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涉及数学模式的引用中出现神秘的“natbib”错误:.bbl 文件中的“未加载”


  author =       {Gaoting Lin and Jaehong Jeong and Chaebin Kim and Yao Wang and Qing Huang and Takatsugu Masuda and Shinichiro Asai and Shinichi Itoh and Gerrit G\"unther and Margarita Russina and Zhilun Lu and Jieming Sheng and Le Wang and Jiucai Wang and Guohua Wang and Qingyong Ren and Chuanying Xi and Wei Tong and Langsheng Ling and Zhengxin Liu and Liusuo Wu and Jiawei Mei and Zhe Qu and Haidong Zhou and Je-Geun Park and Yuan Wan and Jie Ma},
  title =        {Field-induced quantum spin disordered state in spin-1/2 honeycomb magnet {Na$_2$Co$_2$TeO$_6$} with small {K}itaev interaction},
        language = {en},
        number = {1},
        urldate = {2021-10-02},
        journal = {Nature Communications},
        month = sep,
        year = {2021},
        pages = {5559},

  author =       {Wong, Cheryl and Avdeev, Maxim and Ling, Chris D.},
  title =        {Zig-zag magnetic ordering in honeycomb-layered {Na$_3$Co$_2$SbO$_6$}},
  journal =      {J. Solid State Chem.},
  year =         {2016},
  OPTkey =       {},
  volume =       {243},
  OPTnumber =    {},
  pages =        {18},
  OPTmonth =     {},
  url = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0022459616302997},
  doi = {10.1016/j.jssc.2016.07.032},
  OPTnote =      {},
  OPTannote =    {}

  title = {Zigzag antiferromagnetic ground state with anisotropic correlation lengths in the 
           quasi-two-dimensional honeycomb lattice compound                                                                         
  author = {Bera, A. K. and Yusuf, S. M. and Kumar, Amit and Ritter, C.},
  journal = {Phys. Rev. B},
  volume = {95},
  issue = {9},
  pages = {094424},
  numpages = {12},
  year = {2017},
  month = {Mar},
  publisher = {American Physical Society},
  doi = {10.1103/PhysRevB.95.094424},
  url = {https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.95.094424}

  title = {Magnetic properties of the honeycomb oxide $\mathrm{Na}_{2}\mathrm{Co}_{2}\mathrm{TeO}_{6}$},                                                      
  author = {Lefran\ifmmode \mbox{\c{c}}\else \c{c}\fi{}ois, E. and Songvilay, M. and Robert, J. and Nataf, G. and Jordan, E. and Chaix, L. and Colin, C. V. and Lejay, P. and Hadj-Azzem, A. and Ballou, R. and Simonet, V.},
  journal = {Phys. Rev. B},
  volume = {94},
  issue = {21},
  pages = {214416},
  numpages = {9},
  year = {2016},
  month = {Dec},
  publisher = {American Physical Society},
  doi = {10.1103/PhysRevB.94.214416},
  url = {https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.94.214416}




\cite{bera_zigzag_2017, wong_zigzag_2016, lefrancois_magnetic_2016}


{{\selectlanguage {en}\enquote {\bibinfo {title} {Field-induced quantum spin
  disordered state in spin-1/2 honeycomb magnet {Na$_2$Co$_2$TeO$_6$} with
  small {K}itaev interaction},}\ }}

声称某些东西“未加载”。(?) 鉴于“场诱导”论文的引用正确呈现,这尤其奇怪。发生了什么,我需要牺牲多少只山羊来安抚 bibtex 神灵?




language = {en},

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    month = sep,


    month = {Sep},


通过对 bib 文件的这些更改,您将获得以下 MWE(我添加了带有包的 bib 文件filecontents,并使用类revtex4-2代替过时的revtex4-1):

  author =       {Gaoting Lin and Jaehong Jeong and Chaebin Kim and Yao Wang and Qing Huang and Takatsugu Masuda and Shinichiro Asai and Shinichi Itoh and Gerrit G\"unther and Margarita Russina and Zhilun Lu and Jieming Sheng and Le Wang and Jiucai Wang and Guohua Wang and Qingyong Ren and Chuanying Xi and Wei Tong and Langsheng Ling and Zhengxin Liu and Liusuo Wu and Jiawei Mei and Zhe Qu and Haidong Zhou and Je-Geun Park and Yuan Wan and Jie Ma},
  title =        {Field-induced quantum spin disordered state in spin-1/2 honeycomb magnet {Na$_2$Co$_2$TeO$_6$} with small {K}itaev interaction},
        number = {1},
        urldate = {2021-10-02},
        journal = {Nature Communications},
        month = {Sep},
        year = {2021},
        pages = {5559},

  author =       {Wong, Cheryl and Avdeev, Maxim and Ling, Chris D.},
  title =        {Zig-zag magnetic ordering in honeycomb-layered {Na$_3$Co$_2$SbO$_6$}},
  journal =      {J. Solid State Chem.},
  year =         {2016},
  OPTkey =       {},
  volume =       {243},
  OPTnumber =    {},
  pages =        {18},
  OPTmonth =     {},
  url = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0022459616302997},
  doi = {10.1016/j.jssc.2016.07.032},
  OPTnote =      {},
  OPTannote =    {}

  title = {Zigzag antiferromagnetic ground state with anisotropic correlation lengths in the 
           quasi-two-dimensional honeycomb lattice compound                                                                         
  author = {Bera, A. K. and Yusuf, S. M. and Kumar, Amit and Ritter, C.},
  journal = {Phys. Rev. B},
  volume = {95},
  issue = {9},
  pages = {094424},
  numpages = {12},
  year = {2017},
  month = {Mar},
  publisher = {American Physical Society},
  doi = {10.1103/PhysRevB.95.094424},
  url = {https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.95.094424}

  title = {Magnetic properties of the honeycomb oxide $\mathrm{Na}_{2}\mathrm{Co}_{2}\mathrm{TeO}_{6}$},                                                      
  author = {Lefran\ifmmode \mbox{\c{c}}\else \c{c}\fi{}ois, E. and Songvilay, M. and Robert, J. and Nataf, G. and Jordan, E. and Chaix, L. and Colin, C. V. and Lejay, P. and Hadj-Azzem, A. and Ballou, R. and Simonet, V.},
  journal = {Phys. Rev. B},
  volume = {94},
  issue = {21},
  pages = {214416},
  numpages = {9},
  year = {2016},
  month = {Dec},
  publisher = {American Physical Society},
  doi = {10.1103/PhysRevB.94.214416},
  url = {https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.94.214416}

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\cite{bera_zigzag_2017, wong_zig-zag_2016, lefrancois_magnetic_2016}

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