


我正在尝试创建一个自定义的“盒子”浮点数 - 类似于人们在儿童科学书籍(例如 Dorling Kindersley 科学书籍)中看到的内容。



  1. 如何在下面的 MWE 中分别围绕标有“换行?”的每个子图单独换行文本。
  2. 如何环绕一组子图,例如下面 MWE 中的小页面。


我已经使用小型页面包含了 MWE,并且没有任何包装功能。


  1. 我希望能够灵活地不是将图形排成一行
  2. 如果我采用如图所示的排列格式,文本中就会出现断点。




%For use of "\includegraphics"

%For filler text

%For textcolor

%To force figure position and for "\restylefloat"

%To define custom float environments

%For "DeclareCaptionSubtype" below

%For subfigures

%Wrap text around figures

% Set the color of the "shaded" environment

%For use of the "shaded" environment

%Define the "mybox" environment
fileext=lob, %An auxiliary file that stores the "list of boxes" (.lob). This abbreviation is user defined and analogous to .lof (list of figures) and .lot (list of tables0.
listname={List of Boxes}, %Title for the TOC list of this type of float
placement={htbp},%All possible placement options
name=Box %Name of float type - to appear in caption
]{mybox} %handle for this float environment

%If you would like the "boxing" float style to be boxed
%Note: \floatstyle applies on all subsequent \newfloat commands

%Announce the "mybox" float type to subcaption and create the subtextbox environment

%Figure Path
%\newcommand{\FigurePath}{Absolute File Path Here}

%Filler Art


\begin{center} \textbf{This is a Title}\end{center}
\caption{\textbf{Individual subfloat to wrap.}}
\caption{\textbf{1 of 2 to wrap as a group.}}
\caption{\textbf{2 of 2 to wrap as a group.}}
\caption{\textbf{Box Test.}}



这不是一个解决方案,而是一个经过一些调整的可执行 MWE。




%For use of "\includegraphics"

%For filler text

%For textcolor

%To force figure position and for "\restylefloat"

%To define custom float environments

%For "DeclareCaptionSubtype" below

%For subfigures

%Wrap text around figures

% Set the color of the "shaded" environment

%For use of the "shaded" environment

%Define the "mybox" environment
fileext=lob, %An auxiliary file that stores the "list of boxes" (.lob). This abbreviation is user defined and analogous to .lof (list of figures) and .lot (list of tables0.
listname={List of Boxes}, %Title for the TOC list of this type of float
placement={htbp},%All possible placement options
name=Box %Name of float type - to appear in caption
]{mybox} %handle for this float environment

%If you would like the "boxing" float style to be boxed
%Note: \floatstyle applies on all subsequent \newfloat commands

%Announce the "mybox" float type to subcaption and create the subtextbox environment

%Figure Path
\newcommand{\FigurePath}{Absolute File Path Here}% see also \graphicspath

%Filler Art
%\newcommand{\FillerArt}{\FigurePath Figure File Here}



\begin{center} \textbf{This is a Title}\end{center}
\raisebox{\dimexpr \ht\strutbox-\height}{\includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{\FillerArt}}
\raisebox{\dimexpr \ht\strutbox-\height}{\includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{\FillerArt}}
\raisebox{\dimexpr \ht\strutbox-\height}{\includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{\FillerArt}}
\raisebox{\dimexpr \ht\strutbox-\height}{\includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{\FillerArt}}
\raisebox{\dimexpr \ht\strutbox-\height}{\includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{\FillerArt}}
\raisebox{\dimexpr \ht\strutbox-\height}{\includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{\FillerArt}}
\caption{\textbf{Box Test.}}

