\usepackage[a4paper, total={6in, 8in}]{geometry}
\usetikzlibrary{positioning,calc,arrows.meta}%arrows is deprecated
\begin{tabular}{|p{0.4\linewidth} | p{0.5\linewidth}|}
Visit Type & Fixed-Point Loop? \\ \\
Circular visit inside of circular visit & No fixed-point loop. Since the parent visit repeats the evaluation, its loop includes the child visit as well.\\ \hline
Non-circular visit in circular visit & No fixed-point loop. Visit has to evaluate only once. \\ \hline
Non-circular visit in non-circular visit & No fixed-point loop. Visit has to evaluate only once. \\ \hline
Circular visit in non-circular visit & Needs fixed-point loop. \\ \hline
\end{tabular}\caption{case-by-case analysis of loop requirement in CRAG visit sequence evaluator}
- 对于您的下一个问题:您的代码包含许多不必要的包。
- 您两次将(完整的!)表格居中(使用
版本更好,因为它没有添加额外的垂直空白,请参阅何时应使用 \begin{center} 而不是 \centering?。 - 关于第一个问题(将单元格内容居中),我提供了一个基于在表格环境中对齐特定单元格。
- 对于另一个问题(单词间距),我建议看看表格中 p{length} 框的右对齐或者如何使表格中的段落单元格左对齐?(我现在必须停止拖延并开始做我的实际工作:))。
\begin{tabular}{|p{0.4\linewidth} | p{0.5\linewidth}|}
% https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/33486
\multicolumn{1}{|c|}{Visit Type} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{Fixed-Point Loop?} \\
Circular visit inside of circular visit & No fixed-point loop. Since the parent visit repeats the evaluation, its loop includes the child visit as well.\\ \hline
Non-circular visit in circular visit & No fixed-point loop. Visit has to evaluate only once. \\ \hline
Non-circular visit in non-circular visit & No fixed-point loop. Visit has to evaluate only once. \\ \hline
Circular visit in non-circular visit & Needs fixed-point loop. \\ \hline
\end{tabular}\caption{case-by-case analysis of loop requirement in CRAG visit sequence evaluator}
\usepackage[a4paper, total={6in, 8in}]{geometry}
\usepackage{booktabs} % for the second rendering
\begin{tabular}{|p{0.4\linewidth} | p{0.5\linewidth}|}
\centering Visit Type & \centering Fixed-Point Loop? \tabularnewline
Circular visit inside of circular visit &
No fixed-point loop. Since the parent visit repeats the evaluation,
its loop includes the child visit as well. \\
Non-circular visit in circular visit &
No fixed-point loop. Visit has to evaluate only once. \\
Non-circular visit in non-circular visit &
No fixed-point loop. Visit has to evaluate only once. \\
Circular visit in non-circular visit &
Needs fixed-point loop. \\
\caption{Case-by-case analysis of loop requirement in CRAG visit sequence evaluator}
\begin{tabular}{@{} l p{0.6\linewidth} @{}}
Visit Type & \centering Fixed-Point Loop? \tabularnewline
Circular in circular &
No fixed-point loop. Since the parent visit repeats the evaluation,
its loop includes the child visit as well. \\
Non-circular in circular &
No fixed-point loop. Visit has to evaluate only once. \\
Non-circular in non-circular &
No fixed-point loop. Visit has to evaluate only once. \\
Circular in non-circular &
Needs fixed-point loop. \\
\caption{Case-by-case analysis of loop requirement in CRAG visit sequence evaluator}
包。使用它来定义第一行(包含列标题)和线条样式很简单。以下是两个示例/与@egreg 答案 (+1) 中的示例类似/:
\usepackage[a4paper, total={6in, 8in}]{geometry}
\begin{tblr}{hline{1,Z}=1pt, hline{2}=0.6pt, hline{3-Y}={solid},
colspec={Q[j,t, wd=0.4\linewidth] Q[j,t, wd=0.5\linewidth]},
row{1} = {font=\bfseries, c}% content of cells in the first row
% are horizontal centered
Visit Type & Fixed-Point Loop? \\
Circular visit inside of circular visit
& No fixed-point loop. Since the parent visit repeats the evaluation,
its loop includes the child visit as well. \\
Non-circular visit in circular visit
& No fixed-point loop. Visit has to evaluate only once. \\
Non-circular visit in non-circular visit
& No fixed-point loop. Visit has to evaluate only once. \\
Circular visit in non-circular visit
& Needs fixed-point loop. \\
\caption{Case-by-case analysis of loop requirement in CRAG visit sequence evaluator}
\begin{tblr}{hline{1,Z}=1pt, hline{2}=0.6pt,
colspec={@{} Q[j,t, wd=0.4\linewidth] Q[j,t, wd=0.5\linewidth] @{}},
row{1} = {font=\bfseries, c},
row{2-Y} = {belowsep+=3pt}
Visit Type & Fixed-Point Loop? \\
Circular visit inside of circular visit
& No fixed-point loop. Since the parent visit repeats the evaluation,
its loop includes the child visit as well. \\
Non-circular visit in circular visit
& No fixed-point loop. Visit has to evaluate only once. \\
Non-circular visit in non-circular visit
& No fixed-point loop. Visit has to evaluate only once. \\
Circular visit in non-circular visit
& Needs fixed-point loop. \\
\caption{Case-by-case analysis of loop requirement in CRAG visit sequence evaluator}