使用 tcbset 设置一次 tcolorbox 选项后将其重置

使用 tcbset 设置一次 tcolorbox 选项后将其重置

我在用着彩色盒子包来绘制彩色框。设置选项后,\tcbset {opt1, opt2}我只想重置opt1为默认值。经过它的文档,我找不到重置选项的方法。


% set some option using tcbset
\tcbset { frame hidden, attach title to upper,coltitle=red, colframe=red }
\newtcolorbox[]{noframebox}[1][] { #1 }

% Following code resets everything back to package defaults
% I just want to make frame visible
\newtcolorbox[]{framedbox}[1][] { reset, #1}
    \begin{noframebox}[title=No frame:~]
        So far so good.
        % This must be in frame and title must be attached to frame.
        Every style option is reset for framedbox.



tcolorbox使用pgfkeys它的 key=value 接口。您只需在其中定义自己的样式,然后在不同的框中重复使用该样式即可。无需重复代码(除了指定样式):

% set some option using tcbset
\tcbset{aravind/.style={attach title to upper,coltitle=red, colframe=red}}
\newtcolorbox[]{noframebox}[1][] {enhanced,frame hidden,aravind,#1}

% Following code resets everything back to package defaults
% I just want to make frame visible
    \begin{noframebox}[title=No frame:~]
        So far so good.
        % This must be in frame and title must be attached to frame.
        Every style option is reset for framedbox.

另一种方法,在我看来不那么优雅,可以是手动设置frame style选项来删除效果(这也frame hidden可以撤消任何其他键改变的效果)frame style

% set some option using tcbset
\tcbset { enhanced,frame hidden, attach title to upper,coltitle=red, colframe=red }
\newtcolorbox[]{noframebox}[1][] {#1}

% Following code resets everything back to package defaults
% I just want to make frame visible
\newtcolorbox[]{framedbox}[1][] {frame style={}, #1}
    \begin{noframebox}[title=No frame:~]
        So far so good.
        % This must be in frame and title must be attached to frame.
        Every style option is reset for framedbox.


