感谢 campa 的评论(谢谢!),我得出了以下多个版本:
- 高于基线
- 数学对齐
- 以基线为中心
- 水平居中于基线
%% https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/528774/excess-vertical-space-in-vdots/528775#528775
\vbox{\baselineskip4\p@ \lineskiplimit\z@%
% vcenter is used to center the argument on the 'math axis', which is at half the height of an 'x', or about the position of a minus sign.
\rotatebox{90}{% Maybe better options than rotatebox...
\DeclareRobustCommand{\chdotsLdots}{% Has a small space on the right and left, which chdots does not have
\node[fill=red] (A) {A};
\node[fill=blue,below=of A] (B) {B};
\path (A) -- (B) node[midway,anchor=center] {\makebox[0pt][r]{$n$ }$\cvdotsCenterMathline$};
% Show baseline then vdots:
Order: Original, above baseline, aligned for math, centered on baseline, horizontal and centered on baseline (2 versions):\\