在 Lettrine 信件中添加开头的一对引号

在 Lettrine 信件中添加开头的一对引号


    \input GoudyIn.fd
    ``\lettrine[lines=3]{\color{red}\initfamily{T}}{\color{red}\textbf{his}} is one sentence in the paragraph. This is one sentence in the paragraph. This is one sentence in the paragraph. This is one sentence in the paragraph. This is one sentence in the paragraph. This is one sentence in the paragraph. This is one sentence in the paragraph. This is one sentence in the paragraph. This is one sentence in the paragraph. {\textcolor{red}{I would like to add appropriately sized \textit{opening double quotes} to the Lettrine `T'}.} '' 



问题:是否有可能以方便的方式在段落中包含适当大小的开头引号(在本例中为红色) - 而不必在文档的其他地方生成它们,然后通过一组 \hskip(s) 和 \vskip(s) 将它们移动到位?




\input GoudyIn.fd

\def\frenchquote{\raisebox{-\baselineskip}{\Large «\,}}
\def\curlyquote{\Large “\,}
\lettrine[ante=\frenchquote, lines=3, findent=.5em, nindent=0em]
is one sentence in the paragraph. 
This is one sentence in the paragraph. 
This is one sentence in the paragraph. 
This is one sentence in the paragraph. 
This is one sentence in the paragraph. 
This is one sentence in the paragraph. 
This is one sentence in the paragraph. 
This is one sentence in the paragraph. 
This is one sentence in the paragraph.


\lettrine[ante=\curlyquote, lines=3, findent=.5em, nindent=0em]
is one sentence in the paragraph. This is one sentence in the paragraph. 
This is one sentence in the paragraph. 
This is one sentence in the paragraph. 
This is one sentence in the paragraph. 
This is one sentence in the paragraph. 
This is one sentence in the paragraph. 
This is one sentence in the paragraph. 
This is one sentence in the paragraph.


