

我正在使用 Elsevier 模板撰写稿件。我需要摘要采用双倍行距。最后,在尝试了各种选项来设置摘要的行距后,摘要终于变成了双倍行距。但是,我的摘要现在以“doublespace”一词开头。为什么会发生这种情况以及如何删除它?


%% Copyright 2019 Elsevier Ltd
%% This file is part of the 'CAS Bundle'.
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%% Template article for cas-dc documentclass for 
%% double column output.

\documentclass[a4paper,fleqn]{cas-sc} %cas-dc for double columns

\usepackage[authoryear, round]{natbib}

\usepackage{setspace} % line spacing set at introduction

\shortauthors{F. Bar et~al}

\title [mode = title]{Title}                      

 $\leftarrow$ Look at what my abstract starts with... % my problem (see screen clipping)

A \sep 




