

我在花哨的标题/几何设置中弄乱了一些东西,我得到了标题行多于标题文本. 错误在哪里以及如何获取显示标题文本的默认行为多于这条线?




% vim:ft=tex:
\documentclass[12pt, twoside]{article}


% Use if Arial font unavailable
% \usepackage{helvet}
% \renewcommand{\familydefault}{\sfdefault}

% Geometry has to be loaded before the footer

\usepackage{lastpage} % for the last page number

% Add a line above footer
\renewcommand{\footrulewidth}{0.4pt}% default is 0pt
% Define footer
\fancyfoot[EL,OR]{\footnotesize \thepage\ /\ \pageref{LastPage}}
\fancyfoot[ER,OL]{\footnotesize \runauthor}

% Define header
\fancyhead[EL, OR]{\footnotesize \runtitle}
% Add line above footer

% Define style to be used for the first page
   \renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0.0pt} % I would hope for this to delete header rule on the first page
   \fancyfoot[OR]{\footnotesize \thepage\ /\ \pageref{LastPage}}

% Section font sizes

% Title page configuration
\title{\vspace{-2cm}Title of the Document\vspace{-5mm}}
\author{Author Name\vspace{-5mm}}

% Store author and report title for headers

% Create line spacing

% Dummy text generation


% Use special first page style on the first page



\subsection{SubSection One}


\subsection{SubSection Two}


\section{Section Two}





我的建议是将实际标题放在 中\runtitle,然后在命令中使用它\title,而不是反过来。同样适用于\runauthor/\author

\documentclass[12pt, twoside]{article}


% Use if Arial font unavailable
% \usepackage{helvet}
% \renewcommand{\familydefault}{\sfdefault}

% Geometry has to be loaded before the footer

\usepackage{lastpage} % for the last page number

% Add a line above footer
\renewcommand{\footrulewidth}{0.4pt}% default is 0pt
% Define footer
\fancyfoot[EL,OR]{\footnotesize \thepage\ /\ \pageref{LastPage}}
\fancyfoot[ER,OL]{\footnotesize \runauthor}

% Define header
\fancyhead[EL, OR]{\footnotesize \runtitle}
% Add line above footer

% Define style to be used for the first page
   \renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0.0pt} % I would hope for this to delete header rule on the first page
   \fancyfoot[OR]{\footnotesize \thepage\ /\ \pageref{LastPage}}

% Section font sizes

% Title page configuration
\newcommand{\runtitle}{Title of the Document}
\newcommand{\runauthor}{Author Name}

% Create line spacing

% Dummy text generation


% Use special first page style on the first page



\subsection{SubSection One}


\subsection{SubSection Two}


\section{Section Two}


