我有以下自动机,并注意到 Tikz 出于某种原因吃掉了一些箭头。我在预期看到箭头的位置(大致)画出了红色。
\node[state, initial] (s1) {$s_1$};
\node[state, right=2cm of s1] (s2) {$s_2$};
\node[state, accepting, right=2cm of s2] (s3) {$s_3$};
\draw (s1) edge[loop above] node{0} (s1)
(s1) edge[above] node{1} (s2)
(s2) edge[loop above] node{1} (s2)
(s2) edge[above] node{0} (s3);
我的代码基于第 4 页的示例: https://www3.nd.edu/~kogge/courses/cse30151-fa17/Public/other/tikz_tutorial.pdf
This is your code fragment:
\node[state, initial] (s1) {$s_1$};
\node[state, right=2cm of s1] (s2) {$s_2$};
\node[state, accepting, right=2cm of s2] (s3) {$s_3$};
\draw (s1) edge[loop above] node{0} (s1)
(s1) edge[above] node{1} (s2)
(s2) edge[loop above] node{1} (s2)
(s2) edge[above] node{0} (s3);
An appropriate way to get the arrow is to add \texttt{->} in a \emph{local
group}. (It gets added to the \verb|\draw| command.)
\node[state, initial] (s1) {$s_1$};
\node[state, right=2cm of s1] (s2) {$s_2$};
\node[state, accepting, right=2cm of s2] (s3) {$s_3$};
\draw[->] (s1) edge[loop above] node{0} (s1)
(s1) edge[above] node{1} (s2)
(s2) edge[loop above] node{1} (s2)
(s2) edge[above] node{0} (s3);
The tutorial you quote adds \verb|\tikzset{->}| \emph{globally}.
As you saw, this can lead to a lot of confusion, but it also adds the arrows.
\node[state, initial] (s1) {$s_1$};
\node[state, right=2cm of s1] (s2) {$s_2$};
\node[state, accepting, right=2cm of s2] (s3) {$s_3$};
\draw (s1) edge[loop above] node{0} (s1)
(s1) edge[above] node{1} (s2)
(s2) edge[loop above] node{1} (s2)
(s2) edge[above] node{0} (s3);
If I was you I would avoid adding this globally (and perhaps select another tutorial).