Aggarwal, C. C., Hinneburg, A., Keim, D. A. 2001. \emph{On the surprising behavior of distance metrics in high dimensional space}. In International conference on database theory, pp. 420-434. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. (\emph{1859 citazioni su Google Scholar nel maggio 2021})
% \vspace{-0.35cm}
\includegraphics[scale =0.155]{Escher.jpg}
在全宽图形的 后使用\includegraphics
\usepackage{caption} % better control of captions
{\scriptsize Aggarwal, C. C., Hinneburg, A., Keim, D. A. 2001. \emph{On the surprising behavior of distance metrics in high dimensional space}. In International conference on database theory, pp. 420-434. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. (\emph{1859 citazioni su Google Scholar nel maggio 2021}) }
\includegraphics[width=0.6\textwidth, height=0.5\textwidth]{example-image}
\rlap{\quad\scriptsize\Longstack[l]{M.C. Escher\\Relativity (1953)}}
\usepackage{caption} % better control of captions
{\scriptsize Aggarwal, C. C., Hinneburg, A., Keim, D. A. 2001. \emph{On the surprising behavior of distance metrics in high dimensional space}. In International conference on database theory, pp. 420-434. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. (\emph{1859 citazioni su Google Scholar nel maggio 2021}) }
\includegraphics[width=0.7\textwidth, height=0.6\textwidth]{example-image}
\caption*{M.C. Escher, Relativity (1953)} \label{fig:01}
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Aggarwal, C. C., Hinneburg, A., Keim, D. A. 2001. \emph{On the surprising
behavior of distance metrics in high dimensional space}. In International
conference on database theory, pp. 420-434. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
(\emph{1859 citazioni su Google Scholar nel maggio 2021})
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