如何删除使用 \longtable 的表格标题中的冒号并在标题之间添加一些空格?

如何删除使用 \longtable 的表格标题中的冒号并在标题之间添加一些空格?

我正在使用 UTM 的论文模板撰写论文。我该如何:

  1. 删除冒号
  2. 添加一些间距





    \@normalsize \normalsize

\renewcommand{\@seccntformat}[1]{\csname the#1\endcsname\qquad}

\usetikzlibrary{arrows, matrix, positioning, shapes, shapes.geometric, calc, intersections, decorations.pathreplacing}
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\usepackage{cite}                       % change  cite from [1,2,3] to [1-3] etc for number system
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%\input{Pictex.tex} % using pictex
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%   \frontmatter
%   \input{frontmatters/FrontTitle}
%   \input{frontmatters/Validation.tex}
%   \input{frontmatters/SupervisorDeclaration.tex}
%   \input{frontmatters/Title.tex}
%   \input{frontmatters/Declaration.tex}
%   \input{frontmatters/Dedication.tex}
%   \input{frontmatters/Acknowledgement.tex}
%   \input{frontmatters/Abstract.tex}
%   \input{frontmatters/Abstrak.tex}
%   \input{frontmatters/TableofContents(Final).tex}  
%   \input{frontmatters/ListofTables(Final).tex} 
%   \input{frontmatters/ListofFigures(Final).tex}  
%   \input{frontmatters/ListofAbbreviations.tex}
%   \input{frontmatters/ListofSymbols.tex}
%   \input{frontmatters/ListofAppendix.tex}
    \chapter{Introduction}          %Chapter 1
        \caption{APD at the sensor on $MC_{t=1}$}
        \textbf{Sensor }    &   \textbf{X}  &   \textbf{Y}  &   \textbf{APD} \\
        {\tablename\ \thetable\ -- \textit{Continued from the previous page}} \\
        \textbf{Sensor }    &   \textbf{X}  &   \textbf{Y}  &   \textbf{APD} \\
        \hline \multicolumn{4}{r}{\textit{Continued on next page}} \\
        $F_{pz}$    & $7.68$    & $0$       & $0$           \\ 
        $F_{p1}$    & $7.3041$  & $2.3733$  & $52.02898438$ \\ 
        $F_{p2}$    & $7.3041$  & $-2.3733$ & $6.779648438$ \\
        $F_{3}$     & $3.3691$  & $3.3691$  & $19.26382813$ \\ 
        $F_{4}$     & $3.3691$  & $-3.3691$ & $9.716523438$ \\ 
        $C_{3}$     & $0$       & $3.1812$  & $49.30257813$ \\
        $C_{4}$     & $0$       & $-3.1812$ & $16.01148438$ \\ 
        $P_3$       & $-3.3691$ & $3.3691$  & $37.73242188$ \\ 
        $P_4$       & $-3.3691$ & $-3.3691$ & $6.303164063$ \\
        $O_1$       & $-7.3041$ & $2.3733$  & $3.56859375$  \\ 
        $O_2$       & $-7.3041$ & $-2.3733$ & $12.700625$   \\ 
        $F_7$       & $4.5142$  & $6.2133$  & $15.66375$    \\
        $F_8$       & $4.5142$  & $-6.2133$ & $2.464921875$ \\ 
        $T_3$       & $0$       & $7.68$    & $15.07421875$ \\ 
        $T_4$       & $0$       & $-7.68$   & $15.63382813$ \\
        $T_5$       & $-4.5142$ & $6.2133$  & $4.565429687$ \\ 
        $T_6$       & $-4.5142$ & $-6.2133$ & $5.765625$    \\ 
        $F_z$       & $3.1812$  & $0$       & $12.84117188$ \\
        $C_z$       & $0$       & $0$       & $8.29734375$  \\
        $P_z$       & $-3.1812$ & $0$       & $4.4128125$   \\
        $O_z$       & $-7.68$   & $0$       & $0$   
%   \input{chapters/chap2.tex}          %Chapter 2
%   \input{DummyChapter.tex}
%   \input{chapters/chap3.tex}          %Chapter 3
%   \input{DummyChapter.tex}
%   \input{chapters/chap4.tex}          %Chapter 4
%   \input{DummyChapter.tex}
%   \input{chapters/chap5.tex}          %Chapter 5
%   \input{DummyChapter.tex}
%   \input{chapters/chap6.tex}      %Chapter 6
%   \input{ThesisRefUTMn(Final).tex}%
%   \input{DummyChapter.tex}
%   \input{backmatter/ListofPublications}
%   \input{DummyChapter.tex}
%   \input{appendices/AppendixA.tex}
%   \input{DummyChapter.tex}
%   \pagebreak
%   \input{appendices/AppendixB.tex}
%   \input{DummyChapter.tex}
%   \input{appendices/AppendixC.tex}
%   \backmatter








% The package UTMthesis.sty will produce the output    %
% of a thesis according to UTM Thesis Manual,          %     
% School of Graduate Studies, 2007.                    %
% Yusof Yaacob, Department of Mathematical Sciences,             %
% Faculty of Science,  Universiti Teknologi Malaysia   %
% 81310 Johor Bahru, Malaysia                          %
% e-mail: [email protected]                               %
% 24 December 2009                                     %
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% Theorem-Like-Environment
\newtheorem{remark}{Remark} }





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\usepackage{siunitx}            % new
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\usepackage{lipsum}         % for dummy text filler

    \chapter{Introduction}      % Chapter 1
\lipsum[1][1-4]                 % dummy text  
                          S[table-format= 2.9]}
    \caption{APD at the sensor on $MC_{t=1}$}
        \textbf{Sensor} & {\textbf{X}} & {\textbf{Y}} & {\textbf{APD}} \\
    \caption[]{ -- \textit{Continued from the previous page}} \\
        \textbf{Sensor} & {\textbf{X}} & {\textbf{Y}} & {\textbf{APD}} \\
        \multicolumn{4}{r}{\textit{Continued on the next page}} \\
        F_{pz}    & 7.68    & 0       & 0           \\
        F_{p1}    & 7.3041  & 2.3733  & 52.02898438 \\
        F_{p2}    & 7.3041  & -2.3733 & 6.779648438 \\
        F_{3}     & 3.3691  & 3.3691  & 19.26382813 \\
        F_{4}     & 3.3691  & -3.3691 & 9.716523438 \\
        C_{3}     & 0       & 3.1812  & 49.30257813 \\
        C_{4}     & 0       & -3.1812 & 16.01148438 \\
        P_3       & -3.3691 & 3.3691  & 37.73242188 \\
        P_4       & -3.3691 & -3.3691 & 6.303164063 \\
        O_1       & -7.3041 & 2.3733  & 3.56859375  \\
        O_2       & -7.3041 & -2.3733 & 12.700625   \\
        F_7       & 4.5142  & 6.2133  & 15.66375    \\
        F_8       & 4.5142  & -6.2133 & 2.464921875 \\
        T_3       & 0       & 7.68    & 15.07421875 \\
        T_4       & 0       & -7.68   & 15.63382813 \\
        T_5       & -4.5142 & 6.2133  & 4.565429687 \\
        T_6       & -4.5142 & -6.2133 & 5.765625    \\
        F_z       & 3.1812  & 0       & 12.84117188 \\
        C_z       & 0       & 0       & 8.29734375  \\
        P_z       & -3.1812 & 0       & 4.4128125   \\
        O_z       & -7.68   & 0       & 0

题外话:对于数字列,我建议使用包S中定义的列类型。使用它,您可以考虑使用列选项siunitx将最后一列中的数字四舍五入为例如只有 6 位小数:S

                          S[table-format= 2.9,

