调整表格文本左对齐 - latex

调整表格文本左对齐 - latex


  \caption[Features for Classifications]{\small Features for Classifications}
      \hline \textbf{Type} &  & \textbf{Features} \\ 
        \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}Context \\Based \\Features \end{tabular}
        &\begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}F1 \\F2\\ F3\\ F4\\ F5\\ F6\\ F7\\ F8\end{tabular} 
            Total number of citations received by a reference \\ Number of citations from the     current paper to the cited paper\\ Citations in introduction section\\ Citations in literature review section\\ Citations in method section\\ Citations in experiment section\\ Citations in discussion section\\ Citations in conclusion section
          \end{tabular} \\ 
     \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}Cue \\ Words \\Based \\Features \end{tabular} 
      & \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}c@{}}F9 \\ F10\\ F11\\F12\end{tabular}
      & \begin{tabular}[l]{@{}l@{}}Cue words for Related work citations       \\ Cue words for Comparative citations\\ Cue words for Using the existing work\\ Cue words for Extending the existing work\end{tabular} \\ \hline
      \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}Textual \\Features \end{tabular} & \begin{tabular}    [c]{@{}l@{}}F13 \\ F14\\\\\end{tabular} & \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}Similarity between the abstract of cited paper and text of citing paper\\ Author overlap -we set it to TRUE if the cited paper and citing paper\\ share at least one common author\end{tabular}  \\\hline
  \label{tab: 1}







%%% Used in both examples:

%%% Used only in the first example:

  \caption[Features for Classifications]{Features for Classifications}  
  \label{tab: 1}
      \textbf{Type} &  & \textbf{Features} \\ 
      \multirow{9}{*}{\makecell{Context\\ Based\\ Features}}
            & F1 & Total number of citations received by a reference \\ 
            & F2 & Number of citations from the current paper to the cited paper\\
            & F3 &  Citations in introduction section\\ 
            & F4 & Citations in literature review section\\ 
            & F5 & Citations in method section\\ 
            & F6 & Citations in experiment section\\ 
            & F7 & Citations in discussion section\\ 
            & F8 & Citations in conclusion section \\
       \multirow{4}{*}{\makecell{Cue\\ Words\\ Based\\ Features}}
          & F9 & Cue words for Related work citations \\ 
          & F10 & Cue words for Comparative citations\\ 
          & F11 & Cue words for Using the existing work\\ 
          & F12 & Cue words for Extending the existing work \\
       \multirow{5}{*}{\makecell{Textual\\ Features}}
          & F13 & Similarity between the abstract of cited paper and text of citing paper\\ 
          & F14 & Author overlap -we set it to TRUE if the cited paper and citing paper\\ 
          & F15 & share at least one common author \\

  \caption[Features for Classifications]{Features for Classifications}
  \label{tab: 1}
      \multicolumn{2}{@{}l}{Context Based Features}\\
            F1 & Total number of citations received by a reference \\ 
            F2 & Number of citations from the current paper to the cited paper\\
            F3 &  Citations in introduction section\\ 
            F4 & Citations in literature review section\\ 
            F5 & Citations in method section\\ 
            F6 & Citations in experiment section\\ 
            F7 & Citations in discussion section\\ 
            F8 & Citations in conclusion section \\
      \multicolumn{2}{@{}l}{Cue Words Based Features}\\
          F9 & Cue words for Related work citations \\ 
          F10 & Cue words for Comparative citations\\ 
          F11 & Cue words for Using the existing work\\ 
          F12 & Cue words for Extending the existing work \\ 
      \multicolumn{2}{@{}l}{Textual Features}\\
          F13 & Similarity between the abstract of cited paper and text of citing paper\\ 
          F14 & Author overlap -we set it to TRUE if the cited paper and citing paper\\ 
          F15 & share at least one common author \\



\usepackage{caption, tabularx, multirow, makecell}



  \caption[Features for Classifications]{\small Features for Classifications}
  \label{tab: 1}
      \hline \textbf{Type} & & \textbf{Features} \\
    \multirowcell{8}{Context \\ Based \\Features} & F1 & Total number of citations received by a reference \\
    & F2 & Number of citations from the current paper to the cited paper\\
    & F3 & Citations in introduction section\\
    & F4 & Citations in literature review section\\
    & F5 & Citations in method section\\
    & F6 & Citations in experiment section\\
    & F7 & Citations in discussion section\\
    & F8 & Citations in conclusion section \\
    \multirowcell{4}{Cue \\ Words \\Based \\Features} & F9 & Cue words for Related work citations \\
    & F10 & Cue words for Comparative citations\\
    & F11 & Cue words for Using the existing work \\
    & F12 & Cue words for Extending the existing work \\
    \multirowcell{4}{Textual \\Features} & F13 & Similarity between the abstract of cited paper and text of citing paper \\
    & F14 & Author overlap – we set it to TRUE if the cited paper and citing paper share at least one common author \\ \hline


