


现在,我将每个附录作为一个带有大写字母字符的部分。查看目录,我想将“第一章的 A 表”更改为“第一章的附录 A 表”。同样,我希望该部分的标题(最后一页)也做出完全相同的更改。最后,我希望每个表格和图表的标题保持原样,即不包含“附录”一词。

详细信息:我正在使用 msuphddissertation 类文件,其结构为回忆录。类文件的内容位于包含示例论文的 tex 文件下方。







\section{Tables for Chapter One}

\caption{Intestesting First Table}
\begin{tabular}{l*{4}{c}} \hline\hline
Var1 & 1.00 & 1.00 & 1.00 & 1.00\\


================================================= 类文件:

% MSU Ph.D Dissertation class file
% Copyright by Clifford E. Weil and MSU Board of Trustees 2010
% This file must not to alter or distributed.
% New users should download the latest distribution from
% http://www.math.msu.edu/~weil/MSU_Ph.D._Dissertation.zip

% Report bugs to Clifford Weil ([email protected]).
% Latest revision 8/12/13 
% Identification

% Bring in the regular book class

% Bring in needed packages

% Change to double spacing as defined by MS Word
% Redefine the \doublspacing command
  \setstretch {1.9}%  default
  \ifcase \@ptsize \relax % 10pt
    \setstretch {1.9}%
  \or % 11pt
    \setstretch {1.9}%
  \or % 12pt
    \setstretch {1.9}%

% Number all levels of document divisions

% Set depth of table of contents

% Set second level of sub(super) scripts to 10 pt.
% Thanks to Lee Larson for this fix.
% Set footnote font size to 12pt.

% Define the command \unit 

%Define the Title Page



    Submitted to \\
    Michigan State University \\
   in partial fulfillment of the requirements \\
   for the degree of 

     \fromunit % Inserts unit name and degree type%


% Define the command \abstractname

%Define the abstract environment for the dissertation
         \bfseries \abstractname\vspace{\baselineskip}






% Define the Copyright Page
     Copyright by\\

% Define the Dedication Page

% Define the Acknowledgement Page
     { \end{doublespace}\thispagestyle{plain}

% Define the Preface Page

% Redefine the \chapter command to put "Chapter" 
% before each chapter entry in the ToC and to put
% "Appendix" before each appendix entry in the ToC.
% Move up to top of page.
% Replaced \chaptername by \@chapapp 7-26-12
% Added \singlespacing command after \typeout 2/27/2014
\def\@chapter[#1]#2{\ifnum \c@secnumdepth >\m@ne

% Rededefine the table of contents command 
\renewcommand\contentsname{TABLE OF CONTENTS}
    \chapter*{\vspace{-2.5\baselineskip}\centerline{\large \MakeUppercase\contentsname}



%  Define the \LOT command to augment the \listofftables command
\renewcommand\listtablename{LIST OF TABLES}
   \chapter*{\vspace{-2.5\baselineskip}\centerline{\large \MakeUppercase
   \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\textbf{LIST OF TABLES}\vspace{\baselineskip}}%


    \renewcommand{\cfttabpresnum}{Table }     

% Define the \LOF command to augment the \listoffigures command
\renewcommand\listfigurename{LIST OF FIGURES}
   \chapter*{\vspace{-2.5\baselineskip}\centerline{\large \MakeUppercase\listfigurename}} 
   \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\textbf{LIST OF FIGURES}\vspace{\baselineskip}}%


    \renewcommand{\cftfigpresnum}{Figure }     

% Define the Abbreviations Page
    \newcommand{\keyname}{Key to Symboles and Abbreviations}
        %{\textbf{\keyname}\textmd{\leaders\hbox to 1em{\hss.\hss}\hfill}}

% Single space quotation environments.
               {\begin{singlespace}\list{}{\listparindent 1.5em%
                        \itemindent    \listparindent
                        \rightmargin   \leftmargin
                        \parsep        \z@ \@plus\p@}%

% Redefine the \appendix command to replace "Chapter"
% by "Appendix" for appendices in the ToC 
%%  The next three lines added 8-2-12
%\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\textbf{\appname}\textmd{\leaders\hbox to 1em{\hss.\hss}\hfill}}                

% Single space the bibliography
      {    \clearpage
          \Huge \textbf{\MakeUppercase{\bibname}}
         % \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\textbf{\bibname}\textmd{\leaders\hbox to 1em{\hss.\hss}\hfill}
      \@clubpenalty \clubpenalty
       {\@latex@warning{Empty `thebibliography' environment}}%

% Define the msulandscape environment.
    \pdfpageattr{/Rotate 90}

% Define the lscapenum environment.
   \fancyhead{} % clear all header fields
   \fancyfoot{} % clear all footer fields

% Set the starting page style



  \protect\renewcommand\protect\cftsecpresnum{Appendix }% Prepend Appendix
  \protect\setlength\protect\cftsecnumwidth{6em}% Adjust width of section number in ToC
\renewcommand{\@seccntformat}[1]{Appendix~\csname the#1\endcsname \quad}

第一个\addtocontents{toc}{...}部分将适当的更改放入 ToC 文件中。更具体地说,它在每个部分编号前面加上Appendix并提供部分编号宽度的调整(因为它现在Appendix也包含单词)。第二个部分将部分编号格式\@seccntformat添加Appendix~到前面(适用于所有部分单元。也许这就足够了。
