适用于 MacOS 的 TeXShop 应用程序排版的 MWE 一样:
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% Make subsection headings boldformat and in italics in text.
% For subsection TOC headings
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\chapter{Chapter heading}
\section{Section heading}
\subsection{Subsection heading in italics}
子部分 ToC 条目。
% tocsubsecprob.tex SE 601868
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% For subsection TOC headings
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\chapter{Chapter heading}
\section{Section heading}
\subsection{Subsection heading in italics}
其前面添加一个。对于点间距问题,我没有弄清楚如何使其行为与 LaTeX 默认行为完全相同,但我添加了一个单独的\titlecontents
for 部分以匹配子部分的点。
\titlecontents{subsection} % set formatting for \section -
[6em] % adjust left margin
{\itshape} % font formatting
{\contentslabel{2.3em}} % section label and offset
%% Define document class with options
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%\vskip 20\p@
\Huge \bfseries #1\par\nobreak
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% Make subsection headings boldformat and in italics in text.
% For subsection TOC headings
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\tableofcontents % Produce the table of contents
\thispagestyle{plain} % Remove headers from second page of table of contents
\chapter{Chapter heading}
\section{Section heading}
\subsection{Subsection heading in italics}