我需要在摘要第二页的顶部添加一个标题,例如 (name, 2021)。我的摘要有两页,所以我知道如何在它前面添加任何内容,但第二页是摘要的剩余部分,所以我不知道如何打断它并在那里添加标题。有什么帮助吗?谢谢
% define a new page style
\renewcommand{\@oddhead}{\hss Jane Mary Doe -- University of Oxford, 1264\hss}%
\renewcommand{\@evenhead}{\@oddhead}% left same as right
\renewcommand{\@oddfoot}{}% blank footers
\pagestyle{abstract} % turn on the new page style
\thispagestyle{empty} % but turn it off for the first page
Here goeth a pithy summary of the wonderful text herein.
\lipsum % add some dummy text to push us over 1 page
% the new heading will appear on p2 of the abstract
\clearpage % or \cleardoublepage if you are in two sided mode
\pagenumbering{arabic} % reset page numbers to 1 (only if you want to)
\pagestyle{plain} % or whatever style you want for the rest of the doc
Here goeth the rest of the booke.