

有没有办法从命令窗口中的 MATLAB 输出生成表格并导出到 Overleaf Latex?在此处输入图片描述


有几种可能性。如果你不能修改 Matlab 代码来以某种方式生成变量或将表格写入现成的tabular代码,我想它们都涉及从命令窗口复制粘贴表格。


NS   Nt  max error  rate
4  500  5.29e-3
8  500  1.49e-3  1.027


NS &  Nt & max error & rate \\
4 &  500 & 5.29e-3
8 & 500 &  1.49e-3 & 1.027

并将其放入适当的tabular环境中。下面的代码示例中显示了两个示例。如果您有一个可以进行列编辑的文本编辑器(例如 Notepad++、Kile、Visual Studio Code),这些编辑会变得简单一些。

如果您想要更自动化的功能,例如可以使用包pgfplotstable。将表格复制到 中\pgfplotstableread,并对其进行一些修改:更改max error{max error},删除空行,然后添加{}空单元格。这也在下面的代码中进行了演示。


% Note two things here:
% - The column name with two words have { } around the two words
% - A {} is placed in the empty cell
  NS   Nt  {max error}  rate
  4  500  5.29e-3  {}
  64  500  1.49e-3  1.027


The most basic table:

    NS &  Nt & max error & rate \\ 
    4  & 500 & 5.29e-3 \\
    64  & 500 & 1.49e-3 &  1.027 


With siunitx for number parsing and printing, and booktabs for rules:

\begin{tabular}{S S S[table-format=1.2e1] S}
    {NS} &  {Nt} & {max error} & {rate} \\ \midrule
    4  & 500 & 5.29e-3 \\
    64  & 500 & 1.49e-3 &  1.027 \\


Semi-automatic with pgfplotstable

% add horizontal rules around first and last rows
every head row/.append style={
  before row={\toprule},
  after row={\midrule}
every last row/.append style={
  after row={\bottomrule}
% change how the numbers in the rate column is printed, to use three decimals
columns/rate/.style={/pgf/number format/precision=3}





% the following settings in \pgfplotstableset will apply to all tables made with \pgfplotstabletypeset
% If you prefer to add the settings to each individual table, like in
% my previous example, that's entirely up to you.
% add horizontal rules around first and last rows
every head row/.append style={
  before row={\toprule},
  after row={\midrule}
every last row/.append style={
  after row={\bottomrule}
% change how the numbers in the rate column is printed, to use three decimals
columns/rate/.style={/pgf/number format/precision=3}

% reading in data:
% Note some things here:
% - The column name with two words have { } around the two words
% - A {} is placed in the empty cell
% - Use different macro names for the different tables
  NS   Nt  {max error}  rate
  4  500  5.29e-3  {}
  64  500  1.49e-3  1.027

  NS   Nt  {max error}  rate
  8  500  9.29e-3  3.14466
  128  500  6.49e-3  1.027



\caption{Other stuff}
