修改 biblatex-sbl

修改 biblatex-sbl

我偶然发现了一篇旧帖子(链接:使用 biblatex sbl 在作者后面使用冒号 (:) 代替句号 (.)),对此我有一个问题:我非常喜欢这种风格和提出的问题,但我想在文章的“文献”中用冒号代替点(例如现在,结果是:Wink,Gert:“,Mega II”。Anmerkungen“。Cs 41,4(2003):11-22 - 我想要这个:Wink,Gert:“,Mega II”。Anmerkungen“,Cs 41,4(2003):11-22) - 因此。作为 LaTex 的初学者,我将非常感谢任何帮助。




% set up nametitledelim in different contexts

% also put colon after dash
  {\message{Patching `author': Success^^J}}
  {\message{Patching `author': Failure^^J}}

% patch citation drivers
  {\message{Patching `cite:ancienttext': Success^^J}}
  {\message{Patching `cite:ancienttext': Failure^^J}}
  {\message{Patching `cite:classictext': Success^^J}}
  {\message{Patching `cite:classictext': Failure^^J}}
  {\message{Patching `cite:article': Success^^J}}
  {\message{Patching `cite:article': Failure^^J}}
  {\message{Patching `cite:book': Success^^J}}
  {\message{Patching `cite:book': Failure^^J}}
  {\message{Patching `cite:suppbook': Success^^J}}
  {\message{Patching `cite:suppbook': Failure^^J}}
  {\message{Patching `cite:commentary': Success^^J}}
  {\message{Patching `cite:commentary': Failure^^J}}
  {\message{Patching `cite:commentary': Success^^J}}
  {\message{Patching `cite:commentary': Failure^^J}}
  {\message{Patching `cite:incollection': Success^^J}}
  {\message{Patching `cite:incollection': Failure^^J}}
  {\message{Patching `cite:inlexicon': Success^^J}}
  {\message{Patching `cite:inlexicon': Failure^^J}}
  {\message{Patching `cite:inreference': Success^^J}}
  {\message{Patching `cite:inreference': Failure^^J}}
  {\message{Patching `cite:review': Success^^J}}
  {\message{Patching `cite:review': Failure^^J}}
  {\message{Patching `cite:thesis': Success^^J}}
  {\message{Patching `cite:thesis': Failure^^J}}
  {\message{Patching `cite:misc': Success^^J}}
  {\message{Patching `cite:misc': Failure^^J}}
  {\message{Patching `cite:conferencepaper': Success^^J}}
  {\message{Patching `cite:conferencepaper': Failure^^J}}
  {\message{Patching `cite:periodical': Success^^J}}
  {\message{Patching `cite:periodical': Failure^^J}}
  {\message{Patching `cite:patent': Success^^J}}
  {\message{Patching `cite:patent': Failure^^J}}

% patch bibliography drivers
  {\message{Patching `ancienttext': Success^^J}}
  {\message{Patching `ancienttext': Failure^^J}}
  {\message{Patching `article': Success^^J}}
  {\message{Patching `article': Failure^^J}}
  {\message{Patching `book': Success^^J}}
  {\message{Patching `book': Failure^^J}}
  {\message{Patching `suppbook': Success^^J}}
  {\message{Patching `suppbook': Failure^^J}}
  {\message{Patching `incommentary:short': Success^^J}}
  {\message{Patching `incommentary:short': Failure^^J}}
  {\message{Patching `incollection': Success^^J}}
  {\message{Patching `incollection': Failure^^J}}
  {\message{Patching `inreference:short': Success^^J}}
  {\message{Patching `inreference:short': Failure^^J}}
  {\message{Patching `review': Success^^J}}
  {\message{Patching `review': Failure^^J}}
  {\message{Patching `thesis': Success^^J}}
  {\message{Patching `thesis': Failure^^J}}
  {\message{Patching `misc': Success^^J}}
  {\message{Patching `misc': Failure^^J}}
  {\message{Patching `conferencepaper': Success^^J}}
  {\message{Patching `conferencepaper': Failure^^J}}
  {\message{Patching `periodical': Success^^J}}
  {\message{Patching `periodical': Failure^^J}}
  {\message{Patching `patent': Success^^J}}
  {\message{Patching `patent': Failure^^J}}

  author      = {Engelmann, Hans and Bengelmann, Franz},
  title       = {Die Sicht},
  location    = {Berlin},
  publisher   = {De Gruyter},
  date        = {2013},
  series      = {Gamma Omega, I. Reihe: Alpha},
  shortseries = {GO.A},
  number      = {4},
  editor     = {Schwertner, Siegried M.},
  title      = {Theologische Realenzyklopädie},
  shorttitle = {TRE},
  volumes    = {36},
  location   = {Berlin and New York},
  publisher  = {De Gruyter},
  date       = {1976/2004},
  shorthand  = {TRE}
  author = {Poe, Edgar},
  title  = {Art. Dichtung},
  volume = {2},
  pages  = {9--343},
  xref   = {TRE}
  author       = {Well, Jan},
  revdauthor   = {Ban, Peter},
  revdtitle    = {Select. Tomus I, Paris 1950},
  journaltitle = {Göttingische gelehrte Anzeigen},
  shortjournal = {GGA},
  volume       = {18,2},
  keywords     = {sekundaer},
  date         = {1826},
  pages        = {14--18},
  author       = {Wink, Gert},
  title        = {\mkbibquote{Mega}. Anmerkungen},
  shorttitle   = {\mkbibquote{Mega}},
  journaltitle = {Critica storia},
  shortjournal = {Cs},
  volume       = {34,1},
  date         = {2000},
  pages        = {9--24},
  sorttitle    = {Mega. Anmerkungen}
  author       = {Wink, Gert},
  title        = {\mkbibquote{Mega II}. Anmerkungen},
  shorttitle   = {\mkbibquote{Mega II}},
  journaltitle = {Critica storia},
  shortjournal = {Cs},
  volume       = {41,4},
  date         = {2003},
  pages        = {11--22},
  sortitle     = {Mega II. Anmerkungen}
  author     = {Peterson, David},
  title      = {The Motif of Fulfilment and the Purpose of Luke-Acts},
  shorttitle = {Motif of Fulfilment},
  pages      = {83-104},
  volume     = {1},
  maintitle  = {The Book of Acts in Its First Century Setting},
  editor     = {Winter, Bruce W.},
  location   = {Grand Rapids},
  publisher  = {Eerdmans},
  date       = {1993},
  editor    = {Pritchard, James B.},
  title     = {Ancient Near Eastern Texts Relating to the Old Testament},
  edition   = {3},
  location  = {Princeton},
  publisher = {Princeton University Press},
  date      = {1969},


Die Debatten.\footnote{Siehe hierzu: \cite{Poe:1994} und \cite{Wink:2000}.}
Dies gilt analog für die Gegner.\footnote{Siehe hierzu: \cite{Wink:2003}.} Die
beiden erwähnten\footnote{Siehe hierzu: \cite{Wink:2003}.} Bezeichnungen als
„besonders“\footnote{\cite[1]{Engelmann:2013}.} verstanden
werden.\footnote{\cite[Vgl.][1]{Engelmann:2013}. Siehe auch:
\cite{peterson:1993}, \cite{Pritchard:1969} und \cite{Well.19}.}
