如何在 B 处添加“直角符号”?
% Draw the triangle
\draw[fill=gray!10] (1, 0) coordinate (A)
-- node[left] {} (0,2) coordinate (C)
-- node[above right] {} (6,2) coordinate (B)
-- node[below] {} (1, 0);
%The right-angle mark at C is drawn.
% Draw nodes
\node at (A)[anchor=north] {$B$};
\node at (B)[anchor=north] {$C$};
\node at (C)[anchor=south] {$A$};
\newcommand*{\rechterWinkel}[3]{% #1 = point, #2 = start angle, #3 = radius
\draw[shift={(#2:#3)}] (#1) arc[start angle=#2, delta angle=90, radius = #3];
\fill[shift={(#2+45:#3/2)}] (#1) circle[radius=1.25\pgflinewidth];
% Draw the triangle
\draw[fill=gray!10] (1, 0) coordinate (A)
-- node[left] {} (0,2) coordinate (C)
-- node[above right] {} (6,2) coordinate (B)
-- node[below] {} (1, 0);
%The right-angle mark at C is drawn.
% Draw nodes
\node at (A)[anchor=north] {$B$};
\node at (B)[anchor=north] {$C$};
\node at (C)[anchor=south] {$A$};