title=sample count per class,
xbar, xmin=0,
width=8cm, height=6cm, enlarge y limits=0.15,
symbolic y coords={{,},{.},{-},{:}, {?}},
nodes near coords, nodes near coords align={horizontal},
point meta=rawx,
nodes near coords style={/pgf/number format/.cd,fixed},
\addplot [xbar] coordinates {
title=sample count per class,
xbar, xmin=0,xmax=3000000,
width=8cm, height=6cm, enlarge y limits=0.15,
symbolic y coords={{,},{.},{-},{:}, {?}},
nodes near coords, nodes near coords align={horizontal},
point meta=rawx,
nodes near coords style={/pgf/number format/.cd,fixed},
\addplot [xbar] coordinates {
% used PGFPlots v1.17
% we need PGFPlotsTable ...
% ... to store the data in an inline table
% (alternatively one could store it in a file)
x y
1290282 {.}
2208970 {,}
81710 {-}
51192 {:}
40511 {?}
title=sample count per class,
xbar, xmin=0,
width=8cm, height=6cm, enlarge y limits=0.15,
% % this avoids the need for `symbolic y coords` ...
% symbolic y coords={{,},{.},{-},{:},{?}},
% ... and instead we can load them from the table
yticklabels from table={\MyData}{y},
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
% adjusted from <https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/335742/95441>
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
% #1: the THRESHOLD after which we switch to a special display.
nodes near coords custom/.style={
small value/.style={
% everything is fine here, so I think there is no need
% to change something
large value/.style={
every node near coord/.style={
/pgf/number format/fixed,
check for zero/.code={%
% If meta=0, make the node a coordinate (which doesn't have text)
% this group is merely to switch to FPU locally. Might be
% unnecessary, but who knows.
% simplifies debugging:
% AH : our condition 'y < #1' is met.
\pgfkeysalso{/pgfplots/small value}%
% ok, proceed as usual.
\pgfkeysalso{/pgfplots/large value}%
check for zero,
nodes near coords={\pgfmathprintnumber{\pgfplotspointmeta}},
nodes near coords custom=5e5,
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
% adjusted `coordinates` to `table`
\addplot table [x=x,y expr=\coordindex] {\MyData};