带有重音字符的 MATLAB 脚本无法正确使用 UTF-8 列表

带有重音字符的 MATLAB 脚本无法正确使用 UTF-8 列表

我真的很绝望。我需要 MATLAB 脚本中的重音字符。我不介意注释,但图中也有重音,这确实很重要。.tex文件和.m文件都以 UTF-8 编码保存(都是原生的,因为我将 MATLAB 配置为从启动时使用 UTF-8 编码)。但pdflatex不知何故仍然认为存在无效的字节序列,事实上我证实这是错误的。



    group-separator={ },



    extendedchars=\true,                    % Use extended charset
    inputencoding=utf8,                     % Use input encoding UTF-8
    backgroundcolor=\color{white},          % choose the background color; you must add \usepackage{color} or \usepackage{xcolor}; should come as last argument
    basicstyle=\tt\scriptsize,              % the size of the fonts that are used for the code
    breakatwhitespace=false,                % sets if automatic breaks should only happen at whitespace
    breaklines=true,                        % sets automatic line breaking
    captionpos=b,                           % sets the caption-position to bottom
    commentstyle=\color{codegreen},         % comment style
    deletekeywords={...},                   % if you want to delete keywords from the given language
    escapeinside={\%*}{*)},                 % if you want to add LaTeX within your code
    extendedchars=true,                     % lets you use non-ASCII characters; for 8-bits encodings only, does not work with UTF-8
    firstnumber=1000,                       % start line enumeration with line 1000
    frame=single,                           % adds a frame around the code
    keepspaces=true,                        % keeps spaces in text, useful for keeping indentation of code (possibly needs columns=flexible)
    keywordstyle=\color{blue},              % keyword style
    language=MATLAB,                        % the language of the code
    morekeywords={*,...},                   % if you want to add more keywords to the set
    numbers=left,                           % where to put the line-numbers; possible values are (none, left, right)
    numbersep=5pt,                          % how far the line-numbers are from the code
    numberstyle=\tiny\color{codegray},      % the style that is used for the line-numbers
    rulecolor=\color{black},                % if not set, the frame-color may be changed on line-breaks within not-black text (e.g. comments (green here))
    showspaces=false,                       % show spaces everywhere adding particular underscores; it overrides 'showstringspaces'
    showstringspaces=false,                 % underline spaces within strings only
    showtabs=false,                         % show tabs within strings adding particular underscores
    stepnumber=2,                           % the step between two line-numbers. If it's 1, each line will be numbered
    stringstyle=\color{codepurple},         % string literal style
    tabsize=2,                              % sets default tabsize to 2 spaces
                                            % show the filename of files included with \lstinputlisting; also try caption instead of title


我正在尝试使用以下行导入 MATLAB 脚本文件内容:


这是我的 LaTeX 编译器对 MATLAB 脚本的解释:

Package inputenc: Invalid UTF-8 byte sequence.
Package inputenc: Invalid UTF-8 byte "8C.
Package inputenc: Invalid UTF-8 byte sequence.
Package inputenc: Invalid UTF-8 byte sequence.
Package inputenc: Invalid UTF-8 byte "8D.
Package inputenc: Invalid UTF-8 byte sequence.
Package inputenc: Invalid UTF-8 byte "A1.
Package inputenc: Invalid UTF-8 byte sequence.
Package inputenc: Invalid UTF-8 byte "9B.
Package inputenc: Invalid UTF-8 byte sequence.
Package inputenc: Invalid UTF-8 byte "AD.
Package inputenc: Invalid UTF-8 byte sequence.
Package inputenc: Invalid UTF-8 byte "AD.

实际错误消息的屏幕截图: MATLAB 似乎有编码错误


$ iconv -f UTF-8 files/source/cast1.m -o /dev/null; echo $?

这是 MATLAB 脚本的内容:

%% Projekt: POL0423 [Část I]
clc; close all; clear all;          % Vyčištění pracovní plochy

%% 01: Část I.A - Zadané parametry

% Průřezy
A_0 = 15.9;                         % [m^2]             průřez nádoby
A_2 = 2.595;                        % [m^2]             průřez odtoku

% Koeficienty přítoku
Q_A = 15;                           % [m^3 * s^(-1)]    přítok poč.
Q_B = 29;                           % [m^3 * s^(-1)]    přítok mod.
Q_C = 11.5;                         % [m^3 * s^(-1)]    přítok ust.

% Časové koficienty
t_A = 36;                           % [s]               čas skok. změny
t_B = 81;                           % [s]               čas snižování
t_C = 176;                          % [s]               čas ustálení

% Fyzikální konstanty
g = 9.81;                           % [m * s^(-2)]      tíhové zrychlení

% Diferenciální rovnice
% A_0 * dh(t)/dt = Q_1(t) - Q_2(t) = Q_1(t) - A_2 * sqrt(2gh(t))

%% 02: Část I.B - Sestavení modelu
modelB = sim('cast1_model_B');          % Simulink: simulace modelu

% Načtení dat a uložení do samostatných proměnných

% Vstupní proměnná
Scope_Q1_tB = modelB.Scope_Q1_modelB.time;              % Čas
Scope_Q1_wB = modelB.Scope_Q1_modelB.signals.values;    % Přítok

% Výstupní proměnná
Scope_h_tB = modelB.Scope_h_modelB.time;                % Čas
Scope_h_wB = modelB.Scope_h_modelB.signals.values;      % Hladina

%% 03: Část I.C - Linearizace modelu
u_0 = Q_C                           % Ustálený přítok
h_0 = (Q_C / A_2)^2 * 1/(2*g)       % Ustálená hladina

% Matice linearizovaného modelu
A = [ (-sqrt(2) * A_2 * sqrt(g))/(2 * A_0 * sqrt(h_0)) ]
B = [ 1/A_0 ]
C = [ 1 ]
D = [ 0 ]

[lin_nom,lin_den] = ss2tf(A,B,C,D);     % Převod do vnějšího popisu
G_lin = tf(lin_nom,lin_den);

modelC = sim('cast1_model_C');          % Simulink: simulace modelu

% Výstupní proměnná
Scope_h_tC = modelC.Scope_h_modelC.time;                % Čas
Scope_h_wC = modelC.Scope_h_modelC.signals.values;      % Hladina

% Vykreslení grafů
plot(Scope_Q1_tB, Scope_Q1_wB)
grid on
ylim([0 range(2)])
title('Přítok Q_1(t)')
xlabel('$t$ [s]','interpreter','latex')
ylabel('$Q_1(t)$ [$\mathrm{m}^3 \cdot \mathrm{s}^{-1}$]',...

plot(Scope_h_tB, Scope_h_wB, Scope_h_tC, Scope_h_wC)
grid on
title('Hladina h(t)')
legend('Nelineární model','Linearizovaný model')
xlabel('$t$ [s]','interpreter','latex')
ylabel('$h(t)$ [m]','interpreter','latex')

%% 04: Část I.D - Zvýšení přítoku a porovnání s linearizovaným modelem
modelD = sim('cast1_model_D');          % Simulink: simulace modelu

% Vstupní proměnná
Scope_Q1_tD = modelD.Scope_Q1_modelD.time;              % Čas
Scope_Q1_wD = modelD.Scope_Q1_modelD.signals.values;    % Přítok

% Výstupní proměnná
Scope_h_tD_nelin = modelD.Scope_h_modelD_nelin.time;    % Čas
Scope_h_wD_nelin = modelD.Scope_h_modelD_nelin.signals.values;
                                                        % Hladina

Scope_h_tD_lin = modelD.Scope_h_modelD_lin.time;        % Čas
Scope_h_wD_lin = modelD.Scope_h_modelD_lin.signals.values;
                                                        % Hladina

% Vykreslení grafů
plot(Scope_Q1_tD, Scope_Q1_wD)
grid on
ylim([0 range(2)])
title('Přítok Q_1(t)')
xlabel('$t$ [s]','interpreter','latex')
ylabel('$Q_1(t)$ [$\mathrm{m}^3 \cdot \mathrm{s}^{-1}$]',...

plot(Scope_h_tD_nelin, Scope_h_wD_nelin, Scope_h_tD_lin, Scope_h_wD_lin)
grid on
title('Hladina h(t)')
legend('Nelineární model','Linearizovaný model')
xlabel('$t$ [s]','interpreter','latex')
ylabel('$h(t)$ [m]','interpreter','latex')

%% 05: Uložení parametrů a výpočtů






% ...



    %inputencoding=utf8,                    % Use input encoding UTF-8
    extendedchars=true,                     % Use extended character set
    backgroundcolor=\color{white},          % choose the background color; you must add \usepackage{color} or \usepackage{xcolor}; should come as last argument
    basicstyle=\tt\scriptsize,              % the size of the fonts that are used for the code
    breakatwhitespace=false,                % sets if automatic breaks should only happen at whitespace
    breaklines=true,                        % sets automatic line breaking
    captionpos=t,                           % sets the caption-position to bottom
    commentstyle=\color{codegreen},         % comment style
    escapeinside={\%*}{*)},                 % if you want to add LaTeX within your code
    firstnumber=1,                          % start line enumeration with line 1000
    frame=single,                           % adds a frame around the code
    keepspaces=true,                        % keeps spaces in text, useful for keeping indentation of code (possibly needs columns=flexible)
    keywordstyle=\color{blue},              % keyword style
    language=MATLAB,                        % the language of the code
    morekeywords={*,...},                   % if you want to add more keywords to the set
    numbers=left,                           % where to put the line-numbers; possible values are (none, left, right)
    numbersep=5pt,                          % how far the line-numbers are from the code
    numberstyle=\tiny\color{codegray},      % the style that is used for the line-numbers
    rulecolor=\color{black},                % if not set, the frame-color may be changed on line-breaks within not-black text (e.g. comments (green here))
    showspaces=false,                       % show spaces everywhere adding particular underscores; it overrides 'showstringspaces'
    showstringspaces=false,                 % underline spaces within strings only
    showtabs=false,                         % show tabs within strings adding particular underscores
    stepnumber=1,                           % the step between two line-numbers. If it's 1, each line will be numbered
    stringstyle=\color{codepurple},         % string literal style
    tabsize=4,                              % sets default tabsize to 2 spaces
                                            % show the filename of files included with \lstinputlisting; also try caption instead of title
    literate=                               % Replace Czech characters with composite letters counterpart
                                            % áÁ čČ ďĎ éÉ ěĚ íÍ ňŇ óÓ řŘ šŠ ťŤ úÚ ůŮ
    {á}{{\'{a}}}1 {Á}{{\'{A}}}1 {č}{{\v{c}}}1 {Č}{{\v{C}}}1
    {ď}{{\v{d}}}1 {Ď}{{\v{D}}}1 {é}{{\'{e}}}1 {É}{{\'{E}}}1
    {ě}{{\v{e}}}1 {Ě}{{\v{E}}}1 {í}{{\'{i}}}1 {Í}{{\'{I}}}1
    {ň}{{\v{n}}}1 {Ň}{{\v{N}}}1 {ó}{{\'{o}}}1 {Ó}{{\'{O}}}1
    {ř}{{\v{r}}}1 {Ř}{{\v{R}}}1 {š}{{\'{s}}}1 {Š}{{\'{S}}}1
    {ť}{{\v{t}}}1 {Ť}{{\v{T}}}1 {ú}{{\'{u}}}1 {Ú}{{\'{U}}}1
    {ů}{{\r{u}}}1 {Ů}{{\r{U}}}1 {ž}{{\v{z}}}1 {Ž}{{\v{Z}}}1
    {ý}{{\'{y}}}1 {Ý}{{\'{Y}}}1

% ...

现在我的文档中的列表如下所示: 在此处输入图片描述

谢谢你,也为我愚蠢的行为道歉。我错过了编译器告诉我的内容,或者说我不太明白。现在我知道我需要用复合字符替换 Unicode 字符。不确定这对阿拉伯语或中文会怎样,但这是一个完全不同的问题,我想我永远不会遇到这些问题数千个字符语言。这是一个相当繁琐的解决方法,但可以满足我的需求。不需要很漂亮。
