomrule \bottomrule
      \item[]{The Table decomposes the total effect of culture on economic development. The direct effect coincides with the coefficients reported in Table 2. \\
       *** $p<0.01$\\
      **{\phantom{*}} $p<0.05$ \\
      *{\phantom{**}} $p<0.10$ }\\


\caption{Estimation of the SARAR (1,1) model \label{sarardW}}
\toprule \toprule
                                        &\mc{(1)}                   &\mc{(2)}                   &\mc{(3)}                   &\mc{(4)}                   &\mc{(5)}                           &\mc{(6)}                   &\mc{(7)}
school                          &0.433\sym{**}      &0.495\sym{***} &0.821\sym{***} &0.350\sym{*}       &0.646\sym{**}              &0.401\sym{*}       &0.366\sym{*}           &0.493\sym{***}\\
                                    &(0.188)                    &(0.185)                    &(0.225)                    &(0.185)                    &(0.287)                            &(0.230)                    &(0.209)                        &(0.185)                \\
urb\_rate1850           &0.548\sym{***} &0.602\sym{***} &0.720\sym{***} &0.512\sym{***} &0.600\sym{***}         &0.733\sym{***} &0.608\sym{***}     &0.648\sym{***}\\
                                    &(0.142)                    &(0.141)                    &(0.124)                    &(0.134)                    &(0.161)                            &(0.175)                    &(0.203)                        &(0.116)                \\
pc\_culture                 &0.612\sym{***} &                           &                           &                           &                                   &                           &                               &                     \\
                                    &(0.121)                    &                           &                           &                           &                                   &                           &                               &                     \\
pc\_cultcond                &                           &0.538\sym{***} &                           &                           &                                   &                           &                               &                     \\
                                &                           &(0.144)                    &                           &                           &                                   &                           &                               &                     \\
pc\_culposcon           &                           &                           &0.739\sym{***} &                           &                                   &                           &                               &                     \\
                                    &                           &                           &(0.143)                    &                           &                                   &                           &                               &                     \\
pc\_childcond               &                           &                           &                           &0.538\sym{***} &                                   &                           &                               &                     \\
                                    &                           &                           &                           &(0.183)                    &                                   &                           &                               &                     \\
control\_cond               &                           &                           &                           &                           &1.342                          &                           &                               &                     \\
                                    &                           &                           &                           &                           &(1.015)                            &                           &                               &                     \\
trust\_cond                 &                           &                           &                           &                           &                                   &0.901\sym{**}      &                               &                     \\
                                    &                           &                           &                           &                           &                                   &(0.378)                    &                               &                     \\
obcond                          &                           &                           &                           &                           &                                   &                           &-0.186                         &                     \\
                                    &                           &                           &                           &                           &                                   &                           &(0.555)                        &                     \\
respect\_cond           &                           &                           &                           &                           &                                   &                           &                               &1.981\sym{***}\\
                                    &                           &                           &                           &                           &                                   &                           &                               &(0.339)         \\
\(N\)                           &\mc{69}                &\mc{69}                &\mc{69}                &\mc{69}                &\mc{69}                        &\mc{69}                &\mc{69}     \\
$\zeta$                         &\mc{0.314}             &\mc{0.323}             &\mc{0.396}             &\mc{0.516}             &\mc{0.430}                     &\mc{0.469}             &   \mc{0.431}  \\
                                        &\mc{[0.040]}           &\mc{[0.021]}           &\mc{[0.010]}           &\mc{[0.001]}           &\mc{[0.006]}                   &\mc{[0.006]}           &\mc{[0.002]}\\
$\rho$                          &\mc{-1.924}            &\mc{-2.158}            &\mc{-1.865}            &\mc{-1.655}            &\mc{-1.820}                    &\mc{-1.506}            &\mc{-2.209}\\
                                        &\mc{[0.001]}           &\mc{[0.000]}           &\mc{[0.000]}           &\mc{[0.003]}           &\mc{[0.000]}                   &\mc{[0.009]}           &\mc{[0.000]}   \\
Wald test                       &\mc{[0.000]}           &\mc{[0.000]}           &\mc{[0.001]}           &\mc{[0.000]}           &\mc{[0.001]}                &\mc{[0.003]}          &\mc{ [0.000]}      \\
\bottomrule \bottomrule
      \item[]{{\it{Notes}:} The Table reports the estimations of the SARAR model in Eqs. (2) and (3). Analysis is performed using the spatial matrix, $\mathbf{W}$, which elements are the inverse of the distance between region $i$ and $j$, $\frac{1}{w_{ij}}$. Standard errors, reported in ( ), are robust to heteroskedasticity. P--values of the significance of the tests on $\zeta$ and $\rho$ and their joint significance are in [ ].   \\
      *** $p<0.01$\\
      **{\phantom{*}} $p<0.05$ \\
      *{\phantom{**}} $p<0.10$ }\\

我不明白为什么表 3 是在表 4 之后报告的。对此有什么提示吗?


首先,您可以使用[!htbp][H] 代替,使表格显示在文档中的 [此处、顶部、底部、页面] 位置。此外,您的表格 3 没有这样的参数。因此请写入\begin{sidewaystable}[!htbp]。然后它应该可以工作。


