


我正在尝试创建一个表格,其中将列出一系列命令及其说明。为此,我需要能够使用多列和多行功能。此外,还有 toprule、midrule 和 bottomnrule。

问题是表格长度超过一页,所以我需要它继续到下一页。我找到了 longtable 包,但我似乎无法弄清楚如何整合我需要的所有功能并让它正常工作。

我将附上常规表格的代码。有人可以帮我将它转换为 longtable 并保持格式不变吗?如果有人能帮助我并解释它的工作原理,我将不胜感激,因为我想学习它以备将来使用。非常感谢!


\documentclass[10pt,english, openany, twoside]{book}


%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Loading packages that alter the style

% Set page margins
\usepackage[top=1in, bottom=1in, left=1in, right=1in]{geometry}

% Package used for placeholder text

% Prevents LaTeX from filling out a page to the bottom

% Adding both languages

% All page numbers positioned at the bottom of the page




% Adds table captions above the table per default

% Adds space between caption and table

% Adds hyperlinks to references and ToC
\hypersetup{hidelinks,linkcolor = black} % Changes the link color to black and hides the hideous red border that usually is created

%Document Styling% <---------%

\usepackage{mdframed} % This frames the sections. However, a command \begin{mdframed}[options] is needed
\usepackage{multicol} % To change column separation use: \setlength{\columnsep}{-3in}
\usepackage{enumitem} % This package removes the indent on the enumeated list. Allows for the command [Leftmargin=*]


%Graphics% <---------%



%Font% <---------%

\usepackage{textcomp} % 


%Mathematics% <---------%


%For Table%


    round-mode          = places, % Rounds numbers
    round-precision     = 2, % to 2 places


%dashed line




%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Starts the document
            \multicolumn{4}{c}{\textbf{Serial Command List}} \\
            \textbf{Name} & \textbf{Command} & \textbf{Reply} & \textbf{Description} \\
            Set Power & \texttt{\$P,n}  & \texttt{\$Pr} & \noindent\begin{tabular}{@{}l} 
                n = power percentage\\
                \phantom{n = }\textbf{Note}: Up to 3 digits and 2 decimal places. \\\\
                e.g. \colorbox{codegray}{\texttt{\$P,57.5}} sets power to 57.5\% \\\\
                r = ERROR CODE (0 if no error)
            \end{tabular} \\
            Set Power & \texttt{\$P,n}  & \texttt{\$Pr} & \noindent\begin{tabular}{@{}l} 
                n = power percentage\\
                \phantom{n = }\textbf{Note}: Up to 3 digits and 2 decimal places. \\\\
                e.g. \colorbox{codegray}{\texttt{\$P,57.5}} sets power to 57.5\% \\\\
                r = ERROR CODE (0 if no error)
            \end{tabular} \\
            Set Power & \texttt{\$P,n}  & \texttt{\$Pr} & \noindent\begin{tabular}{@{}l} 
                n = power percentage\\
                \phantom{n = }\textbf{Note}: Up to 3 digits and 2 decimal places. \\\\
                e.g. \colorbox{codegray}{\texttt{\$P,57.5}} sets power to 57.5\% \\\\
                r = ERROR CODE (0 if no error)
            \end{tabular} \\
            Set Power & \texttt{\$P,n}  & \texttt{\$Pr} & \noindent\begin{tabular}{@{}l} 
                n = power percentage\\
                \phantom{n = }\textbf{Note}: Up to 3 digits and 2 decimal places. \\\\
                e.g. \colorbox{codegray}{\texttt{\$P,57.5}} sets power to 57.5\% \\\\
                r = ERROR CODE (0 if no error)
            \end{tabular} \\
            Set Power & \texttt{\$P,n}  & \texttt{\$Pr} & \noindent\begin{tabular}{@{}l} 
                n = power percentage\\
                \phantom{n = }\textbf{Note}: Up to 3 digits and 2 decimal places. \\\\
                e.g. \colorbox{codegray}{\texttt{\$P,57.5}} sets power to 57.5\% \\\\
                r = ERROR CODE (0 if no error)
            \end{tabular} \\
            Set Power & \texttt{\$P,n}  & \texttt{\$Pr} & \noindent\begin{tabular}{@{}l} 
                n = power percentage\\
                \phantom{n = }\textbf{Note}: Up to 3 digits and 2 decimal places. \\\\
                e.g. \colorbox{codegray}{\texttt{\$P,57.5}} sets power to 57.5\% \\\\
                r = ERROR CODE (0 if no error)
            \end{tabular} \\
            Set Power & \texttt{\$P,n}  & \texttt{\$Pr} & \noindent\begin{tabular}{@{}l} 
                n = power percentage\\
                \phantom{n = }\textbf{Note}: Up to 3 digits and 2 decimal places. \\\\
                e.g. \colorbox{codegray}{\texttt{\$P,57.5}} sets power to 57.5\% \\\\
                r = ERROR CODE (0 if no error)
            \end{tabular} \\
            Set Power & \texttt{\$P,n}  & \texttt{\$Pr} & \noindent\begin{tabular}{@{}l} 
                n = power percentage\\
                \phantom{n = }\textbf{Note}: Up to 3 digits and 2 decimal places. \\\\
                e.g. \colorbox{codegray}{\texttt{\$P,57.5}} sets power to 57.5\% \\\\
                r = ERROR CODE (0 if no error)
            \end{tabular} \\
            Set Power & \texttt{\$P,n}  & \texttt{\$Pr} & \noindent\begin{tabular}{@{}l} 
                n = power percentage\\
                \phantom{n = }\textbf{Note}: Up to 3 digits and 2 decimal places. \\\\
                e.g. \colorbox{codegray}{\texttt{\$P,57.5}} sets power to 57.5\% \\\\
                r = ERROR CODE (0 if no error)
            \end{tabular} \\
            Set Power & \texttt{\$P,n}  & \texttt{\$Pr} & \noindent\begin{tabular}{@{}l} 
                n = power percentage\\
                \phantom{n = }\textbf{Note}: Up to 3 digits and 2 decimal places. \\\\
                e.g. \colorbox{codegray}{\texttt{\$P,57.5}} sets power to 57.5\% \\\\
                r = ERROR CODE (0 if no error)
            \end{tabular} \\
            Set Power & \texttt{\$P,n}  & \texttt{\$Pr} & \noindent\begin{tabular}{@{}l} 
                n = power percentage\\
                \phantom{n = }\textbf{Note}: Up to 3 digits and 2 decimal places. \\\\
                e.g. \colorbox{codegray}{\texttt{\$P,57.5}} sets power to 57.5\% \\\\
                r = ERROR CODE (0 if no error)
            \end{tabular} \\
        \caption{Serial Command List}





以下应该作为起点。我将标题移到了表格的开头。如果您希望列标题在表格的第二页及后续页面上重复,请查看 od\enfirstthead和 的区别\endhead


\documentclass[10pt,english, openany, twoside]{book}


%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Loading packages that alter the style
%\usepackage[]{color} %%% not needed. You already load xcolor.

% Set page margins
\usepackage[top=1in, bottom=1in, left=1in, right=1in]{geometry}

% Package used for placeholder text

% Prevents LaTeX from filling out a page to the bottom

% Adding both languages

% All page numbers positioned at the bottom of the page




% Adds table captions above the table per default

% Adds space between caption and table

%Document Styling% <---------%

%\usepackage{caption} % already loaded
\usepackage{mdframed} % This frames the sections. However, a command \begin{mdframed}[options] is needed
\usepackage{multicol} % To change column separation use: \setlength{\columnsep}{-3in}
\usepackage{enumitem} % This package removes the indent on the enumeated list. Allows for the command [Leftmargin=*]


%Graphics% <---------%

\usepackage{graphicx} % already loaded
%\usepackage{xcolor} % already loaded.


%Font% <---------%

%\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} % already loaded before
\usepackage{textcomp} % 
\hypersetup{hidelinks,linkcolor = black} 


%Mathematics% <---------%


%For Table%


    round-mode          = places, % Rounds numbers
    round-precision     = 2, % to 2 places
%\usepackage{colortbl} % already loaded by \usepackage[table]{xcolor}


\usepackage{longtable} % make sure to load longtable before arydshln!

%dashed line


%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Starts the document

                \caption{Serial Command List}
        \label{tab:command-list} \\
            \multicolumn{4}{c}{\textbf{Serial Command List}} \\
            \textbf{Name} & \textbf{Command} & \textbf{Reply} & \textbf{Description} \\
            Set Power & \texttt{\$P,n}  & \texttt{\$Pr} & \begin{tabular}{@{}r@{\;}l@{}} 
                                                            n = & power percentage\\
                                                                & \textbf{Note}: Up to 3 digits and 2 decimal places. \\\\
                                                            e.g.& \colorbox{codegray}{\texttt{\$P,57.5}} sets power to 57.5\% \\\\
                                                            r = & ERROR CODE (0 if no error)
            \end{tabular} \\
            Set Power & \texttt{\$P,n}  & \texttt{\$Pr} & \begin{tabular}{@{}l} 
                n = power percentage\\
                \phantom{n = }\textbf{Note}: Up to 3 digits and 2 decimal places. \\\\
                e.g. \colorbox{codegray}{\texttt{\$P,57.5}} sets power to 57.5\% \\\\
                r = ERROR CODE (0 if no error)
            \end{tabular} \\
            Set Power & \texttt{\$P,n}  & \texttt{\$Pr} & \noindent\begin{tabular}{@{}l} 
                n = power percentage\\
                \phantom{n = }\textbf{Note}: Up to 3 digits and 2 decimal places. \\\\
                e.g. \colorbox{codegray}{\texttt{\$P,57.5}} sets power to 57.5\% \\\\
                r = ERROR CODE (0 if no error)
            \end{tabular} \\
            Set Power & \texttt{\$P,n}  & \texttt{\$Pr} & \noindent\begin{tabular}{@{}l} 
                n = power percentage\\
                \phantom{n = }\textbf{Note}: Up to 3 digits and 2 decimal places. \\\\
                e.g. \colorbox{codegray}{\texttt{\$P,57.5}} sets power to 57.5\% \\\\
                r = ERROR CODE (0 if no error)
            \end{tabular} \\
            Set Power & \texttt{\$P,n}  & \texttt{\$Pr} & \noindent\begin{tabular}{@{}l} 
                n = power percentage\\
                \phantom{n = }\textbf{Note}: Up to 3 digits and 2 decimal places. \\\\
                e.g. \colorbox{codegray}{\texttt{\$P,57.5}} sets power to 57.5\% \\\\
                r = ERROR CODE (0 if no error)
            \end{tabular} \\
            Set Power & \texttt{\$P,n}  & \texttt{\$Pr} & \noindent\begin{tabular}{@{}l} 
                n = power percentage\\
                \phantom{n = }\textbf{Note}: Up to 3 digits and 2 decimal places. \\\\
                e.g. \colorbox{codegray}{\texttt{\$P,57.5}} sets power to 57.5\% \\\\
                r = ERROR CODE (0 if no error)
            \end{tabular} \\
            Set Power & \texttt{\$P,n}  & \texttt{\$Pr} & \noindent\begin{tabular}{@{}l} 
                n = power percentage\\
                \phantom{n = }\textbf{Note}: Up to 3 digits and 2 decimal places. \\\\
                e.g. \colorbox{codegray}{\texttt{\$P,57.5}} sets power to 57.5\% \\\\
                r = ERROR CODE (0 if no error)
            \end{tabular} \\
            Set Power & \texttt{\$P,n}  & \texttt{\$Pr} & \noindent\begin{tabular}{@{}l} 
                n = power percentage\\
                \phantom{n = }\textbf{Note}: Up to 3 digits and 2 decimal places. \\\\
                e.g. \colorbox{codegray}{\texttt{\$P,57.5}} sets power to 57.5\% \\\\
                r = ERROR CODE (0 if no error)
            \end{tabular} \\
            Set Power & \texttt{\$P,n}  & \texttt{\$Pr} & \noindent\begin{tabular}{@{}l} 
                n = power percentage\\
                \phantom{n = }\textbf{Note}: Up to 3 digits and 2 decimal places. \\\\
                e.g. \colorbox{codegray}{\texttt{\$P,57.5}} sets power to 57.5\% \\\\
                r = ERROR CODE (0 if no error)
            \end{tabular} \\
            Set Power & \texttt{\$P,n}  & \texttt{\$Pr} & \noindent\begin{tabular}{@{}l} 
                n = power percentage\\
                \phantom{n = }\textbf{Note}: Up to 3 digits and 2 decimal places. \\\\
                e.g. \colorbox{codegray}{\texttt{\$P,57.5}} sets power to 57.5\% \\\\
                r = ERROR CODE (0 if no error)
            \end{tabular} \\
            Set Power & \texttt{\$P,n}  & \texttt{\$Pr} & \noindent\begin{tabular}{@{}l} 
                n = power percentage\\
                \phantom{n = }\textbf{Note}: Up to 3 digits and 2 decimal places. \\\\
                e.g. \colorbox{codegray}{\texttt{\$P,57.5}} sets power to 57.5\% \\\\
                r = ERROR CODE (0 if no error)
            \end{tabular} \\

