



无论如何,我的 MWE 代码如下。


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\pgfpagesuselayout{2 on 1}

\begin{longtable}{m{4.75cm} m{9.5cm}}
\flushright{\vspace{-83pt} {\bf Aug. 25, 1905 ---}} & A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. \\[10pt] 
\flushright{\vspace*{-64pt} {\bf Aug. 27, 1905 ---}} & A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. \\[10pt]
\flushright{\vspace{-133pt} \bf Apr. 5, 1912 ---} & A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. \\[10pt]
\flushright{\vskip -114pt {\bf May 8, 1913 ---}} & A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. \\[10pt]
\flushright{\vspace{-81pt} {\bf Sept. 30, 1914 ---}} & A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. \\[10pt] 
\flushright{\vspace*{-64pt} {\bf Jan. 20, 1918 ---}} & A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. \\[10pt]
\flushright{\vspace{-137pt} \bf Aug. 2, 1925 ---} & A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. \\[10pt]
\flushright{\vskip -109pt {\bf Dec. 12, 1928 ---}} & A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. 






\item[\textbf{Sept. 1, 1910 ---}] A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. %\lipsum[2]




问题:使用enumerate我所描述的包是否是使用 编写的繁琐代码的最佳替代方案longtable?如果是这样,我该如何修改代码,enumerate以便我可以将日期重新定位到默认位置以下一点。(此外,如果有更可行的方法来采用该longtable方法,或者有更好的方法来同时使用这两种方法---请提供建议。)






\SetLabelAlign{crono}{\raisebox{-1ex}[0pt][0pt]{\makebox[0pt][r]{\textbf{#1 ---}}}}

\begin{description}[align=crono, itemindent=0pt, leftmargin=1cm, rightmargin=0cm, parsep=2ex]

\item[Sept. 1, 1910] A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. %\lipsum[2]

\item[September 1, 1910] A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. %\lipsum[2]




一个功能强大的新表管理软件包是tabularray。包括一个 longtable 环境。







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\pgfpagesuselayout{2 on 1}

\usepackage{tabularray} % added
\usepackage{adjustbox} % added <<<<<<<<<<


    [caption = {A Long Long Long Long Long Long Long Table},
{       colspec = {X[-1,r]X[l]}, % auto adjust columns widths   
        width = \linewidth, % width of the table
        abovesep =20pt, % space above the row
        column{1} = {preto=\bfseries\begin{adjustbox}{raise=-1ex}}, % lower cell by 1ex
        column{1} = {appto=\end{adjustbox}},
Aug. 25, 1905 ---   & A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. \\
Aug. 27, 1905 ---   & A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. \\
Apr. 5, 1912 ---    & A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. \\
May 8, 1913 ---     & A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. \\
Sept. 30, 1914 ---  & A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. \\ 
Jan. 20, 1918 ---   & A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. \\
Aug. 2, 1925 ---    & A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. \\
Dec. 12, 1928 ---   & A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event.  \\
Apr. 24, 1946 ---   & A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event.\\
Jan. 11, 1988 ---   & A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event.A description of an event. A description of an event. A description of an event.\\
