1.xx、2.xx、3.xx、4.xx、5.xx、6.xx、7.xx 和 8.xx。
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\date[Ver 0]{2013-04-01}
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\begin{frame}{Four-quadrant metering}
The total apparent power can end up in any of the four quadrants.
\uncover<2->{Quadrant \Romanbar{1} (lagging)}
\uncover<3->{and \Romanbar{4} (leading) are the forward or export direction,}
\uncover<4->{with \Romanbar{2} and \Romanbar{3} the reverse or import direction.}
\tikzstyle{txt} = []% [rectangle, rounded corners, minimum width=0cm, minimum height=0cm,text centered, draw=white, fill=white]
\begin{axis}[height=7cm, width=12cm
,axis lines = middle
,axis line style={draw=none}
%,axis line style={->}
,tick style={color=black}
,xtick = \empty
,xlabel style={at=(current axis.right of origin), anchor=west,align=center}
%,xlabel = {$\Re$~(resistive load)}
,ylabel style={at=(current axis.above origin), anchor=south,align=center}
%,ylabel ={(inductive load)\\\si{+kvar}}
,ymin = -5.5, ymax=7,xmin=-8.5, xmax=12,axis equal image ]
\filldraw[white] (axis cs:0,0) circle (4);
\draw (axis cs:-4.5,0) -- (axis cs:-2,0);
\draw[->] (axis cs:2,0) -- (axis cs:5,0) node[anchor=west]{\si{+kW}~(resistive load)};
\draw (axis cs:0,-3) -- (axis cs:0,-4.5);
\draw [->](axis cs:0,3) -- (axis cs:0,5) node[anchor=south,align=center]{(inductive load)\\\si{+kvar}};
\draw (axis cs:0,-2) -- (axis cs:0,2);
\draw (axis cs:0,0) circle (2);
\node(pp)at (axis cs:1,0)[txt, ]{\footnotesize 1.x.x};
\node(mp)at (axis cs:-1,0)[txt, ]{\footnotesize 2.x.x};
\draw (axis cs:0,0) circle (3);
\node(pq)at (axis cs:0,2.47)[txt, ]{\footnotesize 3.x.x};
\node(pq)at (axis cs:0,-2.47)[txt, ]{\footnotesize 4.x.x};
\draw (axis cs:0,0) circle (4);
\node(pq)at (axis cs:2.45,2.45)[txt,rotate=-45 ]{\footnotesize 5.x.x};
\node(pq)at (axis cs:-2.45,2.45)[txt,rotate=45 ]{\footnotesize 6.x.x};
\node(pq)at (axis cs:-2.45,-2.45)[txt,rotate=-45 ]{\footnotesize 7.x.x};
\node(pq)at (axis cs:2.45,-2.45)[txt,rotate=45 ]{\footnotesize 8.x.x};
%\draw[thick] (axis cs:0,0) circle (5);
%\addplot [-stealth, thick, ] coordinates {(3.5,3.5) (4.5,3.5)};
\node(o) at (axis cs:4.5,3){\Large$\cdot$};
\node(p) at (axis cs:6,3)[anchor=west] {$+P$};
\node(q) at (axis cs:4.5,4.5)[anchor=south] {$+Q$};
\draw[-stealth,very thick] (o) to (p) node {};
\draw[-stealth,very thick] (o) to (q) node {};
\node at (axis cs:4.1,1.5)[anchor=west] {quadrant \Romanbar{1}};
\node(o) at (axis cs:4.5,-3){\Large$\cdot$};
\node(p) at (axis cs:6,-3)[anchor=west] {$+P$};
\node(q) at (axis cs:4.5,-4.5)[anchor=north] {$-Q$};
\draw[-stealth,very thick] (o) to (p) node {};
\draw[-stealth,very thick] (o) to (q) node {};
\node at (axis cs:4.1,-1.5)[anchor=west] {quadrant \Romanbar{4}};
\node(o) at (axis cs:-4.5,3){\Large$\cdot$};
\node(p) at (axis cs:-6,3)[anchor=east] {$-P$};
\node(q) at (axis cs:-4.5,4.5)[anchor=south] {$+Q$};
\draw[-stealth,very thick] (o) to (p) node {};
\draw[-stealth,very thick] (o) to (q) node {};
\node(o) at (axis cs:-4.5,-3){\Large$\cdot$};
\node(p) at (axis cs:-6,-3)[anchor=east] {$-P$};
\node(q) at (axis cs:-4.5,-4.5)[anchor=north] {$-Q$};
\draw[-stealth,very thick] (o) to (p) node {};
\draw[-stealth,very thick] (o) to (q) node {};
\node at (axis cs:-4.1,1.5)[anchor=east] {quadrant \Romanbar{2}};
\node at (axis cs:-4.1,-1.5)[anchor=east] {quadrant \Romanbar{3}};
\uncover<5->{There are also standard OBIS codes identifying the different energy registers, for example 1.x.x for \si{kWh} consumed.}
命令来简化任务。在这种情况下,将所需的颜色预定义为颜色 1、颜色 2 等很方便。
我让你的 MWE 变得更简约一些,并且我用来绘制图表pgfplots
\setbeamertemplate{footline}[frame number]
\tikzstyle{txt} = []
\begin{frame}{Four-quadrant metering}
The total apparent power can end up in any of the four quadrants.
\uncover<2->{Quadrant \Romanbar{1} (lagging)}
\uncover<3->{and \Romanbar{4} (leading) are the forward or export direction,}
\uncover<4->{with \Romanbar{2} and \Romanbar{3} the reverse or import direction.}
\useasboundingbox (-12.25,-5.7) rectangle (12.25,7.3); % This prevents the diagram moving around
\draw (-4.5, 0) -- (-2,0);
\draw[->] ( 2 , 0) -- (5,0) node[right]{+\si{kW}~(resistive load)};
\draw ( 0 ,-3) -- (0,-4.5);
\draw[->] ( 0 , 3) -- (0,5) node[above,align=center]{(inductive load)\\+\si{kvar}};
\fill (4.5,3) circle (2.5pt) node (o) {};
\node(p) at (6,3) [right] {$+P$};
\node(q) at (4.5,4.5)[above] {$+Q\phantom{+}$};
\node at (4.1,1.5)[right] {quadrant \Romanbar{1}};
\draw[-stealth,very thick] (o) to (p);
\draw[-stealth,very thick] (o) to (q);
\fill (4.5,-3) circle (2.5pt) node (o) {};
\node(p) at (6,-3) [right] {$+P$};
\node(q) at (4.5,-4.5)[below] {$-Q\phantom{+}$};
\node at (4.1,-1.5)[right] {quadrant \Romanbar{4}};
\draw[-stealth,very thick] (o) to (p);
\draw[-stealth,very thick] (o) to (q);
\fill (-4.5,3) circle (2.5pt) node (o) {};
\node(p) at (-6,3) [left] {$-P$};
\node(q) at (-4.5,4.5)[above] {$+Q\phantom{+}$};
\node at (-4.1,1.5)[left] {quadrant \Romanbar{2}};
\draw[-stealth,very thick] (o) to (p) node {};
\draw[-stealth,very thick] (o) to (q) node {};
\fill (-4.5,-3) circle (2.5pt) node (o) {};
\node(p) at (-6,-3) [left] {$-P$};
\node(q) at (-4.5,-4.5)[below] {$-Q\phantom{+}$};
\node at (-4.1,-1.5)[left] {quadrant \Romanbar{3}};
\draw[-stealth,very thick] (o) to (p) node {};
\draw[-stealth,very thick] (o) to (q) node {};
\only<5->{\foreach\i in {1,2}{
\draw[fill=color\i] (2,0) arc (0:180:2) -- cycle;
\node at (0,1) [txt] {\footnotesize\i.x.x};
\only<6->{\foreach\i in {3,4}{
\draw[fill=color\i] (3,0) arc (0:180:3) --++ (1,0) arc (180:0:2) -- cycle;
\node at (0,2.5) [txt] {\footnotesize\i.x.x};
\foreach\i in {5,...,8}{
\draw[fill=color\i] (4,0) arc (0:90:4) --++ (0,-1) arc (90:0:3) -- cycle;
\node at (45:3.5) [txt,rotate=\angle] {\footnotesize\i.x.x};
\uncover<5->{There are also standard OBIS codes identifying the different energy registers, for example 1.x.x for \si{kWh} consumed.}