使用 Latexmk 禁止建立参考书目

使用 Latexmk 禁止建立参考书目

即使没有\bibliography命令,Latexmk 显然也会强制建立参考书目。



Running 'bibtex  "main"'
Latexmk: applying rule 'bibtex main'...
For rule 'bibtex main', running '&run_bibtex(  )' ...
This is BibTeX, Version 0.99d (TeX Live 2019)
The top-level auxiliary file: main.aux
A level-1 auxiliary file: ch-copyright.aux
I found no \citation commands---while reading file main.aux
I found no \bibdata command---while reading file main.aux
I found no \bibstyle command---while reading file main.aux
(There were 3 error messages)
Latexmk: Use the -f option to force complete processing,
 unless error was exceeding maximum runs, or warnings treated as errors.
Latexmk: Errors, so I did not complete making targets

我正在使用 VS Code 来构建 pdf。
