

我想改变颜色和厚度单身的 \hline在一个单身的桌子。

在他的回答中如何同时改变表格上 \hline 的粗细和颜色?,Heiko Oberdiek 发出命令\noalign{\global\arrayrulewidth=1mm},但全部后续\hline也将采用相同的格式。


以下是 MWE:

    %\usepackage{colortbl}%Automatically loaded by the option ``table'' in xcolor.  
    \begin{tabular}{@{} lclcc @{}}
            \colorbox{green}{Input}: You tell me: 
        &   \hspace{3mm}then\hspace{3mm}
        &   \colorbox{pink}{Output}: I'll tell you:
            \colorbox{green}{The company you keep}
        &   \colorbox{pink}{what you are}
        &   (Dutch)
\arrayrulecolor{white} \hline
            \colorbox{green}{Who's your friend}
        &   \colorbox{pink}{who you are}
        &   (Russian)
\arrayrulecolor{white} \hline
%   %Row3
            \colorbox{green}{Your company}
        &   \colorbox{pink}{who you are}
        &   (Irish)
\noalign{\global\arrayrulewidth=1mm}%Heiko Oberdiek at \url{https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/337788/how-do-i-change-the-thickness-and-color-of-hline-on-a-table-simultaneously}
\arrayrulecolor{white} \hline
%   %Row4
            \colorbox{green}{What you are eager to buy}
        &   \colorbox{pink}{what you are}
        &   (Mexican)
\arrayrulecolor{white} \hline
            \colorbox{green}{With whom you go}
        &   \colorbox{pink}{what you do}
        &   (English)
            \colorbox{green}{Who your father is}
        &   \colorbox{pink}{who you are}
        &   (Philippine) 
\arrayrulecolor{white} \hline
            \colorbox{green}{What you eat}
        &   \colorbox{pink}{what you are}
        &   (French) 


  \begin{tabular}{@{} |c|ccccc| @{}}
 \multicolumn{1}{c|}{likes}   & \colorbox{pink}{walking} & \colorbox{pink}{playing music} & \colorbox{pink}{playing chess} & \colorbox{pink}{reading}& \colorbox{pink}{learning calculus} \\ 
    \colorbox{green}{Andy} & yes & yes & no & no & no \\ 
    \colorbox{green}{Beth} & no & no & no & no & no \\ 
    \colorbox{green}{Cathy} & yes & no & no & yes & yes \\ 

其 PDF 版本如下: 在此处输入图片描述



%\usepackage{colortbl}%Automatically loaded by the option ``table'' in xcolor.  

        dashed 1/.style = 
            red ,
            %        dash pattern = on 2pt off 3pt ,
            line width = 3 pt 
        } ,
        dashed 2/.style = 
            blue ,
            %        dash pattern = on 1pt off 1pt ,
            line width = 3pt 
\begin{NiceTabular}{@{} lclcc @{}}
        \colorbox{green}{Input}: You tell me: 
        &   \hspace{3mm}then\hspace{3mm}
        &   \colorbox{pink}{Output}: I'll tell you:
        \colorbox{green}{The company you keep}
        &   \colorbox{pink}{what you are}
        &   (Dutch)
        \arrayrulecolor{white} \hline
        \colorbox{green}{Who's your friend}
        &   \colorbox{pink}{who you are}
        &   (Russian)
        \arrayrulecolor{white} \hline
        %   %Row3
        \colorbox{green}{Your company}
        &   \colorbox{pink}{who you are}
        &   (Irish)
%       \noalign{\global\arrayrulewidth=2mm}%Heiko Oberdiek at \url{https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/337788/how-do-i-change-the-thickness-and-color-of-hline-on-a-table-simultaneously}
        \arrayrulecolor{white} \hline
        %   %Row4
        \colorbox{green}{What you are eager to buy}
        &   \colorbox{pink}{what you are}
        &   (Mexican)
        \arrayrulecolor{white} \hline
        \colorbox{green}{With whom you go}
        &   \colorbox{pink}{what you do}
        &   (English)
        \colorbox{green}{Who your father is}
        &   \colorbox{pink}{who you are}
        &   (Philippine) 
        \arrayrulecolor{white} \hline
        \colorbox{green}{What you eat}
        &   \colorbox{pink}{what you are}
        &   (French) 
            %\draw [dashed 1] (1-|2) -- (3-|2) ;
            %\draw [dashed 2] (1-|3) -- (3-|3) ;
            \draw [dashed 1] (5-|1) -- (5-|6) ;
            \draw [dashed 2] (6-|1) -- (6-|6) ;
    \begin{tabular}{@{} |c|ccccc| @{}}
        \multicolumn{1}{c|}{likes}   & \colorbox{pink}{walking} & \colorbox{pink}{playing music} & \colorbox{pink}{playing chess} & \colorbox{pink}{reading}& \colorbox{pink}{learning calculus} \\ 
        \colorbox{green}{Andy} & yes & yes & no & no & no \\ 
        \colorbox{green}{Beth} & no & no & no & no & no \\ 
        \colorbox{green}{Cathy} & yes & no & no & yes & yes \\ 
