Tikz 条形图中的文本自动换行吗?

Tikz 条形图中的文本自动换行吗?

我正在尝试在 LaTeX 文档中获取多个条形图(每页 4 个)。问题出在某些图表的标题和标签文本上。它显示了调查结果,一些问题有长文本和响应文本。有没有办法让 tikz 图表“自动”换行/换行问题或响应的文本?我试过手动添加,\\但那不起作用,而且有问题,因为我正在使用电子表格中的宏以编程方式创建 TeX 代码,所以不一定能手动添加\\或其他换行符。如果 PGF/TikZ/LaTeX 可以自动换行以使其适合,那就太理想了。

这是没有显示每页 4 个图表的 MWE,但问题仍然很明显。任何帮助都将不胜感激。谢谢。

%\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} % caused compilation errors!


\g@addto@macro\@floatboxreset\centering % automatically center floats

        hatch distance/.store in=\hatchdistance,
        hatch distance=10pt,
        hatch thickness/.store in=\hatchthickness,
        hatch thickness=2pt
    \pgfdeclarepatternformonly[\hatchdistance,\hatchthickness]{flexible hatch}

\newcommand\qText{My school provides me with information about my next steps, for example, choosing qualifications for the futue, going to university or other education and training options like apprenticeships, or finding a job.}
\newcommand\resA{Yes, I received the right amount of information that was helpful}
\newcommand\resB{Yes, but it was too much information and was not helpful}
\newcommand\resC{Yes, but there wasn’t enough information that was helpful}
\newcommand\resD{No, I haven't received any information}
        axis on top,
        bar width=0.6cm,
        %ymajorgrids, tick align=inside,
        enlarge y limits=true,
        axis x line*=bottom,
        axis y line*=left,
        y axis line style={opacity=0},
        enlarge x limits=false,
    xlabel={\% of Respondents},
    symbolic y coords={{\resE}, {\resD}, {\resC}, {\resB}, {\resA}},
    nodes near coords, nodes near coords align={horizontal},
    \addplot[draw=blue!45, samples=100,
        pattern=flexible hatch,
        pattern color=blue!45] coordinates {(\valA,{\resA}) (\valB,{\resB}) (\valC,{\resC}) (\valD,{\resD}) (\valE,{\resE})};



您的 MWE 中有一些包与情节无关,因此我从下面的代码中删除了它们。我还在\makeatother带有 的块后面添加了缺失的内容\pgfdeclarepatternformonly

要在标题中使用换行符,您可以使用选项title style,要设置 y 刻度的样式,请使用y tick label style。您实际上需要告诉 PGF 您希望文本节点的内容对齐(右对齐、居中对齐或左对齐)并指定具体的(最大)文本宽度。然后会自动应用换行符。

您可能需要稍微调整一下间距。最重要的是,如果 y 标签包含换行符,则需要增加图的高度。




        hatch distance/.store in=\hatchdistance,
        hatch distance=10pt,
        hatch thickness/.store in=\hatchthickness,
        hatch thickness=2pt
    \pgfdeclarepatternformonly[\hatchdistance,\hatchthickness]{flexible hatch}
\newcommand\qText{My school provides me with information about my next steps, for example, choosing qualifications for the futue, going to university or other education and training options like apprenticeships, or finding a job.}
\newcommand\resA{Yes, I received the right amount of information that was helpful}
\newcommand\resB{Yes, but it was too much information and was not helpful}
\newcommand\resC{Yes, but there wasn’t enough information that was helpful}
\newcommand\resD{No, I haven't received any information}
    axis on top,
    bar width=0.6cm,
    %ymajorgrids, tick align=inside,
    enlarge y limits=true,
    axis x line*=bottom,
    axis y line*=left,
    y axis line style={opacity=0},
    enlarge x limits=false,
    title style={align=left, text width=21cm},
    xlabel={\% of Respondents},
    symbolic y coords={{\resE}, {\resD}, {\resC}, {\resB}, {\resA}},
    y tick label style={align=right, text width=9.5cm},
    nodes near coords, nodes near coords align={horizontal},
    \addplot[draw=blue!45, samples=100,
        pattern=flexible hatch,
        pattern color=blue!45] coordinates {(\valA,{\resA}) (\valB,{\resB}) (\valC,{\resC}) (\valD,{\resD}) (\valE,{\resE})};


