我的 latex 中,特定表格和文本之间的间距不均匀。我不明白为什么。我(孜孜不倦地)寻找与我的问题相关的示例,但一切都徒劳无功。
\usepackage[colorlinks=true,linkcolor=blue]{hyperref} %% to make the referencing clickable
% Referencing
%% Copied from repository before to make make comments
\newcommand{\tb}[1]{\noindent \textcolor{NavyBlue}{\textbf{Tom:} #1}} % 1 'cause Trom is the best!
\newcommand{\ish}[1]{\noindent \textcolor{Orange}{\textbf{Ish:} #1}}
%% For modeling
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% Headings and page layout
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% page style of "chapter"
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% definition of headings
As a part of the programme mentioned above, delivery models are designed to meet the needs of each group. The table below summarises their delivery model.
\caption{Delivery model}
\begin{tabular}{|l| c| l|} \hline
\textbf{JCVI Priority} & \textbf{Deployment strategy} & \textbf{Estimated finishing date} \\ \hline
1 and 2 & \makecell{Care home residents and staff: Resident homes \\ Over 80 years old: GP surgeries } & 5th Februrary 2021\\
3,4 and 5 & Vaccination appointment & Early March 2021 \\
6,7,8 and 9 & Mass vaccination centres & Early May 2021 \\ \hline\end{tabular}
The indicates that the vaccinations began in Scotland on 8 January 2021. However, whether the vaccination process began all across Scotland.
\usepackage[colorlinks=true,linkcolor=blue]{hyperref} %% to make the referencing clickable
% Referencing
%% Copied from repository before to make make comments
\newcommand{\tb}[1]{\noindent \textcolor{NavyBlue}{\textbf{Tom:} #1}} % 1 'cause Trom is the best!
\newcommand{\ish}[1]{\noindent \textcolor{Orange}{\textbf{Ish:} #1}}
%% For modeling
\usepackage{optidef} % Ugly package, remove this package later.
\geometry{a4paper,left=2cm,right=2.0cm, top=2cm, bottom=2.0cm}
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% Headings and page layout
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\usepackage{fancyhdr} % to design my own headings
\usepackage{titlesec, titletoc} % to design my own toc and part/chapter/section styles
% page style of "chapter"
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\titleformat{\subsection}[display]{\Large \bfseries}
% definition of headings
As a part of the programme mentioned above, delivery models are designed to meet the needs of each group. The table below summarises their delivery model.
\caption{Delivery model}
\textbf{JCVI Priority} &
\textbf{Deployment strategy} &
\textbf{Estimated finishing date} \\
1 and 2 &
\makecell{Care home residents and staff: Resident homes \\
Over 80 years old: GP surgeries } &
5th Februrary 2021 \\
3,4 and 5 &
Vaccination appointment & Early March 2021 \\
6,7,8 and 9 &
Mass vaccination centres & Early May 2021 \\
%\vspace{-3mm} %% <------
The indicates that the vaccinations began in Scotland on 8 January
2021. However, whether the vaccination process began all across