\usepackage{sectsty} 和 LaTeX 错误:命令 \sectionrule 已定义

\usepackage{sectsty} 和 LaTeX 错误:命令 \sectionrule 已定义

我是 LATEX 新手。我使用 latex 来创建简历,但在使用 \usepackage{sectsty} 和“moderncv”文档类时遇到错误:\

LaTeX 错误:命令 \sectionrule 已定义。LaTeX
错误:命令 \sectionfont 已定义。LaTeX
错误:命令 \subsectionfont 已定义。
包 sectsty 错误:sectsty 包不适用于\



% character encoding
%\usepackage{CJKutf8}                              % if you need to use CJK to typeset your resume in Chinese, Japanese or Korean

% adjust the page margins
    \geometry{letterpaper, top = 20mm, bottom = 20mm}





! Package sectsty Error: The sectsty package doesn't work with
(sectsty)                this document class.

See the sectsty package documentation for explanation.
Type  H <return>  for immediate help.
l.296     scrartcl, scrbook, and scrreprt.}
The sectsty package only works with the following classes: 
the standard LaTeX document classes
article, report, and book; and
the KOMA-Script classes
scrartcl, scrbook, and scrreprt.

在评论了调用sectsty并纠正了一些其他错误(参见<======以下 MWE 中的标记)并添加缺失的部分以获得可编译的代码后:


% character encoding
%\usepackage{fontspec} % <===================== use inputenc or fontspec
%\usepackage{sectsty} % <================== not compatible with moderncv

% adjust the page margins
    \geometry{letterpaper, top = 20mm, bottom = 20mm}

%\usepackage{import} % <============================================ ???

% <======================================================== missing part
% personal data
\title{Resumé title}
\address{street and number}{postcode city}{country}
\email{[email protected]}
\extrainfo{additional information}
\quote{Some quote}



\cventry{year--year}{Degree}{Institution--3}{City--4}{\textit{Grade}--5}{Description--6}  % arguments 3 to 6 can be left empty



生成的 pdf
