




请考虑 MWE:


A sentence.\footnote{Footnote.}
A sentence.\footnote{Another footnote.}

\vskip 15pt

Now I would like to switch to vertically displayed footnotes.\footnote{This is a longer footnote and so I would like to display it in the standard (vertical) manner.}

\vskip 10pt

Similarly,\footnote{This is another long footnote and would like to present it in a vertical manner.}

\vskip 10pt

Another sentence.\footnote{And I would like to be able to switch back to paragraph footnotes if I should encounter a series of short footnotes within the same document.} 






该类( 、和memoir的超集)提供了多种脚注样式。bookreportarticle

% footnoteprob2.tex SE 584269



A sentence.\footnote{Footnote.}
A sentence.\footnote{Another footnote.}

\vskip 15pt

Now I would like to switch to vertically displayed footnotes.\footnote{This is a longer footnote and so I would like to display it in the standard (vertical) manner.}

\vskip 10pt

Similarly,\footnote{This is another long footnote and would like to present it in a vertical manner.}

\vskip 10pt

Another sentence.\footnote{And I would like to be able to switch back to paragraph footnotes if I should encounter a series of short footnotes within the same document.} 


几个潜在的问题。如果页面上有多种脚注样式,则可能会出现奇怪的效果,如图所示。该memoir article选项假定为\chapter等,但将\chapter其视为\section


我认为,这很好用。 notes 命令前必须有一个空格。

    \newcommand{\vertical}[1]{\blfootnote{-----\hfill}\hskip-0.3em\footnote{\vtop{#1\vskip\baselineskip}\hfill }}
In diesem Text \horizontal{Erste horizontale Fußnote} sind Fußnoten enthalten, Er soll zeigen, wie horizontale \horizontal{Zweite horizontale Fußnote} und vertikale Fußnoten gleichzeitig \horizontal{Dritte horizontale Fußnote} verwirklicht \horizontal{Vierte horizontale Fußnote}werden können\horizontal{Fünfte horizontale Fußnote}.

Hier kommt jetzt eine vertikale Fußnote dazu \vertical{Erste vertikale Fußnote}. Dann geht es im Text weiter und man wird sehen, wie sich alles entwickelt \vertical{Zweite vertikale Fußnote}. Gibt es noch Probleme, so soll man sie lösen \vertical{Dritte vertikale Fußnote}\dots
In diesem Text \horizontal{Horizontale Fußnote} sind Fußnoten enthalten, Er soll zeigen, wie horizontale \horizontal{Horizontale Fußnote} und vertikale Fußnoten gleichzeitig \horizontal{Horizontale Fußnote} verwirklicht \horizontal{Horizontale Fußnote}werden können\horizontal{Horizontale Fußnote}.\vertical{Vierte vertikale Fußnote}



    \newcommand{\vertical}[1]{\blfootnote{\hskip1em\hfill}\hskip-0.3em\footnote{\vtop {#1\vskip\baselineskip}\hfill }}
\newcommand{\paranote}[2]{\ifnum #1=1 \horizontal{#2}\fi\ifnum #1=2 \vertical{#2}\fi}
A sentence.\paranote{1}{Footnote.}
A sentence.\paranote{1}{Another footnote.}

Now I would like to switch to vertically displayed footnotes.\paranote{2}{This is a longer footnote and so I would like to display it in the standard (vertical) manner.}

Similarly,\paranote{2}{This is another long footnote and would like to present it in a vertical manner.}

\vskip 10pt

Another sentence.\paranote{1}{And I would like to be able to switch back to paragraph footnotes if I should encounter a series of short footnotes within the same document.} 
Another sentence.\paranote{1}{And I would like to be able to switch back to paragraph footnotes if I should encounter a series of short footnotes within the same document.} 



