Variable & \multicolumn{3}{c}{Factor} \\
\cmidrule(r){1-1} \cmidrule(l){2-4}
& \multicolumn{1}{c}{CCP} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{No.CCP} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{diff} \\
Gender & mean(sd) & mean(sd) & mean(sd)\\
Married & mean(sd) & mean(sd) & mean(sd)\\
Employed & mean(sd) & mean(sd) & mean(sd) \\
Education & mean(sd) & mean(sd) & mean(sd) \\
Party & mean(sd) & mean(sd) & mean(sd) \\
HR & mean(sd) & mean(sd) & mean(sd) \\
Fin.Knowledge & mean(sd) & mean(sd) & mean(sd) \\
Fin.Inter & mean(sd) & mean(sd) & mean(sd) \\
Region- East & mean(sd) & mean(sd) & mean(sd) \\
Region-Center & mean(sd) & mean(sd) & mean(sd) \\
Region-West & mean(sd) & mean(sd) & mean(sd) \\
Access Loan & mean(sd) & mean(sd) & mean(sd)\\
Formal & mean(sd) & mean(sd) & mean(sd) \\
Informal & mean(sd) & mean(sd) & mean(sd) \\
Both & mean(sd) & mean(sd) & mean(sd) \\
No Loans & mean(sd) & mean(sd) & mean(sd) \\
\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{}p{\dimexpr 2.5cm+\tabcolsep}@{\extracolsep{\fill}}*{3}{c}@{}}
& \multicolumn{3}{c}{Continuous}\\
& CCP & No.CCP & t-test \\
Age & mean(sd) & mean(sd)& mean(sd) \\
Income & mean(sd) & mean(sd)& mean(sd) \\
Networth & mean(sd) & mean(sd)& mean(sd) \\
NW-HE & mean(sd) & mean(sd)& mean(sd) \\
Liquid Assets & mean(sd) & mean(sd)& mean(sd) \\
\multicolumn{4}{@{}p{\textwidth}@{}}{\footnotesize Note: HR stands for Household Registration. NW-HE is net-worth minus home equity. All the asset variables (e.g. income, net-worth, NW-HE, and liquid assets are in Chinese renminbi (CNY).} \\
\caption{Summary statistics}
% note: I've slimmed down the preamble to the bare minimum
\begin{tabular}{@{} l ccc @{}}
& \multicolumn{3}{c@{}}{Factor} \\
& CCP & No CCP & diff \\ \addlinespace
Gender & mean(sd) & mean(sd) & mean(sd) \\
Married & mean(sd) & mean(sd) & mean(sd) \\
Employed & mean(sd) & mean(sd) & mean(sd) \\
Education & mean(sd) & mean(sd) & mean(sd) \\
Party & mean(sd) & mean(sd) & mean(sd) \\
HR & mean(sd) & mean(sd) & mean(sd) \\
Fin.\ Knowledge & mean(sd) & mean(sd) & mean(sd) \\
Fin.\ Interm. & mean(sd) & mean(sd) & mean(sd) \\
Region--East & mean(sd) & mean(sd) & mean(sd) \\
Region--Center & mean(sd) & mean(sd) & mean(sd) \\
Region--West & mean(sd) & mean(sd) & mean(sd) \\
Access Loan & mean(sd) & mean(sd) & mean(sd) \\
Formal & mean(sd) & mean(sd) & mean(sd) \\
Informal & mean(sd) & mean(sd) & mean(sd) \\
Both & mean(sd) & mean(sd) & mean(sd) \\
No Loans & mean(sd) & mean(sd) & mean(sd) \\[4mm]
& \multicolumn{3}{c@{}}{Continuous}\\
& CCP & No CCP & $t$-test \\ \addlinespace
Age & mean(sd) & mean(sd)& mean(sd) \\
Income & mean(sd) & mean(sd)& mean(sd) \\
Networth & mean(sd) & mean(sd)& mean(sd) \\
NW$-$HE & mean(sd) & mean(sd)& mean(sd) \\
Liquid Assets & mean(sd) & mean(sd)& mean(sd) \\
\medskip\footnotesize % the legend for both parts of the table
Note: HR stands for Household Registration. NW$-$HE is net worth
minus home equity. All the asset variables (e.g., income,
net worth, NW$-$HE, and liquid assets) are in Chinese
renminbi (CNY).
\caption{Summary statistics}