\midchapskip 回忆录章节样式中的间距

\midchapskip 回忆录章节样式中的间距


    \renewcommand{\printchaptername}{\begin{center} \chapnamefont \chaptername}
    \renewcommand{\printchapternum}{\chapnumfont \thechapter \end{center}}
    \renewcommand{\afterchapternum}{\par\vskip \midchapskip }
    \renewcommand{\printchaptertitle}[1]{\chaptitlefont %
    \renewcommand{\afterchaptertitle}{\par\vskip \afterchapskip}%


    \setlength{\midchapskip}{10pt} % <-- Value in question.
\chapter{The End of a much-applauded Speech -- The Presentation of Dr. Samuel Ferguson -- Excelsior -- Full-length Portrait of the Doctor -- A Fatalist convinced -- A Dinner at the Travellers’ Club -- Several Toasts for the Occasion}


我面临的问题是,更改的值\midchapskip会对标题的格式产生不一致的影响。此值应控制章节文本(例如“第 1 章”)和章节标题(例如“备受赞誉的演讲结束...”)之间的间距。

负值\midchapskip对间距完全没有影响,正值则有零星影响。例如,\midchapskip设置为 20pt 和 10pt 时,实际间距有 10pt 的差异,但设置为 10pt 和 0pt 时,实际间距没有差异。这是为什么?如何精确调整此间距?




  {\centering \MakeUppercase{##1} \par}}

下面显示了将 更改为\printchaptertitle与 一起的结果\setlength{\midchapskip}{-75pt},因此\midchapskip负值确实会产生影响,就像任何其他值一样。




Here's an MWE with four different `\midchapskip` values to show their effects.

% balloonprob.tex  SE 598175

    \renewcommand{\printchaptername}{\begin{center} \chapnamefont \chaptername}
    \renewcommand{\printchapternum}{\chapnumfont \thechapter \end{center}}
    \renewcommand{\afterchapternum}{\par\vskip \midchapskip }
    \renewcommand{\afterchapternum}{\par\nobreak\vskip \midchapskip }
    \renewcommand{\printchaptertitle}[1]{\chaptitlefont %
%        \begin{center}%
%            \MakeUppercase{##1}%
%        \end{center}}
      \MakeUppercase{##1} \par}}
    \renewcommand{\afterchaptertitle}{\par\vskip \afterchapskip}%


    \setlength{\midchapskip}{20pt} % <-- The default
    \setlength{\midchapskip}{10pt} % <-- Value in question.
    \setlength{\midchapskip}{5pt} % <-- Value in question.
%    \setlength{\midchapskip}{50pt} % <-- Value in question.
    \setlength{\midchapskip}{0pt} % <-- Value in question.
    \setlength{\midchapskip}{-75pt} % <-- Value in question.



\chapter{The End of a much-applauded Speech -- The Presentation of Dr. 
Samuel Ferguson -- Excelsior -- Full-length Portrait of the Doctor -- 
A Fatalist convinced -- A Dinner at the Travellers’ Club -- 
Several Toasts for the Occasion}

\chapter{The End of a much-applauded Speech -- The Presentation of Dr. 
Samuel Ferguson -- Excelsior -- Full-length Portrait of the Doctor -- 
A Fatalist convinced -- A Dinner at the Travellers’ Club -- 
Several Toasts for the Occasion}

\chapter{The End of a much-applauded Speech -- The Presentation of Dr. 
Samuel Ferguson -- Excelsior -- Full-length Portrait of the Doctor -- 
A Fatalist convinced -- A Dinner at the Travellers’ Club -- 
Several Toasts for the Occasion}

\chapter{The End of a much-applauded Speech -- The Presentation of Dr. 
Samuel Ferguson -- Excelsior -- Full-length Portrait of the Doctor -- 
A Fatalist convinced -- A Dinner at the Travellers’ Club -- 
Several Toasts for the Occasion}

