我正在尝试使用 pgfplots 绘制堆叠组条形图。不幸的是,最右边的条形图没有呈现

我正在尝试使用 pgfplots 绘制堆叠组条形图。不幸的是,最右边的条形图没有呈现



 \caption{Test Caption}
  every axis/.style={
    ybar stacked,
    ymajorgrids = true,
    x tick label style={
       % add some negative yshift to move ticklabels down
  x axis line style = { opacity = 0 }, 
  y axis line style = { opacity = 0 },
  tickwidth = 0pt,
  % symbolic coords have numerical distance of 1
  % so with the following line you get a tick at every symbolic coord
  xtick distance=1,
  symbolic x coords={
  bar width=8pt

  % define a new style used for the plot used to add labels
  % 2 args means it takes two mandatory arguments, so must be used as
  % labelplot={first arg}{second arg}
  labelplot/.style 2 args={
     % forget plot means it doesn't affect cycle lists or legends
     forget plot,
     % #1 is first argument, the text used in the nodes near coords
     nodes near coords=#1,
     % #2 is second argument, a length that should be the same as the bar shift for the axis
     every node near coord/.style={below,font=\small,xshift=#2,anchor=east,rotate=90}
\begin{axis}[bar shift=-10pt, xticklabels={}]
\addplot [labelplot={1st}{-10pt}] coordinates
{(A,0) (B,0) (C,0)};
\addplot coordinates
{(A,64) (B,64) (C,48)};
\addplot coordinates
{(A,12) (B,19) (C,33)};
\addplot coordinates
{(A,24) (B,17) (C,33)};

\addplot [labelplot={2nd}{0pt}] coordinates
{(A,0) (B,0) (C,0)};
\addplot+[fill=blue!50!gray] coordinates
{(A,53) (B,28) (C,38)};
\addplot+[fill=red!50!gray] coordinates
{(A,18) (B,19) (C,19)};
\addplot+[fill=yellow!50!gray] coordinates
{(A,30) (B,53) (C,43)};

\begin{axis}[bar shift=10pt]
\addplot [labelplot={3rd}{10pt}] coordinates
{(A,0) (B,0) (C,0)};
\addplot+[fill=blue!50!gray] coordinates
{(A,42) (B,25) (C,33)};
\addplot+[fill=red!50!gray] coordinates
{(A,19) (B,27) (C,20)};
\addplot+[fill=yellow!50!gray] coordinates
{(A,39) (B,48) (C,47)};

\begin{axis}[bar shift=20pt,xticklabels={}]
\addplot [labelplot={4th}{20pt}] coordinates
{(A,0) (B,0) (C,0)};
\addplot+[fill=blue!50!gray] coordinates
{(A,42) (B,25) (C,40)};
\addplot+[fill=red!50!gray] coordinates
{(A,19) (B,27) (C,20)};
\addplot+[fill=yellow!50!gray] coordinates
{(A,39) (B,48) (C,40)};


  • 使用您的代码节点时,每个堆栈条下方的节点不会像您在问题中的图像上显示的那样显示,但这不是您的问题:-)
  • 通过添加enlarge x limits=0.25,每个轴样式并相应地更改xshift条形位置,您可以获得:


与您的相比,下面的 MWE(最小工作示例)的变化标记为% <---


    \caption{Test Caption}
  every axis/.style={
    width=8cm,  height=6cm,
    ybar stacked,
    bar width=8pt,
    xtick style = {draw=none},          %<---
    x tick label style={yshift=-10mm},  %<---
    ymajorgrids = true,
  % symbolic coords have numerical distance of 1
  % so with the following line you get a tick at every symbolic coord
    xtick distance=1,
    symbolic x coords={A, B, C},
    enlarge x limits=0.25, % <--- added
  % define a new style used for the plot used to add labels
  % 2 args means it takes two mandatory arguments, so must be used as
  % labelplot={first arg}{second arg}
  labelplot/.style 2 args={
     % forget plot means it doesn't affect cycle lists or legends
     %forget plot,
     % #1 is first argument, the text used in the nodes near coords
     nodes near coords=#1,
     % #2 is second argument, a length that should be the same as the bar shift for the axis
     every node near coord/.style={below,font=\small,xshift=#2,anchor=east,rotate=90},
\begin{axis}[bar shift=-15pt]   % <--- changed

\addplot [labelplot={1st}{15pt}] coordinates {(A,0) (B,0) (C,0)};
\addplot coordinates {(A,64) (B,64) (C,48)};
\addplot coordinates {(A,12) (B,19) (C,33)};
\addplot coordinates {(A,24) (B,17) (C,33)};

\begin{axis}[bar shift=-5pt]   % <--- changed
\addplot [labelplot={2nd}{0pt}] coordinates {(A,0) (B,0) (C,0)};
\addplot+[fill=blue!50!gray] coordinates {(A,53) (B,28) (C,38)};
\addplot+[fill=red!50!gray]  coordinates {(A,18) (B,19) (C,19)};
\addplot+[fill=yellow!50!gray] coordinates {(A,30) (B,53) (C,43)};

\begin{axis}[bar shift=5pt]   % <--- changed
\addplot [labelplot={3rd}{10pt}] coordinates {(A,0) (B,0) (C,0)};
\addplot+[fill=blue!50!gray] coordinates {(A,42) (B,25) (C,33)};
\addplot+[fill=red!50!gray]  coordinates {(A,19) (B,27) (C,20)};
\addplot+[fill=yellow!50!gray] coordinates {(A,39) (B,48) (C,47)};

\begin{axis}[bar shift=15pt]   % <--- changed
\addplot [labelplot={4th}{20pt}] coordinates {(A,0) (B,0) (C,0)};
\addplot+[fill=blue!50!gray] coordinates {(A,42) (B,25) (C,40)};
\addplot+[fill=red!50!gray]  coordinates {(A,19) (B,27) (C,20)};
\addplot+[fill=yellow!50!gray] coordinates   {(A,39) (B,48) (C,40)};

附录: 这是一个解决方案:

  • 合并你的tikzpicture样式选项every axis/.style和样式设置与\pgfplotsset在简洁明了的常见\pgfplotsset插入后\begin{tikzpicture}
  • 被添加到所有axis选项设置中bar widthbar shift
  • 通过将 选项添加到最后三个 选项中,消除了多次覆盖xtick和标签yticksytick=\empty, xtick=\emptyaxis
  • 通过添加代码行,向每个条形堆栈添加标签 1、2、3 和 4:
     point meta=explicit symbolic,
     stacked ignores zero=false

到 中的设置\pgfplotsset

  • \addplot堆栈的标签作为第一个坐标的选项写入

上述变化在代码中用 标记% <---,而用于标记条形堆栈的添加的代码行则用 标记% <===


    \caption{Test Caption}
    width=8cm,  height=6cm,
    enlarge x limits=0.25,              % <---
    xtick style = {draw=none},          % <---
    x tick label style={yshift=-2em},   % <---
% coordinates
    xtick distance=1,
    symbolic x coords={A, B, C},
    ymin=0, ymax=100,                   
    ybar stacked,
    axis on top,                        % <---
% nodes 
    nodes near coords,
    every node near coord/.style={font=\footnotesize,
                                  below, rotate=90, anchor=east},   % <---
    point meta=explicit symbolic,       % <===
    stacked ignores zero=false          % <===
%%%% diagram body
\begin{axis}[bar width=8pt, 
             bar shift=-15pt]
\addplot [xshift=-15pt] coordinates
    {(A,0) [1st]
     (B,0) [1st]
     (C,0) [1st]
\addplot coordinates {(A,52) (B,28) (C,38)};
\addplot coordinates {(A,18) (B,19) (C,19)};
\addplot coordinates {(A,30) (B,53) (C,43)};

\begin{axis}[ytick=\empty, xtick=\empty,
             bar width=8pt,
             bar shift=-5pt]
\addplot [xshift=-5pt] coordinates
    {(A,0) [2nd]
     (B,0) [2nd]
     (C,0) [2nd]
\addplot [fill=blue!50!gray]   coordinates {(A,52) (B,28) (C,38)};
\addplot [fill=red!50!gray]    coordinates {(A,18) (B,19) (C,19)};
\addplot [fill=yellow!50!gray] coordinates {(A,30) (B,53) (C,43)};

\begin{axis}[ytick=\empty, xtick=\empty,
             bar width=8pt,
             bar shift= 5pt]
\addplot [xshift=5pt] coordinates
    {(A,0) [3rd]
     (B,0) [3rd]
     (C,0) [3rd]
\addplot [fill=blue!50!gray]   coordinates {(A,42) (B,25) (C,33)};
\addplot [fill=red!50!gray]    coordinates {(A,19) (B,27) (C,20)};
\addplot [fill=yellow!50!gray] coordinates {(A,39) (B,48) (C,47)};

\begin{axis}[ytick=\empty, xtick=\empty,
             bar width=8pt,
             bar shift=15pt]
\addplot [xshift=15pt] coordinates
    {(A,0) [4th]
     (B,0) [4th]
     (C,0) [2nd]
\addplot [fill=blue!50!gray]   coordinates {(A,42) (B,25) (C,40)};
\addplot [fill=red!50!gray]    coordinates {(A,19) (B,27) (C,20)};
\addplot [fill=yellow!50!gray] coordinates {(A,39) (B,48) (C,40)};

