


    \caption{Characteristics and classification of hydrological model}
    \begin{tabular}{ p{4.9cm} p{4.9cm} p{4.9cm} }
     Empirical model & Conceptual model & Physically based model \\
     Data based or metric or black box model & 
     Parametric or grey box model &
     Mechanistic or white box model \\
     Involve mathematical equations, Derive value from available time series &
     Based on modeling of reservoirs, Include semi empirical equations with a physical basis &
     Based on spatial distribution, Evaluation of parameters describing physical characteristics \\
     Little consideration of features and processes of system &
     Parameters are derived from field data and calibration &
     Require data about initial state of model and morphology of catchment \\
     High predictive power, low explanatory depth &
     Simple and can be easily implemented in computer code &
     Complex model. Require human expertise and computation capability \\
     ANN, Unit hydrograph &
     HBV model, TOPMODEL &
     SHE or MIKESHE model, SWAT \\
    \source{Gayathri K Devii et al. (2015) \cite{CITE26}}



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\caption{Characteristics and classification of hydrological model\strut}
\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{ @{} LLL @{} }
     Empirical model & Conceptual model & Physically based model \\
     Data based or metric or black box model & 
     Parametric or grey box model &
     Mechanistic or white box model \\
     Involve mathematical equations, derive value from available time series &
     Based on modeling of reservoirs, include semi empirical equations with a physical basis &
     Based on spatial distribution, evaluation of parameters describing physical characteristics \\
     Little consideration of features and processes of system &
     Parameters are derived from field data and calibration &
     Require data about initial state of model and morphology of catchment \\
     High predictive power, low explanatory depth &
     Simple and can be easily implemented in computer code &
     Complex model. Require human expertise and computation capability\\
     ANN, Unit hydrograph &
     HBV model, TOPMODEL &
     SHE or MIKESHE model, SWAT \\

\source{Gayathri K. Devii et~al.\ (2015) \cite{CITE26}}

