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Due to the increasing demand of energy throughout the world during the past decades as well as the pollution provided by conventional energy resources, e.g. oil and coal, it is essential to develop renewable and clean energy resources. Solar energy as an eternal and promising energy source, which has a great potential 

\subsubsection{Mesh generation}

ANSYS, ICxy conventional energy resources, e.g. oil and coal, it is essential to develop renewable and clean eney conventional energy resources, e.g. oil and coal, it is essential to develop renewable and clean eney conventional energy resources, e.g. oil and coal, it is essential to develop renewable and clean enexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxximney portion and collective cover.
It is worth noting that the mesh independent study was done to obtain high quality mesh which rexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxy conventional energy resources, e.g. oil and coal, it is essential to develop renewable and clean enexxxxy conventional energy resources, e.g. oil and coal, it is essential to develop renewable and clean enexxxxxxy conventional energy resources, e.g. oil and coal, it is essential to develop renewable and clean enexxrtserysdgD hexahedral mesfhsfgfds satisfies the aforementioned condition.
\caption{ Paramfaaaaaavaluafserimental daffffffffffata and Numerical result}
  & \multicolumn{2}{c}{10 AM} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{12 PM} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{2 PM} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{4 PM} \\ \hline
 & \multicolumn{2}{c}{$I_{e}$ = 746.15 $W/m^{2}$} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{$I_{e}$ = 843sgsggg0 $W/m^{2}$} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{$I_{e}$ = 741.80 $W/m^{2}$} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{$I_{e}$ =  $W/m^{2}$} \\
 & \multicolumn{2}{c}{$q''$ = $W/m^{2}$} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{$q''$ = 247.99 $W/m^{2}$} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{$q''$ = 218.09 $W/m^{2}$} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{$q''$ = 131.44$W/m^{2}$} \\ \hline
  &  V$_{out}$ &      P    &    V$_{out}$   &          P   & V$_{out}$    &         P        &       V$_{out}$    & P \\ \hline
Experimental &          &       &          &     sdgsdg  &    afafd   &    26.28      &       5.91      &     fafafsa   \\
 Numerical &     6.82      &    24.76    &      8.44       &     33.51     &     6.97      &        236.20 &   6.73        &     15.30     \\ \hline
Error (\%)  &  2.29        &     5.78    &    5.27        &  4sgsgds    &      0.14       &   0.30        &  13.87         &      12.67
\label{Table 5}
\subsubsection{ Validation }

The Manzanarecccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccche numericaly conventional energy resources, e.g. oil and coal, it is essential to develop renewable and clean enezy conventional energy resources, e.g. oil and coal, it is essential to develop renewable and clean eney conventional energy resources, e.g. oil and coal, it is essential to develop renewable and clean ene was shdgssssssn Table \ref{Table 5}.


\subsection{  }



%Fig. a shows how the path lines (in red and blue) fill the sample domain area and follow the orientation vectors (black arrows) from the LSC solution. Fig. \ref{fig6}b is an image of the bottom layer of a sample 3D printed with short carbon fiber filled filament from the path lines shown in 

\section{Results and discussion}


Following are thesdgggggggggggggggggggggggggggarks for this staaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay:

  \item One entry in the list
  \item Another entry in the list

Future study will be designing a differsdgggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggdddnvestigate an experggggggggggggggggggggggggggstudy.

The authors would like to acknowledsdgggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggges to the instituggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggid flow maggggggggggggggggggggggggggr their provided facilities.



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\usepackage{mathtools}% supercede  amsmath
\usepackage{breqn}    % dont use it!
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\usepackage{stfloats}   % new, for placement figure*, table* on the same page where are inserted
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\usepackage[font=footnotesize]{caption, subcaption}


%\setlist[enumerate]{label*=\arabic*.} this is default setting

\newcommand\degrees[1]{\ensuremath{#1^\circ}} % better to use siunitx: \si{degree}

\newcommand\scalemath[2]{\scalebox{#1}{\mbox{\ensuremath{\displaystyle #2}}}}

%---------------- show page layout. don't use in a real document!




\subsubsection{Mesh generation}
\caption{Redesigned table by use of the \texttt{siunitx} package}
\begin{tabular}{@{} l *{8}{S[table-format=3.2]} @{}}
    &\mcc[2]{1} &\mcc[2]{1} &\mcc[2]{}  &\mcc[2]{}                          \\
    & \mcc[2]{$I_{e} = \SI{7415}{W/m^2}$} 
                    & \mcc[2]{$I_{e} = \SI{83}{W/m^2}$} 
                                    & \mcc[2]{$I_{e} = \SI{410}{W}$} 
                                                    & \mcc[2]{$I_{e} = \si{W/m^2}$}         \\
    & \mcc[2]{$q'' = \si{W/m^2}$} 
                    & \mcc[2]{$q'' = \SI{249}{W/m^2}$} 
                                    & \mcc[2]{$q'' = \SI{29}{W/m^2}$} 
                                                    & \mcc[2]{$q'' = \SI{131.44}{W/m^2}$}   \\
    & {$\mathrm{V_{out}}$} 
            &  P    & {$\mathrm{V_{out}}$}
                            & P     & {$\mathrm{V_{out}}$}
                                            &  P        & {$\mathrm{V_{out}}$}
                                                                    & P     \\ 
    &       &       &       &  1.23 &  4.56 &    26.28  &   5.91    & 21.09 \\
    & 6.82  & 246 & 8.& 1 &  7 &     &   6.73    & 150 \\ 
Error (\%)  
    &  2. &   &  7 &  4.00 &  &  0.0     &  13    & 12.67
\label{Table 5}

\subsubsection{ Validation }

\subsection{ ? }

Fig. a shows how the path lines (in red and blue) fill the sample domain area and follow the orientation vectors (black arrows) from the LSC solution. Fig. \ref{fig6}b is an image of the bottom layer of a sample 3D printed with short carbon fiber filled filament from the path lines shown in

\section{Results and discussion}

  \item One entry in the list
  \item Another entry in the list



