Biblatex:\textcite 和 \cite 的格式不符合哈佛格式。为什么?

Biblatex:\textcite 和 \cite 的格式不符合哈佛格式。为什么?

我使用 Citavi 整理参考文献,并从那里导出 *.bib。在我的序言和文档中,我使用类似以下内容:


%\usepackage[utf8]{luainputenc} %% Not required anymore acc. Ulrike Fischer (see commends).
%\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} %% Not required anymore acc. Ulrike Fischer (see commends).

\usepackage[backend=biber,natbib=true,doi=true,style=bath,sorting=ynt]{biblatex} % 'style=bath' is simillar to 'style=authoryear', but has a better format for the reference list. Behaviour intext is both the same.
\addbibresource{refrences.bib} % The filename of the bibliography

    Das Eine wurde von \textcite{Danck.1958} geschrieben und \textcite{Zwiet.1959} schreibt den Rest dazu.
    Viele Interesante Dinge lassen sich aber auch in woanders finden~\cite[S.~4--12]{Nauma.1983}.
    Wie \textcite[S.~127]{Sandb.1981b} haben viele wichtige Persönlichkeiten eine Vielzahl von Titeln.



 author = {Prof. Ph.D (Eng) Sandberg, Mats},
 year = {1981},
 title = {What is ventilation efficiency?},
 url = {},
 keywords = {Luftaustauschwirkungsgrad;Luftwechselrate;L{\"u}ftung},
 urldate = {2018-03-27},
 pages = {123--135},
 pagination = {page},
 volume = {16},
 issn = {03601323},
 journaltitle = {Building and Environment},
 shorthand = {Sandberg 1981},
 doi = {10.1016/0360-1323(81)90028-7},
 number = {2},
 abstract = {Some content},
 pagetotal = {13},
 file = {Sandberg 1981 - What is ventilation efficiency (3):D\:\\Users\\...\\Citavi 6\\Projects\\...\\Citavi Attachments\\Sandberg 1981 - What is ventilation efficiency (3).pdf:pdf}

 author = {Nauman, E. B. and Buffham, B. A.},
 year = {1983},
 title = {Mixing in continuous flow systems},
 publisher = {Wiley},
 isbn = {978-0471861911},
 shorthand = {Nauman et al. 1983},
 language = {eng},
 location = {New York},
 abstract = {},
 pagetotal = {XXVI, 271 S}

 author = {Zwietering, Th.N.},
 year = {1959},
 title = {The degree of mixing in continuous flow systems},
 urldate = {2021-05-21},
 pages = {1--15},
 pagination = {page},
 volume = {11},
 issn = {00092509},
 journaltitle = {Chemical Engineering Science},
 shorthand = {Zwietering 1959},
 doi = {10.1016/0009-2509(59)80068-3},
 number = {1},
 abstract = {},
 pagetotal = {15},
 file = {Zwietering 1959 - The degree of mixing (3):D\:\\Users\\...\\Citavi 6\\Projects\\...\\Citavi Attachments\\Zwietering 1959 - The degree of mixing (3).pdf:pdf}

 author = {Danckwerts, P. V.},
 year = {1958},
 title = {The effect of incomplete mixing on homogeneous reactions},
 urldate = {2021-06-28},
 pages = {93--102},
 pagination = {page},
 volume = {8},
 issn = {00092509},
 journaltitle = {Chemical Engineering Science},
 shorthand = {Danckwerts 1958},
 doi = {10.1016/0009-2509(58)80040-8},
 number = {1-2},
 abstract = {},
 pagetotal = {10},
 file = {Danckwerts 1958 - The effect of incomplete mixing:D\:\\Users\\...\\Lit\\Citavi 6\\Projects\\...\\Citavi Attachments\\Danckwerts 1958 - The effect of incomplete mixing.pdf:pdf},


一首由 Danckwerts (1958) 创作的歌曲和一首由 Rest dazu 创作的歌曲 (1959)。还有很多有趣的事情需要我们去发现(Nauman et al. 1983, S. 4-12)。 Wie Sandberg (1981, S. 127) 拥有众多具有里程碑意义的人物和众多的标题。


这是由 Danckwerts (Danckwerts 1958) 和 Zwietering (Zwietering 1959) 写的一首诗。有很多有趣的人也想知道 Nauman 等人的情况。 1983 年,第 4-12 页。作为教授,博士(工程)桑德伯格(Sandberg 1981,S.127)拥有众多重要的个人经历和重要的头衔。



您会得到意外的输出,因为.bib条目使用 手动强制输出特定的引用shorthand

在大多数作者年份格式中,<shorthand>如果使用 引用,则简写的条目显示为“ ” \cite{<key>},而使用 引用时则显示为\textcite{<key>}<authors>( <shorthand>)”。


  title        = {Kritik der praktischen Vernunft},
  date         = 1968,
  author       = {Kant, Immanuel},
  booktitle    = {Kritik der praktischen Vernunft. Kritik der Urtheilskraft},
  bookauthor   = {Kant, Immanuel},
  maintitle    = {Kants Werke. Akademie Textausgabe},
  volume       = 5,
  publisher    = {Walter de Gruyter},
  location     = {Berlin},
  pages        = {1-163},
  shorthand    = {KpV},

因此\parencite{kant:kpv}给出了“(KpV)”,并\textcite{kant:kpv}给出了“Kant (KpV)”。

在示例条目中,无需使用简写即可获得所需的输出。 的重点biblatex在于它可以自动生成(作者年份)引文标签。 事实上,使用shorthand是有害的,因为它会禁用 的一些biblatex功能。 此外,shorthand需要不必要的数据重复。

shorthand = {Zwietering 1959},从文件中删除所有表格的简写.bib

与该问题相关(因为使用shorthand可能是实现此处所需结果的一种解决方法),请注意(学术)学位和头衔传统上不包含在参考书目(或引文)中。事实上,如果您包含标题,则名称将不会按预期(或以任何有用的方式)进行解析author = {Prof. Ph.D (Eng) Sandberg, Mats},。将其读作

author = {Sandberg, Mats},


最后,与您的问题无关,但您不需要在参数中包含 S.。postnotebiblatex自动添加当前语言中适当的页面前缀。您甚至不需要使用--: 明确输入 en-dash,使用当前版本,biblatex会自动-变成适当的破折号。所以\cite[S.~4--12]{Nauma.1983}可以只是


综合以上所有,我会将你的代码(如果使用 LuaLaTeX 编译)更改为


  author       = {Sandberg, Mats},
  year         = {1981},
  title        = {What Is Ventilation Efficiency?},
  urldate      = {2018-03-27},
  pages        = {123-135},
  volume       = {16},
  issn         = {03601323},
  journaltitle = {Building and Environment},
  doi          = {10.1016/0360-1323(81)90028-7},
  number       = {2},
  pagetotal    = {13},
  author    = {Nauman, E. B. and Buffham, B. A.},
  year      = {1983},
  title     = {Mixing in Continuous Flow Systems},
  publisher = {Wiley},
  isbn      = {978-0471861911},
  location  = {New York},
  pagetotal = {XXVI, 271 S}
  author       = {Zwietering, Th. N.},
  year         = {1959},
  title        = {The Degree of Mixing in Continuous Flow Systems},
  urldate      = {2021-05-21},
  pages        = {1-15},
  volume       = {11},
  issn         = {00092509},
  journaltitle = {Chemical Engineering Science},
  doi          = {10.1016/0009-2509(59)80068-3},
  number       = {1},
  pagetotal    = {15},
  author       = {Danckwerts, P. V.},
  year         = {1958},
  title        = {The Effect of Incomplete Mixing
                  on Homogeneous Reactions},
  urldate      = {2021-06-28},
  pages        = {93-102},
  volume       = {8},
  issn         = {00092509},
  journaltitle = {Chemical Engineering Science},
  doi          = {10.1016/0009-2509(58)80040-8},
  number       = {1-2},
  pagetotal    = {10},

  Das Eine wurde von \textcite{Danck.1958} geschrieben
  und \textcite{Zwiet.1959} schreibt den Rest dazu.
  Viele interessante Dinge lassen sich aber auch
  woanders finden~\cite[4--12]{Nauma.1983}.
  Wie \textcite[127]{Sandb.1981b} haben viele wichtige
  Persönlichkeiten eine Vielzahl von Titeln.



一首由 Danckwerts (1958) 创作的歌曲和一首由 Rest dazu 创作的歌曲 (1959)。还有很多有趣的东西,比如 Nauman 和 Buffham,1983 年,第 4-12 页。 Wie Sandberg (1981, S.127) 拥有众多具有里程碑意义的人物和众多的标题。

