

我不明白为什么如果我将以下代码生成的表格缩小(使用 \tiny),表格会变小并保持居中,

      \caption{Participant Characteristics}
         \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{}>{\raggedright\arraybackslash\hangindent=6pt}X r@{\;}l r@{\;}l S[table-format=1.3]@{}}
               & \multicolumn{2}{c}{\thead[b]{More \\experienced \\ investors}} 
              &  \multicolumn{2}{c}{\thead[b]{Less \\experienced \\ investors}} 
              &  {\thead[b]{P-Value\tnote{*}}}\\
             Percentage who had
            previously invested in
            the stock market       
                                         & \multicolumn{2}{c}{78.50\%} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{36.78\%} & .001  \\
            Years of business work
                                &  6.35         & (6.00)             & 1.28         & (2.14)              & .001  \\
                                    &  30.46        & (5.83)             &  20.11       & (2.67)              & .001  \\
            Number of courses taken
            that discussed investing
            in mutual funds or the
            stock market        
                                &  1.58         & (1.70)              &  .95        & (1.16)             & .001  \\
            Familiarity with mutual
            funds (1 = not at all
            familiar, 7 = very
                                & 4.59      & (1.61)              & 3.63        & (4.96)             & .011  \\
            Importance in investing in
            mutual funds or the
            stock market (1 = not
            at all important, 7 =
            very important) 
                                & 5.61      & (1.39)              &  5.24       & (1.31)             & .016  \\
            Peers' views of investing
            in mutual funds or the
            stock market (1 = not
            at all desirable, 7 =
            very desirable)         &  5.14         & (1.26)             &  4.64        & (1.71)              & .009  \\
            \item[*] All tests are t-tests (one-tailed) except for the percentage investing, which is a chi-square test.


\begin{tabular}{ l l l l l l }


    \multirow{3}*{Model} & \multicolumn{2}{l}{Unstandardized}               & Standardized       &  & \\
                     & \multicolumn{2}{l}{Coefficients}                 & \multicolumn{1}{l}{Coefficients}       & t    & sig\\

                    & B & Std. Error & Beta & & \\
        (Constant)      &    30,757     &   6,188   &           &   4,971   &   ,000\\
        Interest Rate       &   ,392        &   ,129        &   ,519        &   3,031   &   ,004\\
        Exchange Rate   &   3,331   &   ,618        &   ,663        &   ,663        &   ,000\\

      \item[*] \textit{a. Dependent Variable: Investation}


此外,我想在第二个表格的顶部放置一个标题(第一个表格使用 \caption 完成),但是在第二个表格中使用 \caption 得到的标题太靠近表格本身。

第一个表的代码由 leandriis 编写(重现一个表格(使用表格?))。




\graphicspath{ {./images/} }


\usepackage{booktabs} % horizontal lines, such as \toprule, \midrule and \bottomrule
\usepackage{tabularx} % tabularx environment
\usepackage{siunitx} % S type columns to improve alignment of numbers
\usepackage{threeparttable} % tablenotes environment and \tnote commend
\usepackage{makecell} % \thead command for column headers with manual line breaks




      \caption{Participant Characteristics}
         \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{}>{\raggedright\arraybackslash\hangindent=6pt}X r@{\;}l r@{\;}l S[table-format=1.3]@{}}
               & \multicolumn{2}{c}{\thead[b]{More \\experienced \\ investors}} 
              &  \multicolumn{2}{c}{\thead[b]{Less \\experienced \\ investors}} 
              &  {\thead[b]{P-Value\tnote{*}}}\\
             Percentage who had
            previously invested in
            the stock market       
                                         & \multicolumn{2}{c}{78.50\%} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{36.78\%} & .001  \\
            Years of business work
                                &  6.35         & (6.00)             & 1.28         & (2.14)              & .001  \\
                                    &  30.46        & (5.83)             &  20.11       & (2.67)              & .001  \\
            Number of courses taken
            that discussed investing
            in mutual funds or the
            stock market        
                                &  1.58         & (1.70)              &  .95        & (1.16)             & .001  \\
            Familiarity with mutual
            funds (1 = not at all
            familiar, 7 = very
                                & 4.59      & (1.61)              & 3.63        & (4.96)             & .011  \\
            Importance in investing in
            mutual funds or the
            stock market (1 = not
            at all important, 7 =
            very important) 
                                & 5.61      & (1.39)              &  5.24       & (1.31)             & .016  \\
            Peers' views of investing
            in mutual funds or the
            stock market (1 = not
            at all desirable, 7 =
            very desirable)         &  5.14         & (1.26)             &  4.64        & (1.71)              & .009  \\
            \item[*] All tests are t-tests (one-tailed) except for the percentage investing, which is a chi-square test.

%\multirow{2}*{Elemento} & \multicolumn{3}{c}{Strati} \\
%& K & L & M \\
%idrogeno & $1$ & & \\
%litio & $2$ & $1$ & \\
%sodio & $2$ & $8$ & $1$ \\

%   \multirow{3}*{Model} & \multicolumn{3}{c}{Unstandardized Coefficients} & t & sign\\
%   \cmidrule(lr){2-4}
%                   & B & Std. Error & Beta \\
%   \midrule
%       (Constant)      &    30,757     &   6,188   &           &   4,971   &   ,000\\
%       Interest Rate       &   ,392        &   ,129        &   ,519        &   3,031   &   ,004\\
%       Exchange Rate   &   3,331   &   ,618        &   ,663        &   ,663        &   ,000\\

%\caption{t test results.}
\begin{tabular}{ l l l l l l }


    \multirow{3}*{Model} & \multicolumn{2}{l}{Unstandardized}               & Standardized       &  & \\
                     & \multicolumn{2}{l}{Coefficients}                 & \multicolumn{1}{l}{Coefficients}       & t    & sig\\

                    & B & Std. Error & Beta & & \\
        (Constant)      &    30,757     &   6,188   &           &   4,971   &   ,000\\
        Interest Rate       &   ,392        &   ,129        &   ,519        &   3,031   &   ,004\\
        Exchange Rate   &   3,331   &   ,618        &   ,663        &   ,663        &   ,000\\

      \item[*] \textit{a. Dependent Variable: Investation}


%Panel A: Percentage of Participants Willing to Invest in Mutual Funds\\
% & Small Set Condition2 & Large Set Condition2 & Difference & Chi-Square & P-Value \\
%forza & $F$ & newton \\
%energia & $E$ & joule \\
%tensione & $V$ & volt \\

