

我永远不会原谅 TeX 让垂直居中表格变得如此困难。





造成混乱的 TeX 代码如下:


% add spacing for table

% Table based on Springer template
\footnotesize % small font size (source: http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/56008/different-sizes-of-font-available-in-table)
% table caption is above the table
\caption[Mitigation situations]{Mitigation situations}
\label{tab:mititgation_phase}       % Give a unique label
% For LaTeX tables use
\begin{tabular}{m{3cm}m{11cm}} %
\textbf{} & \textbf{Vulnerability of an existing or planned future supply chain}\\

\multirow{4}{3cm}{\textbf{Various forms of supplier concentration}}
    & Dependencies on a single shared supplier on a sub-tier level  \\

    & Geographical concentration of sub-tier suppliers  \\
    & Undesirable levels of suppliers depending on specific countries or other political unions (relevant in cases of tariffs etc.) \\
    & Limited number of available alternative suppliers or trends towards such a market consolidation \\

\multirow{2}{3cm}{\textbf{Various forms of undesirable supply chain participants}}
    & Dependencies on previously unknown, undesirable sub-tier suppliers (legal risks, quality risks, availability risks, blacklisted by authorities, unsustainable, unethical etc.)  \\

    & Dependencies on individual sub-tier suppliers located in high-risk areas (e.g. prone to natural disasters) \\

\multirow{3}{3cm}{\textbf{Various forms of overlapping, competing or otherwise interfering supply chains}}
    & Seemingly unrelated industries competing for the same resources as the OEM and potentially negatively impacting supply  \\

    & Dependencies on the health of a supply chain that produces complementary parts (see the case study in Section~\ref{sec:2011_thailand_floods} where demand for Intel's chips was impacted by an HDD shortage) \\
    & Competitors and otherwise risky (e.g. financially unstable) businesses using (and potentially negatively impacting) identical supply chain participants \\


\textbf{Dependencies on problematic parts or materials} & E.g. dependencies on parts or materials on a sub-tier level with uncertain supply (e.g. rare earth elements that are mostly mined in China) \\



} % closing bracket for extra spacing for table






\addtolength\textwidth{80pt}% since you specified the table width and it doesn't fit otherwise


% Table based on Springer template
\begin{table}[htp] % you almost always want p
\footnotesize % small font size (source: http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/56008/different-sizes-of-font-available-in-table)
% table caption is above the table
\caption[Mitigation situations]{Mitigation situations}
\label{tab:mititgation_phase}       % Give a unique label

\begin{tabular}{>{\raggedright}m{3cm}>{\parskip=.5\baselineskip}m{11cm}} %
 & \textbf{Vulnerability of an existing or planned future supply chain}\\


\textbf{Various forms of supplier concentration}
     Dependencies on a single shared supplier on a sub-tier level 

     Geographical concentration of sub-tier suppliers 
    Undesirable levels of suppliers depending on specific countries or other political unions (relevant in cases of tariffs etc.)
    Limited number of available alternative suppliers or trends towards such a market consolidation

\textbf{Various forms of undesirable supply chain participants}
    Dependencies on previously unknown, undesirable sub-tier suppliers (legal risks, quality risks, availability risks, blacklisted by authorities, unsustainable, unethical etc.)

    Dependencies on individual sub-tier suppliers located in high-risk areas (e.g. prone to natural disasters)

\textbf{Various forms of overlapping, competing or otherwise interfering supply chains}
     Seemingly unrelated industries competing for the same resources as the OEM and potentially negatively impacting supply

     Dependencies on the health of a supply chain that produces complementary parts (see the case study in Section~\ref{sec:2011_thailand_floods} where demand for Intel's chips was impacted by an HDD shortage)
  Competitors and otherwise risky (e.g. financially unstable) businesses using (and potentially negatively impacting) identical supply chain participants

\textbf{Dependencies on problematic parts or materials}
&E.g. dependencies on parts or materials on a sub-tier level with uncertain supply (e.g. rare earth elements that are mostly mined in China)

