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\begin{multicols}{2}\begin{wrapfigure}{l}{100pt}\includegraphics[width=100pt]{newton.jpg}\end{wrapfigure} \footnotesize \noindent \textbf{Issac Newton} (1643\textendash1727) was a British physicist and mathematician. He is remembered as one of the greatest scientists of all time.
In his book \emph{Philosophi\ae Naturalis Principia Mathematica} (known as \emph{Principia} in short), published in 1687, he formulated mechanics and the law of gravitation, which brought a revolution in Physics and Astronomy. Before him Kepler had observed the motions of the planets of the solar system. But their explanation was unknown until then.
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\begin{wrapfigure}{l}{100pt}\includegraphics[width=100pt]{newton.jpg}\end{wrapfigure} \footnotesize \textbf{Issac Newton} (1643\textendash1727) was a British physicist and mathematician. He is remembered as one of the greatest scientists of all time.
In his book \emph{Philosophi\ae Naturalis Principia Mathematica} (known as \emph{Principia} in short), published in 1687, he formulated mechanics and the law of gravitation, which brought a revolution in Physics and Astronomy. Before him Kepler had observed the motions of the planets of the solar system. But their explanation was unknown until then.
下面是它产生的结果。输出正是我想要的,只是虽然我在浮动属性 ( )中将底部设置为优先级,但框始终位于页面顶部。