我的 tex 文件出现以下错误是什么意思?

我的 tex 文件出现以下错误是什么意思?

我发布了一个问题希拉格,但我无法为其生成 pdf,第一次编译时出现以下错误,但我不明白我的错误到底在哪里,该如何修复它们?

我编译的 tex 文件:

Let ${\sigma}_x(n) =\sum_{d|n} d^x$ is the sum divisor function ,After a few computations in wolfram alpha about the divisor function for some values of $n$ to look the behavior of $\sigma_x(n)\bmod n$ for $\,n=6,\,$ We  got this result : $\sigma_x(6)=0 \bmod 6$ for $x$ odd and $2 \bmod 6$ if $x$ is even ,One can ask this question:Is $n=6$ the only integer satisfies $\sigma_x(n)
\equiv 0\bmod n$ for every odd integer  $x > 0$  and $2 \bmod n$ if $x$ is even integer ? One can  answer this question  using divisibility and Congruence properties  for sum power divisor function, you can see the proof  \href{https://arxiv.org/pdf/2102.09941.pdf}{in this paper}  . The answer of this question yield to reformulate the following problem regarding periodicity on iterative of sum power divsior function .

\textbf{Problem}:Is $n=6$ the only integer satisfy periodicity on iterative of sum power divisor function  with small prime period namely $L=2$ ?

The challenging problem is that the analysis had some flaws.  However, one expects multiperfect numbers other than $1$ and $6$ to be a multiple of $4$; when $n$ satisfies $\sigma(n) \bmod n = 0$ and $\sigma_2(n) \bmod n = 2$, and in addition $ n \bmod 4  = 0$, then all odd prime factors of $n$ except one must occur to an even multiplicity, and the remaining odd prime factor must occur to a multiplicity of $1 \bmod 4$ and must be a prime that is $3 \bmod 4$.  While simple, these observations say a lot about $n$ and suggest that any numbers satisfying the title congruences are rare indeed, perhaps more so than odd multiperfect numbers, For more informations about the attempt which is given by Gerhard Paseman you may check this \href{https://mathoverflow.net/a/227569/51189}{MO answer}.

\textbf{Note}:The motivation behind solving the problem  is to add some properties for aliquot sequences and to find a new equivalence to the Riemann Hypothesis .


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! Package inputenc Error: Unicode character φ (U+3C6)
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See the inputenc package documentation for explanation.
Type  H <return>  for immediate help.
l.88 ...hird iterates of the φ- and σ-functions}
                                                  , Colloquium Mathematicum,...

! Emergency stop.
l.88 ...hird iterates of the φ- and σ-functions}
                                                  , Colloquium Mathematicum,...

You may provide a definition with

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!  ==> Fatal error occurred, no output PDF file produced!




Let ${\sigma}_x(n) =\sum_{d\div n} d^x$ is the sum divisor function. After a few computations in wolfram alpha about the divisor function for some values of $n$ to look the behavior of $\sigma_x(n)\bmod n$ for $n=6,$ we  got this result: $\sigma_x(6)=0 \bmod 6$ for $x$ odd and $2 \bmod 6$ if $x$ is even. One can ask this question: Is $n=6$ the only integer satisfies $\sigma_x(n) \equiv 0\bmod n$ for every odd integer $x > 0$  and $2 \bmod n$ if $x$ is even integer? One can  answer this question using divisibility and Congruence properties  for sum power divisor function, you can see the proof \href{https://arxiv.org/pdf/2102.09941.pdf}{\url{in this paper}}. The answer of this question yield to reformulate the following problem regarding periodicity on iterative of sum power divsior function.

\textbf{Problem}:  $n=6$ the only integer satisfy periodicity on iterative of sum power divisor function  with small prime period namely $L=2$?

The challenging problem is that the analysis had some flaws. However, one expects multiperfect numbers other than $1$ and $6$ to be a multiple of $4$; when $n$ satisfies $\sigma(n) \bmod n = 0$ and $\sigma_2(n) \bmod n = 2$, and in addition $n \bmod 4  = 0$, then all odd prime factors of $n$ except one must occur to an even multiplicity, and the remaining odd prime factor must occur to a multiplicity of $1 \bmod 4$ and must be a prime that is $3 \bmod 4$. While simple, these observations say a lot about $n$ and suggest that any numbers satisfying the title congruences are rare indeed, perhaps more so than odd multiperfect numbers, For more informations about the attempt which is given by Gerhard Paseman you may check this \href{https://mathoverflow.net/a/227569/51189}{MO answer}.

\textbf{Note}: The motivation behind solving the problem is to add some properties for aliquot sequences and to find a new equivalence to the Riemann Hypothesis.



很长的评论,我认为我们这里不需要包,因为希拉格进行了自动编译,但是编译时没有 tex 错误,问题正如@campa 在评论中指出的那样,问题出现在此参考文献“在 φ 和 σ 函数的第三次迭代中”,即 φ 和 σ ,我刚刚使用 latex 符号修复了它们:$\phi$ 和 $\sigma$ 成功生成 PDF
