\caption{Two-way analysis of variance describing the influence of nitrogen (N) and water (W) supply on several characteristics of amaranth plants. Significance levels are as in Table 1.}\label{tab:tab2}
\multicolumn{1}{c}{\thead{Variables}} & & \multicolumn{3}{c}{\thead{End of stress}} & &
\multicolumn{3}{c}{\thead{24 h rehydration}} \\
& & N & Water & N\textit{x}W & & N & Water & N\textit{x}W \\
\textit{g$_s$} & & ** & *** & *** & & *** & NS & NS \\
\textit{E} & & NS & *** & *** & & *** & ** & * \\
\textit{A} & & * & *** & *** & & *** & * & NS \\
\textit{C$_i$} & & *** & * & * & & NS & ** & NS \\
WUE & & NS & *** & ** & & *** & NS & * \\
Proline & & *** & * & * & & *** & NS & NS \\
Leaf N & & *** & NS & NS & & *** & NS & NS \\
Ammonium & & *** & NS & NS & & *** & NS & NS \\
Nitrate & & *** & ** & ** & & *** & NS & NS \\
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\usepackage{threeparttable} % added <<<<<<<
\usepackage{caption} % added <<<<<<<<<
\caption{Two-way analysis of variance describing the influence of nitrogen (N) and water (W)
supply on several characteristics of amaranth plants. Significance levels are as in Table 1.}
\begin{tabular}{lcc ccc ccc}
\multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{Variables}} & & \multicolumn{3}{c}{ \textbf{End of stress}} & & \multicolumn{3}{c}{ \textbf{24 h rehydration}} \\
& & N & Water & N\textit{x}W & & N & Water & N\textit{x}W \\
\textit{g$_s$} & & ** & *** & *** & & *** & NS & NS \\
\textit{E} & & NS & *** & *** & & *** & ** & * \\
\textit{A} & & * & *** & *** & & *** & * & NS \\
\textit{C$_i$} & & *** & * & * & & NS & ** & NS \\
WUE & & NS & *** & ** & & *** & NS & * \\
Proline & & *** & * & * & & *** & NS & NS \\
Leaf N & & *** & NS & NS & & *** & NS & NS \\
Ammonium & & *** & NS & NS & & *** & NS & NS \\
Nitrate & & *** & ** & ** & & *** & NS & NS \\ \hline