如何从 rmathbr 包中向 \SetBreakableRel 内的 \newcommand 添加变量参数?(内联数学重复)

如何从 rmathbr 包中向 \SetBreakableRel 内的 \newcommand 添加变量参数?(内联数学重复)

rmathbr是一个包,它支持另一种惯例,即如果内联方程运行时间过长,则将其中断。具体来说,符号会在新行上重复(并保留在前一行)。因此,例如,在第一行上a = b被中断,在第二行上继续。该包是a == b最近更新(2020 年 12 月)。

  • 在尝试回答问题时,请考虑使用最新版本;否则可能会出现意外的错误。




$e\goesto e\goesto e\goesto e\goesto e\goesto e\goesto e\goesto e\goesto e\goesto e\goesto e\goesto e\goesto e$给出

\goesto 工作原理的示例

问题开始出现当尝试定义新的命令(破坏和重复)时也接受变量参数。例如,如果n和 ∞ 我们希望有变量#1#2,即

\newcommand{\goestoarg}[2]{\xrightarrow{#1\to#2}} %<-- this doesn't work
\SetBreakableRel{\goestoarg} %<-- this doesn't work

那么这会产生错误并且不起作用:例如,$\goestoarg{a}{b}$只给出错误输出示例(这从一开始就是错误的符号,所以我没有尝试查看它是否在换行符处重复)。为了表明问题可能来自rmathbr:如果一个(仅)注释掉\SetBreakableRel{\goestoarg},则会出现预期的输出:无需 rmathbr 即可工作。当然,我拥有它未注释强制换行有重复对于这种关系\goestoarg

  • 问题:如何\goestoarg用两个参数进行定义以使其正常工作\SetBreakableRel

我也尝试过放置两个#(即,##而不是#,参见下面的 MWE),但没有成功。



\newcommand{\goesto}{\xrightarrow{n\to\infty}} %works great
\SetBreakableRel{\goesto} %works great

%%%%% uncomment as necessary

%\newcommand{\goestoarg}[2]{\xrightarrow{#1\to#2}} %<-- this doesn't work
%\SetBreakableRel{\goestoarg} %<-- this doesn't work

%\newcommand{\Goestoarg}[2]{\xrightarrow{##1\to##2}} %<-- this also doesn't work
%\SetBreakableRel{\Goestoarg} %<-- this also doesn't work


$e\goesto e\goesto e\goesto e\goesto e\goesto e\goesto e\goesto e\goesto e\goesto e\goesto e\goesto e\goesto e$

%$\goestoarg{a}{b}$ %<- does not work
%$\Goestoarg{a}{b}$ %<- also does not work


这是日志文件\goestoarg(三行:定义SetBreakableRel和用法$\goestoarg{a}{b}$未注释。这是整个日志文件的子集;我将其缩小到rmathbr加载时开始,因为超出了 30 000 个字符的限制。错误出现在日志末尾附近的 TeX 内存使用输出之前。

(C:\Users\Lala\AppData\Local\Programs\MiKTeX 2.9\tex/latex/rmathbr\rmathbr.st
Package: rmathbr 2020/12/18 1.1.1 Repeating of math operator at the broken line
 and the new line in inline equations

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Package: trig 2016/01/03 v1.10 sin cos tan (DPC)
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No file Test12.aux.
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! Argument of \rmathbr@orig@goestoarg has an extra }.
<inserted text> 
l.32 $\goestoarg{
                 a}{b}$ %<- does not work
Runaway argument?
! Paragraph ended before \rmathbr@orig@goestoarg was complete.
<to be read again> 
l.32 $\goestoarg{
                 a}{b}$ %<- does not work
! Missing $ inserted.
<inserted text> 
l.32 $\goestoarg{
                 a}{b}$ %<- does not work
! Missing } inserted.
<inserted text> 
l.32 $\goestoarg{
                 a}{b}$ %<- does not work
! Too many }'s.
<recently read> }
l.32 $\goestoarg{
                 a}{b}$ %<- does not work
! Missing $ inserted.
<inserted text> 

(Test12.aux) ) 
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我正在运行pdflatex3.141592653-2.6-1.40.22(MikTeX 21.3),并且我本地发行版中的每个软件包都已于今天早些时候更新。




\newcommand{\goesto}{\xrightarrow{n\to\infty}} %works great
\SetBreakableRel{\goesto} %works great



$e\goesto e\goesto e\goesto e\goesto e\goesto e\goesto e\goesto e\goesto e\goesto e\goesto e\goesto e\goesto e$

$e\goestoarg{a}{b} e \goestoarg{a}{b} e \goestoarg{a}{b} e \goestoarg{a}{b} e \goestoarg{a}{b} e \goestoarg{a}{b} e \goestoarg{a}{b} e \goestoarg{a}{b} e \goestoarg{a}{b} e \goestoarg{a}{b} e \goestoarg{a}{b} e \goestoarg{a}{b} e \goestoarg{a}{b} e $ 
%$\Goestoarg{a}{b}$ %<- also does not work

