使用自定义字段并使用 biblatex/biber 计算参考文献中的列表元素

使用自定义字段并使用 biblatex/biber 计算参考文献中的列表元素

我有一个主要来源,并分析了它的参考文献(参考文献在哪些页面上被引用,就像手工backref工作一样)。我为此创建了一个新库(就像几个世纪前作者使用 LaTeX 时所做的那样),并添加了一个自定义字段,citedonpages其中包含手动发现的页面。


  • 打印每个条目的列表
  • 并计算逗号分隔的条目数?


我如何访问(打印)该citedonpages字段以及如何计算逗号分隔值的条目数?由于实际库有许多条目,因此自动化解决方案将非常有用(最好完全在 LaTeX 中)。

MWE 预览

MWE(作为使用 biblatex/biber 根据引用创建表,并以自定义字段作为列):


    \ProvidesFile{citedonpages.dbx}[2021/07/27 add citedonpages field to biblatex data model]
    \DeclareDatamodelFields[type=field,datatype=literal]{citedonpages} %comma seperated list of values

    author    = {John Miller},
    title     = {Elementary book},
    year      = {1832},
    citedonpages = {67,68,97},

    author    = {Daniel Smith},
    booktitle = {Collection of important articles},
    location  = {Amsterdam},
    title     = {Noteworthy Article},
    year      = {1744},  
    citedonpages = {5, 23, 37, 79, 248, 249, 254},


\DeclareFieldFormat{citedonpages}{\bibstring{citedonpages}\space #1}
     \textbf{Author} & \textbf{Title} & \textbf{Year} & \textbf{\# Citations} & \dots\ on pages\\
   & \plainlang{\usebibmacro{title}}
   & \plainlang{\printdate}
   & 0 % how to display counter
   & \printfield{citedonpages}



\textbf{Ideally, it should output something like:}\\
Miller, John. \textit{Elementary book}. 1832. (cited 3 times on pages 67, 68, 97)\\
Smith, Daniel. “Noteworthy Article”. In: \textit{Collection of important articles}. Amsterdam,
1744. (cited 7 times on pages 5, 23, 37, 79, 248, 249, 254)

\vspace{1cm}\textbf{Version with table} (added manually):

        {\bfseries Author} & {\bfseries Title}  & {\bfseries Year} & {\bfseries \#  Citations}  & ... on pages \\\midrule%\otoprule 
                Miller, John       & Elementary book    & 1832             & 3 & 67, 68, 97\\
        Smith, Daniel      & "Noteworthy article" & 1744           & 7 & 5, 23, 37, 79, 248, 249, 254 \\

\vspace{1cm}\textbf{Version with table} (autogenerated, but entries are missing):





这可以在 中完成,因此当从文件中读取\DeclareFieldInputHandler字段时就会发生这种情况。从 开始,包含格式良好的页面列表(没有重复)。citedonpages.bblcitedonpages

剩余的代码几乎可以详细地从使用 biblatex/biber 根据引用创建表,并以自定义字段作为列,我们只需要打印我们的citedonpages字段而不是列表biblatex pageref


\ProvidesFile{citedonpages.dbx}[2021/07/27 add citedonpages field to biblatex data model]
\DeclareDatamodelFields[type=field, datatype=literal]{citedonpages}

\usepackage[backend=biber, style=authoryear, datamodel=citedonpages]{biblatex}

\clist_new:N \l__kromuchiblx_citedonpages_clist

    \clist_set:Nn \l__kromuchiblx_citedonpages_clist {#1}
    % remove duplicates, if you want the duplicates counted,
    % move this line *after* the citecount definition
    \clist_remove_duplicates:N \l__kromuchiblx_citedonpages_clist
    % writing a new field *while* we are processing another
    % is a bit risky, ...
    \blx@bbl@fieldedef{citecount}{\clist_count:N \l__kromuchiblx_citedonpages_clist}
    % ... but works if we make sure *we* write \NewValue
    \edef\NewValue{\clist_use:Nn \l__kromuchiblx_citedonpages_clist {,~}}





     \textbf{Author} & \textbf{Title} & \textbf{Year} & \textbf{\# Citations} & \dots\ on pages\\
   & \plainlang{\usebibmacro{title}}
   & \plainlang{\printdate}
   & \plainlang{\printfield{citecount}} 
   & \plainlang{\usebibmacro{tablepageref}} \\}

  author       = {John Miller},
  title        = {Elementary book},
  year         = {1832},
  citedonpages = {67,67,68,97,67},
  author       = {Daniel Smith},
  booktitle    = {Collection of important articles},
  location     = {Amsterdam},
  title        = {Noteworthy Article},
  year         = {1744},  
  citedonpages = {5, 23, 37, 79, 248, 249, 254},


Miller, John 小学读物 1832 3 67, 68, 97//Smith, Daniel “值得注意的文章” 1744 7 5, 23, 37, 79, 248, 249, 254
