这个怎么样?我不确定您是否想以某种方式对齐间隔。以下解决方案需要 -package amsmath
1. & [0, 0.30] \\
2. & [0.3, 0.6] \\
3. & [0.6, 1]
$\xrightarrow{\text{Some text here}}$
1. & [0,7] \\
2. & [7,12] \\
3. & [12,30]
\begin{tabular}{ll@{\ }r} % <----- here you can play around with your tabular.
% The '@{\ }' says we want to have a normal space between the first and the second element. You could try @{\,} or @{} instead
% The last 'r' specifies the alignment of the last column. Maybe you want to have 'l' here.
1. & [0, & 0.30] \\
2. & [0.3, & 0.6] \\
3. & [0.6, & 1]
% Same for the second tabular.