更新:该问题已在 tkz-euclide ver. 4.00 中修复。
\tkzDefLine[orthogonal=through A_1](B,C)\tkzGetPoint{a} %no problem for "through A"
%no problem for parallel option
%\tkzDefLine[parallel=through A_1](B,C)\tkzGetPoint{a}
%no problem for other macro
%\tkzDefPointBy[inversion=center B through A_1](C)\tkzGetPoint{a}
我在代码中对 TikZ 和 tkz-euclide 有一些注释。
%\tkzDefLine[orthogonal=through A1] (B,C) % <<< a blank syntax error
\tkzDefLine[orthogonal=through A1](B,C)
%\tkzDefLine[parallel=through A1] (B,C) % <<< a blank syntax error
\tkzDefLine[parallel=through A1](B,C)
%\tkzDefPointBy[inversion=center B through A1] (C) % <<< a blank syntax error
\tkzDefPointBy[inversion=center B through A1](C)
%\tkzLabelPoints(P) % with `s`, it works
%\tkzLabelPoint(P) % without `s`, it does not work ^^
\tkzLabelPoint[right](P){$P$} % without `s`, and label, it works again ^^
%\tkzLabelPoint[right] (P){$P$} % without `s`, and label, and a blank, it doesnot works again ^^
(0,0) coordinate (B) node[below left]{$B$}
(5,0) coordinate (C) node[below right]{$C$}
(4,3.5) coordinate (A) node[above right]{$A$}
($(A)+.3*(C)-.3*(B)$) coordinate (Ar)
($(A)-(C)+(B)$) coordinate (Al)
($(B)!(A)!(C)$) coordinate (H);
\draw (A)--(B)--(C)--cycle;
\draw[red] (Al)--(Ar);
\draw[blue,shorten >=-1cm,shorten <=-1cm] (A)--(H);
\foreach \p in {A,B,C}
\draw[fill=white] (\p) circle(1.5pt);