tikz 工作流程中的 90 度箭头

tikz 工作流程中的 90 度箭头


\usepackage{tikz, ulem}

\tikzstyle{decision} = [diamond, draw, fill = white, font = \footnotesize, minimum height = 2mm, text centered,
 minimum width= 5cm, text width = 5cm , node distance = 15em]

\tikzstyle{line} = [draw, -stealth', thick, font = \footnotesize]

\tikzstyle{elli} = [draw, ellipse, fill = white, text centered,
 minimum height = 7mm, text width = 10em,  minimum width=1.5cm, font=\footnotesize ,node distance = 17em]

\tikzstyle{box}=[draw, rectangle, fill = white, font = \footnotesize, minimum width=1.5cm, text centered,
text width = 12em, minimum height = 8mm , node distance = 17em]



thick,scale = 0.5, every node /.style ={scale=0.5}%,

\node[elli](step1){ \textbf{\uline{Si}} \\ };
\node[box, right of= step1](step2){ \textbf {\uline{Hai una problema?}} \\ };
\node[elli, right of= step2](step3){\textbf  {\uline{No}} \\ };
\node[box, below of= step1]%, yshift = +9em]
                           (step11){{\centering\textbf{} \par}
                                                                        Puoi fare qualcosa?}; 
\node[decision, below of= step3, yshift = -20em] %, yshift = +7em]
                           (step31){{\centering\textbf{} \par}
                                                                      Non ti preoccupare. 

\node[elli, below of= step11, xshift = -16em ] % , yshift = +5em]
                           (step21){{\centering\textbf{Si} \par} };
\node[elli, below of= step11, xshift = +16em ] % , yshift = +5em]
(step22){{\centering\textbf{No} \par} };       
\draw [->, very thick] (step2) to [out=150,in=30] (step1);
\draw [->, very thick] (step2) to [out=30,in=150] (step3);

\draw [->, very thick] (step21) to [out=270,in=180] (step31);
\draw [->, very thick] (step22) to [out=270,in=200] (step31);

%\draw[->] (step21) -| (step31); 

\caption{Non ti preoccupi }






  • \tikzstyle被认为已被弃用,我改用stylename/.style={...}a 中的多个\tikzset
  • below of=我使用了而不是。前一种语法被视为已弃用,而后一种语法由您已加载的库below=of定义。positioning
  • 我从节点中删除了所有\\\centering等,我真的不认为它们是必要的?\par
  • 我定义了“你有问题吗”节点第一的,并将是/否节点相对于该节点放置,而不是先定义是节点。
  • 我从节点样式中删除了所有node distance=...和。fill=white
  • 是/否节点与below left=of ...和放在一起below right=of ...
  • 一般节点距离设置为1cm and 0cm。即垂直方向为1cm,水平方向为0cm。below left也会设置anchor=north east
  • below=2cm of ...通过说而不是仅仅 ,将最后一个节点向下推一点below=of ...
  • 我还删除了所有额外的缩放比例scaleresizebox。我真的不认为它们有什么意义。\resizebox我认为,这通常是缩放此类图表的最后手段。

\usepackage{tikz, ulem}

    decision/.style={diamond, draw, font = \footnotesize, minimum height = 2mm, text centered,},
    line/.style={-Stealth, thick},
    elli/.style={draw, ellipse, -Stealth, text centered,
 minimum height = 7mm, text width = 5em,  minimum width=1.5cm, font=\footnotesize},
    box/.style={draw, rectangle, font = \footnotesize, minimum width=1.5cm, text centered,
text width = 12em, minimum height = 8mm}
\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=1cm and 0cm]
\node[box](step2){ \textbf {\uline{Hai una problema?}}};

\node[elli, below left=of step2] (step1) {\textbf{\uline{Si}}};
\node[elli, below right=of step2] (step3) {\textbf{\uline{No}}};
\node[box, below=of step1]  (step11) {Puoi fare qualcosa?}; 
\node[decision, below=2cm of step3] (step31) {Non ti preoccupare.};

\node[elli, below left=1cm and 0mm of step11, anchor=north] (step21){\textbf{Si}};
\node[elli, below right=1cm and 0mm of step11, anchor=north] (step22) {\textbf{No}};
\draw [line] (step2) -- (step1);
\draw [line] (step2) -- (step3);
\draw [line] (step1) -- (step11);
\draw [line] (step11) -- (step21);
\draw [line] (step11) -- (step22);
\draw [line] (step3) -- (step31);

\draw [line] (step21) to [out=270,in=230] (step31);
\draw [line] (step22) to [out=270,in=200] (step31);

\caption{Non ti preoccupi }
