是否可以在 xltabular 环境中为行着色(每行使用不同的颜色)?

是否可以在 xltabular 环境中为行着色(每行使用不同的颜色)?


\documentclass[12pt, article]{memoir}
% Packages
     \geometry{a4paper, hdivide = {30mm, 160mm, 20mm}, vdivide = {30mm, 247mm, 20mm}}

% First row in table one
\def\hth{\rotatebox{90}{Hundred thousands}}
\def\tth{\rotatebox{90}{Ten thousands}}
\def\tts{\rotatebox{90}{Ten thousandths}}
\def\hts{\rotatebox{90}{Hundred thousandths}}
\def\tms{\rotatebox{90}{Ten millionths}}
\def\hms{\rotatebox{90}{Hundred millionths}}

          \mil & \hth & \tth & \tho & \hun & \one & \pnt & \ten & \hus & \ths & \tts & \hts & \mls & \tms & \hms &&&&& \\
          & & & & 3 & 6 & . & 5 & 7 &  &  &  &  &  & & & & & & \\
          \multicolumn{15}{c}{thirty-six and fifty-seven hundredths.}\\
          & & & &  & 4 & . & 6 & 0 & 3 &  &  &  &  & & & & & & \\
          \multicolumn{15}{c}{four and six hundred three thousandths}\\
          & & & 1 & 2 & 4 & . & 1 & 2 & 3 &  &  &  &  & & & & & & \\
          \multicolumn{16}{c}{One hundred twenty four and one hundred twenty three thousandths}\\
          & & &  & 1 & 2 & . & 0 & 0 & 3 & 2 & 1 & 4 &  & & & & & & \\
          \multicolumn{15}{c}{Twelve three thousand two hundred fourteen millionths.}\\
          & & &  &  & 0 & . & 3 & 2 & 6 & 3 &  &  &  & & & & & & \\



% Table code
        \rowcolor{gray}Header & Header            & Header \\
        1                     & 2                 & 3      \\
        4                     & \cellcolor{gray}5 & 6      \\
        7                     & 8                 & 9      \\
